Wow, some wiener roast we had last night hey? Lots of hot dogs,

And the fireworks! Wow!

Well, had a very productive day yesterday (may be Wednesday off from work, but just means I work like a slave at home instead). It was a beautiful day, so I got the yard all cleaned up and even ripped apart an old metal decorative gazebo that was all rusting and lopsided. Now I just have to get my hubby to haul it away (no doubt will be some grumbling about that!) Put the hose away, etc. Now all ready for winter, and unfortunately it?s coming - the forecast for the rest of the week is for very cool weather, I lucked out today!
I really did intend to get to the gym today, but with all this other exercise I guess it didn?t matter too much that I plumb ran out of ?day? before I knew it. Are we still going to do an exercise challenge? Holler out if you are on board. I propose we just do something, each of us can decide for ourselves - 5 days out of the week. I will count today as 1 day for myself. Tomorrow I will definitely get to the gym - Friday I may take off because hubby is going away again on Saturday and he had already made plans for us to go out on Friday night.
You know, I never would have believed it 5 months ago that I would be ?mod?ing the way I am now - as I mentioned before, we did go out for supper last week, and had a few glasses of wine w supper. Thoroughly enjoyed it. That was Saturday night. Sunday I got up, and went about my business - and never even had any of the naggy little voices in my head - ?Oh, that wine was so good last night - maybe we could cheat and have just a little bit tonight? (Read - several bottles) And go back on ?mods? tomorrow?? I was content, and knew that the next time we go out for supper, I will indeed have 2 more glasses of wine - and that?s all. THIS WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED BEFORE!!!!! So, two things;
1. If I can do this, I am sure many of you could. But give yourself lots and lots of AF time before you attempt to mod, and set yourself some very strict rules as to what your ?mods? will be. If you feel even tempted to break those rules, you will know you are not ready to attempt mods, if ever.
2. Thank you, thank you, thank you, all of you wonderful people here at MWO who have really helped me change my mindset, and show me that I CAN do this. And most of all, thanks to RJ, for her knowledge, experience, research, and for creating this website. Bless you.