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The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

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    The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

    Goooooooood Morning!

    Thought I'd get things started. First, day 2 here for me. Max and Chief were apparently patroling the perimeter non-stop last night. Kept that hideous AL far away from me for sure. Hope there were no undetected, um, ......'penetrations' last night (!) (see? she's back - float like a butterfly, sting like a bee...... poo on you AL!):boxer:
    This inn and its residents have magical resotrative powers!

    Hope all had a good rest. I'm going to keep myself busy here at the Inn today. hmmmmmmm........... I want to vaccuum!! WHAT!?!?! :wow: Don't get me wrong, cleaning is not my favorite activity (to say the least), but something about vaccuuming (or however you spell it), gives me a thrill. Hoovering I think it's called in some parts. I like mowing the lawn too in a similar way (I'm sure by now I don't need to tell you that I'm a little wacko). So, if it's alright with the establishment, I'd like to vaccuum the lobby, the lounge,and a few other spots on the first floor.

    Then......... how 'bout a creative something or other? I think there is an art room here somewhere. Is there someone who can facilitate a group art class? Something like clay, or watercolors, or scrapbooking, or any old thing?

    Okay - off to start the day..... howz everyone doing?

    luv, wonder XXX

    The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

    Top of the morning to you all!

    Up with the ... stars and moon! Full last night here in my part of the world, so no sleep for me! Actually thinking of crawling back into my lovely white sheets for a morning nap..zzzz

    I have to say, though, I am still having trouble with my AF. I had 1 glass of wine last night. I didn't want another, in fact swited to milk! Gone,it seems, are the days if getting drunk, and I am grateful for that, and most days I have nothing, but I still don't seem to stop myself on the occasional glass of wine..

    I know that may not seem like a problem, any many would find that a success at MODS, and maybe it is, but I still have that feeling of guilt
    asociated with it. So, do I deal with the guilt, or is that keeping me from drinking more. I know I must not have guilt around anything, so that must be dealt with.. round and around I go....

    Anyway.. my dilema continues. I am glad I have you guys and a place to figure this out. I want to stay at the INN becasue it is safe for me for right now. I want to continue to see myself as a non-drinker for now, even if I have the occasional glasss of wine (very occasional). It helps me. Maybe I should not be at the INN until I decide.. What do you think???

    I am sure this will morph into what it really is supposed to be... Completely AF / or MODS (which, honestly, still scares me)

    Feeling proud, happy, but confused..

    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

      Good morning Wonder and all the other INN-mates!!

      Vaccuum away Wonder!! Glad to see that you're back to your wacky self!! Yep we have a Creative corner that you'll probably run across during your vaccuuming and there are loads of art supplies in there.

      Well off to start the day. Everyone have a great Saturday.

      Love and Peace


        The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

        Thanks Rob. Vaccuming and painting it is!

        Just read your post MM and can totally relate. It sounds to me like the guilt is b/c you make the promise to yourself to stay AF, and so then, even a glass of wine feels like a "failure". If you were committing to moderating, then one glass of wine would be a 'success', right? So I guess it's a matter of being clear on what you want to commit to and then doing your best and working with the results. You said you want to see yourself as a "non-drinker", even if you have a glass of wine - there's the rub! Do you want to continue taking a crack at 30 days AF? If so, then wine is not an option for 30 days, and if you slip up (like I did 2 nihgts ago), then it's back to day 1. But leaving the guilt and shame outside the door (I know - easy to SAY!).

        Anyway, whatever you ultimately decide, sounds like you are really working at it and getting clarity. Seems like that's what we ALL are doing here -trying things out, talking it through, and figuring out what works for us individually. It's brilliant!

        I love your company here at the Inn. And your Avatar is my fav.

        luv wonder xx


          The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

          Thanks, Wonder.. I just posted on the "guilt" on the General.. great minds think a like.

          I just wish it were that easy.. I am not sure what I want to be when I grow up - just yet.. know what I mean?

          Maybe a bit more time on the cusion for me today...

          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

            meditation mama;215254 wrote:
            I just wish it were that easy.. I am not sure what I want to be when I grow up - just yet.. know what I mean?
            lol!!! yeah - I think we have a few things in common! And guilt is a great topic for discussion. As far as the cushion - yeah, i find that helpful. I don't know how much it "cures" my confusion about any particular thing (though I want it to!), but it sure cools down the engine, if you know what I mean. And that makes things more workable somehow...... oh what we put ourselves through!!!! arggghhhh!!!!!



              The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

              Hi All ... made it safely through 7 days AF!!!! Feeling better! Albeit it has not been the easiest week! Relaxing now with my two pups and feel good.

              Hope everyone enjoys Saturday! BabyGirl


                The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

                YAY !!!!!! 7 days babyG!!!! That's so awesome. :goodjob:


                  The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

                  Babygirl - you are doing soooh well! Big Hug Girl!!!

                  Love'n hugs to you.
                  FMF xxx
                  :heart: c: :heart:
                  "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                    The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

                    Thanks Guys!


                      The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

                      BabyGirl...just lookie at you! You're doing so well....we're proud of you :l

                      Wonder...good to see you back on track. You'll never guess what Al tried...after you had your little blip he popped in to see me, pretending he was just bringing me some 'get well' grapes....only he offered me the fermented kind! He said that you'd had a little drink and were fine so why didn't I have just a little one, medicinal of course. Thankfully, just at that moment, he heard Don patrolling outside in the corridor.....and off he skedaddled. Phew! So glad to see you still sounding positive and bouncy. :h

                      MM...please stay with us. And please don't bother with any Guilt. He's just a relative of Al's......Uncle Gee.....he's a nerd too, so ignore him. You look so cool as a 'non-drinker'.....stay cool!

                      Rob....shepherding us nicely as always...thanks.

                      FMF...have you recovered from your birfday extravaganza yet? :H

                      Hope everyone is having a great weekend...


                      Suze xx

                      15 Days AF.....but still sick!
                      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                        The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

                        Good Afternoon INNmates!!

                        MM- Sorry, we must have been posting at the same time. Wonder responded much better than I could have of course!!

                        Yes, Suze, Al's Uncle Gee(uilt) does like to hang with him. They like to double team people sometimes. Good for you, resisting that wiley Al and listening out for Don!!

                        Wonder- Glad to hear that you ejoyed the theraputic cleaning and painting. Do some more and we'll have an showing for you in the lobby.

                        BabyGirl Yahoooooo!!! Seven days. Spectacular!!

                        Enjoy the rest of your day.

                        Love and Peace


                          The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

                          Saturday Fiesta at the INN

                          Ok to liven things up on a Saturday night we're having a Fiesta.

                          We'll start with tapas , that's AF wine btw.

                          And of course beautiful desert tapas .

                          The mariachi band will be playing all night long.

                          And Ohhhh, the Buffets!!
                          Attached files [img]/converted_files/354250=2299-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/354250=2300-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/354250=2301-attachment.jpg[/img]


                            The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

                            Oh Suze! You-know-who is such a PEST!!!!. Glad you skipped it. Wish I had. miss counting days with you, sniff, sniff. But love knowing you're doing well!! :h

                            I hate uncle Gee too. and you're right Rob - when they double team it's horrendous. They're both gross. Blah!!!



                              The Inn for 30....... Saturday October 27

                              we crossed Rob ....... FIESTA!!!! Can't wait! Been stuck inside all day in the rain. I want to party ! That watermelon looks delicious....and dancing to Mariachi music is one of my fav's. YAY!!! must go find an outfit......

