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The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

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    The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

    Hi All! I hope everyone has enjoyed their stay at the Inn this week. have a great weekend but remain strong and focused. The weekends are just another day, but The Beast trys to make them a big deal. They're not. In fact, we should be looking forward to really taking advantage of having a sober weekend and doing whatever we wish now that we're thinking and feeling so much better!

    Wonder, I know it's a tough situation with your sister but I want you to think of yourself. You are doing something very important. You are changing your life for the better. You have made a committment to yourself to stop the destructive lifestyle you were living. You are to be commended for that. Do not allow The Beast to change that. Think about it. Isn't this textbook Beast? "A family problem...go ahead and drink...who could blame you, right? Everyone knows you have a drinking problem, so it's almost expected of you, right?"... I can almost hear the rotten bastard now. And he's workin' you, girl... You said, " I have no intention of continuing to drink- have no desire to. At least at the moment."... Isn't it interesting how you threw in that, "At least at the moment."? If that's not pure Beast leaving that door open, I don't know what is...
    Well, I want you to shut that door. No, SLAM that door! You love your sister and her husband and their kids. And yes, they are having problems, but they are not your problems. You have your own problems and drinking is one of them and you are taking care of that by quitting. Don't quit quitting.
    Please think about this. Listen to your thinking. Think about your thinking. We all care about you and want you to be in control. You can do this. You know you can. You like being AF.
    If I have to post myself outside your door at the Inn 24/7 then that's what I'll
    But wouldn't you feel so much better if you can look yourself in the mirror tomorrow and the next day and the next and say, " yea, I did it. I stayed in control. I beat The Beast."

    Keep reading and posting and pm any of us if you want or need to. We can do this..



      The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

      Deb- Ok, you've gone over the top with the world in the coffee cup. Absolutely great!! Thanks.

      Cindi- Hope you have safe travels.

      MM. - Mercury in retro, not good? Full moon. My mother always said that is where the term Lunatic comes from.

      Finding- Thanks so much for sharing the Pics. Beautiful, just beautiful.

      Rus - Hey girl always glad to see you. Yes, pets are allowed. It seems that furr-therapy is in demand here. Just don't tell Horatio, he would be hurt.

      Suze- I hope you get to feeling better soon. That low grade crappy stuff is for the birds!! I have noticed that no matter how bad you feel, you're always on hand to cheer someone else up. Plenty of water, rest and take ALL of your antibiotics young lady!!!

      Chief- As always, thanks for being here to keep us on track and making us feel safe.

      Max - Sorry about your rough patch. But I really believe that sometimes we need antidepressants to get us through the inital detox period. In some cases we use alcohol to relieve depression. Just do whatever works for you. You're important to us here. Especially as we head into winter, we need to know that its warm and that things are growning somewhwere!!!

      OK, done rambling.

      Love and Peace

      P.S. Its a shame Mercury is in Retrograde, otherwise, I would suggest that we all go out the our balconies and HOWL at the MOON tonight in defiance of AL Attached files [img]/converted_files/353808=3698-attachment.gif[/img]


        The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

        Rob and Chief-

        I feel like I just had a sit-down with you too. You're so great.

        Rob - I'm not into spiders, even the furry kind. No worries there. I'll have a session with Dr. Divine and will most certainly get some sleep tonight. Thank you for looking after me.

        Don - You are sooooo like my Dad (as I've mentioned)! (but you're not old enough, I'm sure). Your pep talk was stellar. Class 'A". And yes, I have no intention of letting the beast take advantage of my emotional state. You're so right about his opportunistic predatory nature. I still hate him as much as ever. And.... I added "at the moment" , not to leave him an opening, but merely being realistic (just like you eagle-eye to spot a potential crack !). And to let him know that I am aware of his wiley ways and that I'm fully aware that he might try to sneak up again tonight. Wanted him to know I'd be prepared and armed and not be taken by surprise attack. I knew that I could and would come here and use all my tools, weapons and especially the Inn's security team to kick his ass to the curb if he tried to take advantage. He might have nipped me on the toe last night, but I REFUSE to let him overtake me. REFUSE, CHIEF!!!!! and "textbook beast"!!!! You crack me up!!! I could swear you're standing in a war room in uniform with maps and a pointer addressing the troops. Salute! And yes - a post outside my door tonight would be great. He doesn't have a shot, in my opinion, but just to be safe......... I mean, afterall, he IS the BEAST!!! You are a force to be reckoned with Chief. Thank you too for looking after me during this rough patch.

        Luv to all-
        wonder xx


          The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

          Wonder - This is for you -

          I am literally running out the door to meet my hubby, but will be back later. If it's too late, I'll talk to you tomorrow, but please know I will be thinking about you.

          And all the rests of you too!

          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


            The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

            I swear the MWO site has never had a better group of folks checking in.



              The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

              You're a peach lucky. A pithy peach :h !

              Thank you so much for the sparkly pink hearty hugs Hannah. A perfect way to wrap up this day. And for keeping me in your thoughts .......:h :h sniff

              It's close to 10:30 here and I'm getting ready to turn in. when AL heard all the love and care being expressed for a wounded wonder - and Chief's fierce battle cry - he scampered away like a snot-nose coward. He's also allergic to fur.

              G'nite Chief, Hannah, Rob, Suze, Rustop, FMF, Lucky, MM, Cindi, Paula, Max, Johnboy, Ellen, and all the rest. luv you guys-

              wonder xxx


                The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

                on patrol! it bloody hot out here 32deg c could do with a dip in the pool
                "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson

