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Wed. - Oct. 24

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    Wed. - Oct. 24

    Hi Everyone: I'm just beginning day 19. It feels great to be sober for a fairly long period of time. Because I had accumulated quite a few AF days even before this AF run, I feel that the alcohol has completely left my system, & my brain is readjusting itself.

    I've been looking at the thinking that gets me drinking. I know now that the romantic fantasies of drinking that are portrayed in the ads & TV are just that: fantasies. The reality for me is throwing up, headaches, & shame.

    My real demon is the escapist drinking. There are times when I just don't want to live w/myself & in my world. I feel that drinking offers me an escape.
    -I'm working on getting through difficult situations AF & coming out the other side.
    -I'm working on resolving conflicts instead of putting them off.
    -I'm working on learning to take care of myself so that I don't need alcohol in order to rest.

    If anyone has other ways they prevent that "I need, need, need a drink" feeling, feel free to share it here. Love, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Wed. - Oct. 24

    wow Mary! Amen! Your clarity and self-reflection and honesty and determination continue to be an inspiration.... truly........

    thanks for sharing it all-

    wonder xx


      Wed. - Oct. 24


      I am working on dealing with anxiety without alcohol. This is my sticky point.

      I am truly considering learning meditation. My doctor says it is a very good exercise because it is really learning to listen to your body and your mind and figuring out how to control them. Kind of like bio-feedback.

      Tonight I am going to come back to my hotel room and read up on meditation and give it a try.

      My new thought, "Alcohol makes my anxiety worse. Worse than that, alcohol prevents me from learning how to deal with everyday normal situations that cause anxiety."

      AF April 9, 2016


        Wed. - Oct. 24

        Cindi: I agree that drinking to cope prevents us from learning how to really cope. Yes, it increases anxiety, because it puts off the inevitable: dealing w/difficult situations & emotions. These are the types of things I (as an alcoholic) must learn to do all over again. Thanks for that reminder. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Wed. - Oct. 24

          Good morning Abbers!

          I love your post Mary. 19 days, way to go!

          wonder - a hello to you.

          Cindi - anxiety SUCKS. Ever since my problems with alcohol and 'educating' myself about it, I cannot believe how many people in this world suffer from anxiety. It was mentioned to me back in January by xtexan (Neil), meditation really helps. Of course I haven't tried it yet myself, but it really helps one relax. You are doing great BTW. White knuckles and all ;-)

          Tis' a rainy day here today. Yesterday we actually had a BEAUTIFUL sunny day - so took advantage of it. I really believe I am out of my 'funk' that I had been in the last week and a half. No more cravings......... so more intense sadness and frustration. WHEW! Glad that dip in emotions went away fast.

          Have a great day all!


            Wed. - Oct. 24

            Late check in for garlic breath! whew! I'm attempting to do carpentry today and have the scars to prove it

            very nice Mary, love the days kick-start.

            for me it's just reprogramming through repetition. we are trying to change a deeply engrained middle-brain function...something not changed overnight. so if we understand that and don't be WILL change for the better. Well done BTW!

            and a big yes to the meditation. Great idea.

            be well everyone....zooom zooooom
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)

