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The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

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    The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

    Morning all! Just a quick hello as I run out the door to work! Have a good day, everybody!
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

    The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

    Just enjoyed my breakfast buffet and am ready to relax a bit before packing up and going home for the weekend.

    Hope everyone who stays at the Inn through the weekend have a wonderful time.

    AF April 9, 2016


      The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

      Holy cow, Debi, where do you find those graphics.. It made me fall off my chair!... :H

      Whew.. that woke me up! I have been slammed at the spa.. (my real one). Life is GRAND and I have been taking time to care for myself. Sorry I haven't been able to check in eah day, but I am doing wonderful and just ploping into bed at the end of the day.. the best way for me to keep the beast at bay is to just go to sleep sometimes!! But, this week it has actually been pure exhaustion...

      I think I will take advantage of the view from my room today, knowing Chief is next door.. It is Friday, a Full Moon and Mercury is in Retrograde. That is a WHOPPER of a combo and I know it will be a pull forme to go out..., so I think I will lock the door, send for SVEN, get some room service and a few in-suite movies.. better safe than sorry!

      I will check in tonight....

      Have a fantastic day everyone!

      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

        Hey MM....of course! You're in the know....we've been 'discussing' full moon stuff over on My Heart's thread....can you put us all right there please!?! Pretty please! And Mercury Retrograde is big? How, why, what? Is that why I'm more wobbly and tearful today thatn usual do you think....? (I know it's 'hormone' time but.....) Can we expect big things after this....I know Mercury's a 'big issue' but not why?!?

        Hannah - WOW WOW WOW WOW! That graphic is just the best....!! Thanks!!

        Crazy day (Mercury Moon?!?) with little results to show for it...but will try the photo uploads thingy later.... Got to get a 14 year old son to revise for GCSE's now....EEEEK! Just
        what's needed in the lunar melting pot!

        May I book in for a massage later? If there are any cancellations...

        Love to all
        FMF xx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

          Hi Hannah, Cindi, MM,FMF.
          Hope you are all ok, I feel a bit stressed could do with a massage, looking after grandchildren today, stressful, but good.
          Love Paula. xx


            The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

            I posted this on yesterday's thread by accident-

            Hi All-

            It's been just the worst 24 hours. The story with my sister just kept getting worse with each phone call. The calls weren't from her, but from my Mom and BIL. She is going to leave her husband and children, who are 6 and 7 (he is pretty much already their primary caretaker). She has it all worked out in her head (in such a crazy way). So there were calls all day from a devastated and confused BIL (who is such a decent guy), and Mom who lives alone and is up there in years and so upset and afraid. Sister hasn't talked to me. I have lots of ideas why - mostly I think there's just too much emotion for her in that and it would make it all too 'real' if that makes any sense. The childhood we shared was very difficult and she's never gotten any much-needed help to work through it.

            Anyway, by the time 8 o'clock rolled around I had a drink. Wasn't like a craving or anything, I used it as a sedative. If I had had a pill I would have taken it instead. So I'm back to day 1. And I think I'm okay in that sense. I have no intention of continuing to drink - have no desire to. At least at the moment. Would just make things harder in the long run. and I like being AF. It would be useless to turn this all over to AL.

            Sorry to be so heavy on our usually light-hearted thread. This all just came out of the blue yesterday and since I've been here so much lately, and loving every one of you, I wanted to get it off my chest and just tell about it. And share that I'm day 1 AF and want to keep going that way with your help. I'm tired, sad and have a terrible headache which I think is more from crying than anything else.

            As far as my day here at the Inn - I wonder if there is a spychotherapist on staff? And any kind of spiritual advisor? (no matter what religion - just a soothing gentle elder). I would like to spend some time with each of them today. My heart is broken. Need some time to recover. And I really don't feel like eating, so could I have a smoothie or vegetable juice sent to my room every couple hours? And maybe some soup. And hugs. And animals - cats and dogs like the ones they take to Nursing Homes for therapeutic snuggling. Good to know that even in this weakened state I can be so demanding.......

            I'll be shuffling around the Inn in a haze most of the day. If I bump into you (literally), please give me a hug and point me back to my room.

            luv, wonder xxxx


              The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

              Oh, Wonder....big hugs for you :l

              Sorry that family stuff is so stressful......families often are. :upset:

              Welcome to Day 1......that's just the way, gal, pick yourself up, dust yourself down and start all over again......:h You'll be fine.

              I'm bringing a nice smoothie to your room right now, and my doggies are coming with me to give you some fur-therapy. :l

              Suze x
              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

                Hi Fellow Inn mates

                Wonderful graphics Hannah, you are amazing. Hi FMF, Slightlysuze and Wonder. Thinking of you Wonder, families are a major stress factor. I broke a wonderful AF run a few weeks ago due to the same thing. Keep posting and venting thats what we are here for. Can my doggies come to your room for some fur- therapy?

                Rob, Hannah forget to ask are pets allowed? They can provide the fur-therapy recommended by Slighlysuze and maybe you could have a pampering spa for them too??

                Have a great week-end everyone.



                  The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

                  Wonder - I am absolutely sure that if any of us thought that you can't vernt/dump/cry/'be neggy' in this place we'd have got things a bit wrong....? I am sure that everyone will agree that the Inn is for fun and games AND the serious stuff of dealing with triggers and 'bad happenings'....? (verdicts please?) I am so sorry you're feeling so rotten and sad. Family stuff sucks especially when you're miles away from everyone... Your sister sounds rather like my cousin and my heart has bled a bit for him at times so your own sister.....ouch. Will you be able to visit sometime soon?

                  I hope the Inn can come up with a lovely 'elder & better' with that lovely, deep, warm, knowledgable, calm, strong, enveloping, steady, accepting, open, kind feeling about them... (hope the words helped some!) And I am sure a massage is possible....choose your aromatherapy oil.... cedar wood oil is wonderfully soothing... and rose.

                  I am sure Hannah will be along with some wonderful dogs, cats, soups, smoothies etc etc etc and I'll try to get a lovely airial shot of the Scilly Isles up later too... if I do it's specially for YOU!

                  Day one, day shmun.... day no matter....poo happens. Just hugs here to help you get back in the saddle. Suitable admonishment IF you want but I don't think that's appropriate tonight....just HUGS. It does get easier to stay AF the more days you have....(says she the great I - am...HA! Not! Please don't take me as being arrogant...I don't know how I'll be maybe one day but....that's just meant as a bit of a 'boost' for now for that's what I'm finding.....)

                  Love FMF xx :l :huggy :hug: :l
                  :heart: c: :heart:
                  "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                    The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

                    OK! I's gonna try it!! (Posting a pic...!)

                    Ooooh! Got one! Where're the others?... This is our first view of The Scilly Isles!!

                    Well, progress...but Hannah wins all the pwizes!! Practice makes perfect! Have to do one per post I think... Attached files [img]/converted_files/353656=2277-attachment.jpg[/img]
                    :heart: c: :heart:
                    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                      The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

                      This is the stunning children sculpture... Attached files [img]/converted_files/353657=2281-attachment.jpg[/img]
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                        The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

                        Me on the best beach! The water's Carribean!! (In looks NOT temperature!!) Attached files [img]/converted_files/353661=2282-attachment.jpg[/img]
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

                          Our private "Jet" (!) !!!! (Well, us three and a bloke from 'up-country'!!) Our car's bigger than this!

                          (Are these OK? Can you even SEE them!?!?! I know RJ says to not make pics too big - but should I do them a bit bigger?!?) Attached files [img]/converted_files/353665=2283-attachment.jpg[/img]
                          :heart: c: :heart:
                          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                            The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

                            Wow - those pics are beautiful. Can almost smell the sea air......

                            and to you FMF and Suze and Rustop-

                            Thank you. I'm taking strength from everything you've said. And between that, the smoothies, the fur-therapy and the hugs, I'm getting along okay . :upset:

                            And I agree FMF - it's easier to be AF the more days you put together (at least until it isn't). And that's my mission today. It's too easy, once I've broken the streak, to say "oh, well, you've gone and done it, so why not just put it off for one more day......". Would like to nip that thought in the bud. Needed to say that 'out loud'......

                            Apparently the spychotherapist on staff here went nuts and got taken away in a straight jacket last night. The lovely Unitarian pastor has just left - such a kind uplifting soul. I'm going to take a short nap I think. After that it's back to fur, smoothies and hugs.
                            You guys are the BEST! :h :h :h

                            luv, wonder xxx


                              The Inn for 30 - Friday, October 26th

                              Oh Wonder what a rough time you are having sweetie!!

                              Of course anything on two or four legs that brings comfort is welcome . I do have a personal aversion to snakes and spiders so if you find them comforting, just keep them hidden and don't let me know about it.

                              I know that this is a thirty day challenge. That is our goal but we never disregard the AF days that people have acquired if they slip. All of our INNmates have worked so hard, and accomplished so much in October and I applaud you all.

                              I think that you, Wonder are taking a healthy attitude, yeah, you had a drink, but you are making a concious choice not to let Al take over. You know your power and you know you are not defeated!!!

                              I must appologize Dear Wonder I did was remiss in checking the credentials of our last pshychotherapist She did indeed have personal issues and was carted off early today. But I hope you will find our new therapist Dr.Divine much more to your liking

                              I've ordered up special sweet dreams

                              I also thought you'd like a kitty moon to doze off to.

