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The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

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    The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

    Yes I did say Buffets- pleural!!

    Once we/ve had our fill we'll watch the Flaminco Dancers . Finding you up for it??


      The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

      O.K., The Beast is pissing me off.
      He hasn't been able to really get a hold of anyone here at The Inn. No one has failed and gone on a binge. No one has said " The hell with it, you win, I'm getting drunk..."
      But he has managed to just get his foot in the door a couple of times only to get his foot slammed. That is very good on our part. However, he is using psychological warfare. If one of us gives just a bit and has one drink, then someone else thinks, "hmm, that wasn't so bad..maybe I could do that..." He's workin' us, folks. Then he has the balls to bring in his beloved Uncle G (uilt) to start talking shit, which only encourages more self doubt. " I want to see myself as a non-drinker, even if I have a glass of wine?!?!..." WTF is that MM? I mean, this is 30 days AF, right? We're either drinkin' or we're not. Don't over think the guilt. You said you wanted to go 30 days AF and you drank. Of course you feel guilty, and you should! If you didn't then you would have no conscience, no internal justice system. Slap that Beast silly and get back in here with us 100%. The next time you hear him dropping hints, recognize it and stop him dead in his tracks.
      Rod, Wonder, Baby, Suze, FMF... good job everyone.. keep your guard up. This is the weekend and you can bet The Beast is not just lounging around, taking it easy.
      Have a good night everyone..



        The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

        Um, up and my dreams!!! Sigh! But with my resolve to look after the old bones having the breaking strain of a soggy Mars bar... I'll be there!! (The skirts'll hide the walking frame wont they?!?!) Once I hear that music.....whay hey!!

        That water melon's fantastic!!! Well, all of it is...!

        Siesta!....ooops, no that's not right!!! :H FIesta!!!! ('sma age you know!!)

        Love and hugs to hoping not succumbing to The Cold here... the Inhuman Invasion as my daughter called her whopper! Got, you know, 'That' feeling....

        Hope you mend soon Suze....rotten for you. :l And that everyone else is mending, feeling good and feeling as sparkly as possible.

        FMF xx,

        PS Don - you're so good being so always make such good points. Thanks - really.
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27


          You are right,That is why I I have been trying to stay at bay and not post. But you know.. If I don't , If I stay away, If am not accountable, at least right now, I would be far worse.

          i have been trying to figure out my place, and I am sorry if I have offended you - oh my, certainly not my intention.

          You have fought so hard and I truly admire you, I love what you have accomplised..

          I am just trying to find my place,....

          So, for now I will not post here ....


          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

