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The Inn for 30 - Thursday, October 25th

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    The Inn for 30 - Thursday, October 25th

    Morning All!

    Wow, some wiener roast we had last night hey? Lots of hot dogs, roasted marshmallows, and even some sausages (Bangers, pardon me) for Finding! Good thing the Inn stocks an incredible variety, because the cat had got into some, and we had to throw those away!

    And the fireworks! Wow! Thanks, Rob, for all your hard work. It was a truly spectacular show!

    Well, had a very productive day yesterday (may be Wednesday off from work, but just means I work like a slave at home instead). It was a beautiful day, so I got the yard all cleaned up and even ripped apart an old metal decorative gazebo that was all rusting and lopsided. Now I just have to get my hubby to haul it away (no doubt will be some grumbling about that!) Put the hose away, etc. Now all ready for winter, and unfortunately it?s coming - the forecast for the rest of the week is for very cool weather, I lucked out today!

    I really did intend to get to the gym today, but with all this other exercise I guess it didn?t matter too much that I plumb ran out of ?day? before I knew it. Are we still going to do an exercise challenge? Holler out if you are on board. I propose we just do something, each of us can decide for ourselves - 5 days out of the week. I will count today as 1 day for myself. Tomorrow I will definitely get to the gym - Friday I may take off because hubby is going away again on Saturday and he had already made plans for us to go out on Friday night.

    You know, I never would have believed it 5 months ago that I would be ?mod?ing the way I am now - as I mentioned before, we did go out for supper last week, and had a few glasses of wine w supper. Thoroughly enjoyed it. That was Saturday night. Sunday I got up, and went about my business - and never even had any of the naggy little voices in my head - ?Oh, that wine was so good last night - maybe we could cheat and have just a little bit tonight? (Read - several bottles) And go back on ?mods? tomorrow?? I was content, and knew that the next time we go out for supper, I will indeed have 2 more glasses of wine - and that?s all. THIS WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED BEFORE!!!!! So, two things;

    1. If I can do this, I am sure many of you could. But give yourself lots and lots of AF time before you attempt to mod, and set yourself some very strict rules as to what your ?mods? will be. If you feel even tempted to break those rules, you will know you are not ready to attempt mods, if ever.

    2. Thank you, thank you, thank you, all of you wonderful people here at MWO who have really helped me change my mindset, and show me that I CAN do this. And most of all, thanks to RJ, for her knowledge, experience, research, and for creating this website. Bless you.
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

    The Inn for 30 - Thursday, October 25th

    Finding on her great adventure!
    Hey Finding! Glad you had such a great day, sounds like the travel adventures were almost as exciting as the scenery -- and such sweet presents your beautiful children gave you. A present that someone gives you that they have remembered you mooning over at some time in the past means so much more than one that they just walked into a shop and bought without a whole lot of thought. I?m sure you will wear your cross necklace to pieces, and think of your son every time you touch it. And cashmere! Wow, you were spoiled. But you deserve it, don?t you ever doubt it.

    Big hugs to you. Glad you had such a great day.

    And to all who follow,
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


      The Inn for 30 - Thursday, October 25th

      Hannah - thanks! (Yup, that's me; old now so had my pink bloomers showing all day!!! lol!) And Good Morning to all Inners! Just wanted to say the fireworks were FAB....they were soooh big that they even reached here! The noise and colours were visible out of my bedroon window last night....(they were!!!! Someone had them going on here!)

      But mainly I just wanted to echo the brilliant way that Hannah wrote about RJ....can I just add my signature to those words....thanks RJ.

      Have a good day all. (I'll post some pics of yesterday when I 'transport' them from this laptop to the 'big poota' to downsize them....this one wont?!?!)

      Love FMF xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        The Inn for 30 - Thursday, October 25th

        Hi fellow Inn mates

        Last night was something else. Thanks for all the graphics Hannah. Have just had my walk with the doggies and about to hit the beauty salon for a leg wax, ouch!! Hope they are kind to me.

        Hannah you seem to have achieved my ideal, AF with the odd glass of wine thrown in. Dont know if I'll ever get there, I have a lot more AF time to get under my belt first.



          The Inn for 30 - Thursday, October 25th

          Good Morning FOI's (friends of the Inn)-

          The wiener roast, story time, fireworks, were all such good fun. Another great night at the inn. And despite how pooped I was, still was a little restless in the night and don't feel totally rested. But nothing a cup of coffee now (and a little nap later, if I can) won't fix.

          Had a very difficult and long conversation with my brother-in-law yesterday evening and it was really upsetting. My older sister (his wife, and my only sibling) is kind of cracking up. She's a high functioning doctor and chief-of-staff in their local hospital, but she's had emotional problems her whole life which are getting progressively worse. Her 2 small children (6 and 7) and marriage are in serious distress as a result. She is not, and has never been, one to talk about ANYTHING personal with anyone, AT ALL, and just continues to get more angry and isolated and bitter all the time, bottling it all up and then taking it out on those nearby in horrible ways. I'm heartbroken about it. And to make matters worse they live very far away in a remote area out west where I can't see any of them, except for 1 or 2 visits a year. But my thoughts and prayers are with them all the time. It's really a pickle.

          So - back to the here and now. If I don't take care of myself, I will have nothing to give.

          Hannah - I'm in for the exercise challenge for sure! For myself I want to commit to 5 days a week, min 1/2 hour. I have alot of options - walking, treadmill/weights/elliptical machine at the gym, yoga class. Any suggestions on how to keep track here? Should we report in our posts?

          Mary has inspired me to get some cleaning done today, and i have a few other things to do in the big wide world, but as soon as i can, I'm coming back to the Inn for .........hmmmm...... I think I'd a long session of reflexology, preceeded by a pedicure (don't want Mindy touching my feet in their current condition)...... and then a hot stone massage. Then I'd like to be wheeled up to my room - either a wheelchair or gurney will be fine - for a sweet deep sleep nap.

          Mornin' Rustop and FMF !

          Luv to all:h ,

          Wonder xx


            The Inn for 30 - Thursday, October 25th

            Hi all -- I made it through day 4 just fine -- FMF thanks for the link to thyroid info. -- very helpful! I have bloodwork scheduled for tomorrow. Yesterday my Dr. gave me a mood stabilizer... I do think my adrenals are shot... work situation is just crazy but I am not healthy enough to find a new job ... for now I need to rebulid my health and somehow trick myself to do my job & not let it get to me.

            This group is so much fun -- I have spent most of my time with the Inn's Dr. Sorry I have missed out!



              The Inn for 30 - Thursday, October 25th

              WAY TO GO BabyGirl !!!!!! :goodjob: So happy for you !!

              And glad the Dr.'s - both in and out of the Inn- are helping. I've got the thyroid stuff too and take med for it. You sound great, and are doing great, though you may not FEEL great (yet). I think you're awesome!



                The Inn for 30 - Thursday, October 25th

                Just a quick hello to all the Innmates. Make it a great day!



                  The Inn for 30 - Thursday, October 25th

                  Good Morning INNmates!!!

                  I'm so glad that everyone enjoyed the bonfire and feast last night.

                  Finding--What a wonderful birthday adventure you had. We're going to have to make you our official story teller!! I hope things work out with D#1, I suspect that given time it will. And what a wonderful mommy you are coddling D#2 when she needs you most.

                  BabyGirl- I'm so happy to hear that you made it through day four with no problem. Its good that you are looking after your health. Between removing the alcohol from your life and taking care of your health, I think you'll be able to deal with the other issues in you life with a more positive attitude.

                  Rus- Have fun at the salon, leg waxing, yikes!!

                  Wonder- Oh gosh, it sounds as if your sister is one of those people who is a force unto herself. Unfortunately, people like this tend to just keep going until they crash and burn. I know, I've done it myself. Somehow we feel that reaching out to others for help is a shameful thing. The real shame here is that we don't see the damage we cause to others along the way. You're right, you must take care of yourself so that you can be there for your sister when she falls. She will definitely need you.

                  Hey Lucky - Glad you stopped by.

                  Love and Peace


                    The Inn for 30 - Thursday, October 25th

                    Hallo dearest Innkeepers :h

                    Just checking in quickly to say that I'm still not doing well with my kidney infection and it's a struggle to keep up with things. I feel I've let folks down by suggesting the exercise challenge and then failing to organise anything....I kept waiting to feel loads better, but I know I am still not feeling fit enough to do anything more energetic than walk my dogs. Sorry, pals :upset:

                    I'll just take a back seat for a few days....just mooch about here but probably not post much. Hope to be feeling much better by the weekend.

                    I'm still AF and feeling positive about it.....and love reading how well everyone is doing.

                    See you soon

                    Suze x
                    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                      The Inn for 30 - Thursday, October 25th

                      A great night last night at The Inn! I'm glad to see everyone enjoyed the festivities and The Beast was not to be found. Maybe he's getting the message..." don't mess with the Innmates for they are running the asylum!"
                      It's good to see everyone doing so well. I think the exercise challenge would help everyone stay focused on the goal. A healthy body, a healthy mind and all that...
                      Babygirl and Suze- hope you start feeling better soon.
                      Well, back to work, making sure our Inn is a safe place to be. Have a great night all..



                        The Inn for 30 - Thursday, October 25th

                        Babygirl and Suze - I hope you feel better soon too..... BG - get those adrenal glandulars in! Failing that lots of liquorice (but remember it's a laxative...!) as that is great for the adrenals. Suze - look after youself and rest up...I bet the anti-b's were hefty for a kidney infection so it'll take a while to get those out of the system....lots of live yoghurt!

                        Hugs and Hi's to everyone....the roast got me a bit tired last night! My own fault for being such a gabby old sod! So early bed tonight and will sort the piccies out tomorrow...

                        (Thanks for your kind words on the story (liturgy/lethargy!)...that was warming to read...!)

                        Love FMF xxxx
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          The Inn for 30 - Thursday, October 25th

                          Suze -- feel better girl! I will make it through day 5 fine guys -- have bloodwork scheduled for tomorrow... thank you to everyone it means so much -- I intend to become more involved with everyone ay the Inn (except for Al ofcourse) when I get through this rough time...


                            The Inn for 30 - Thursday, October 25th

                            Hi Innies-

                            Been a ROUGH day. Ugggh! I can't even talk about it now-too tired out from all day on the phone with various FOO (Family of Origin) types. More on that later......

                            So sorry Suze to hear you're feeling so poorly. That stinks! Putting off the 'official' exercise challenge is fine with me. Procrastination is one of my best skills! I'm really really good at it. Just take care and hope you feel better soon.

                            Chief - Always on the job! You're awesome! 'Eye of the Tiger' ....... thank you!

                            BG - You sound a little perky-er. Excellent!

                            Rob- Thanks for your kind words. Yes, my sister is a FORCE. You have NO IDEA!! Sounds like you may have some wisdom in this area...... so good to know. Gives me hope:h .

                            Luv to all - hope everyone has a peaceful night's sleep.

                            luv, Wonder xx


                              The Inn for 30 - Thursday, October 25th

                              Hello everyone! Looking back over the posts today, I think everybody is feeling a bit poorly and tired today.

                              Suze - Sure hope you are feeling better soon, you?ve had a rough week. Good for you for continuing the AF lifestyle - that in itself will go a long way towards helping you heal, especially your kidneys. I am sending Horatio up with a get well basket compliments of the Inn - hope it (or Horatio!) helps you feel a little bit better. Take it easy, relax, and pamper yourself!

                              Wonder (Beth) - I feel for you, so hard to be in the position of wanting to help, and not being able to - frustration personified. How difficult for both yourself, and for her husband. Hope she will turn to someone for help before too long, meanwhile, hang in there & remember that you can only help her is she will accept help - so don?t feel guilty about it - so often we do. Glad you realize that in order to be able to help at all, you first must take care of yourself. Re the exercise thing - it?s pretty casual, I?m just going to mention it in my posts here (and afraid today nothing to mention - in spite of good intentions - too cold and miserable outside - just want to be inside, curled up in front of my nice warm computer!!!) Enjoy your hot stone massage, sounds like an idea!

                              Rustop - Yes, I seem to be doing ok w mods. But, after having written that post today I wonder if I should have - don?t want to give anyone trying to make it through their 30 day stint any temptations. ?Mod?ing, if ever, comes MUCH MUCH later, and I truly believe that 30 days is not long enough - and any number of days may never be long enough. A lot of people who truly believe they can mod fail miserably. Food for thought.

                              Babygirl, I am so happy to see you hanging in there. Be proud, be very proud. Hope all the doctoring will see positive results, and you will be a much healthier and happier Babygirl!

                              HiYa Lucky - Quite the suit (Ha!)

                              Rob - How are you feeling today? Hope whatever has had you ?going? has up and gone, and you are your old self again.

                              Finding - Now that you are over the hill (snicker) how is the view on the other side? (I can only tease you because I am even more ANCIENT than you are! One good thing about achieving that milestone, is that once you have climbed the mountain, life after this is on an easy slope. And as Satori says, age is just a state of mind - and I am sure you are only in your teens!

                              Well, off to cruise around the boards a bit. If I don't "see" you here later, will catch y'all in the a.m.!
                              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

