Good Sunday Morning from the INN for 30.
It is our tradition here to post the House Rules on Sunday and also to Shout Out our days of abstinance.
First the house rules:
Hello guests and welcome to the Inn for 30
The Inn for 30 is a gathering place for those who wish to remain AF (alcohol free) for 30 consecutive days.
Please come in and get comfortable, we have many rooms and encourage you to choose one that suits your tastes.
We do ask that all guests observe the house rules which are as follows:
1) All guests will respect, support and encourage each other during their stay.
2) While all guests are encouraged to enjoy the rumpus room, the padded walls are not meant to encourage head banging. If you are feeling really crazy or really craving, come here and talk to someone!!
3) Unfortunately, we have an unwanted inhabitant who occasionally slips up on unsuspecting guests. His name is Al-(coholic) . If Al does happen to ?get you? (you have a slip) you will not be asked to leave. However, you will be sent to the Wreck Room

4) We have a fully equipped exercise room, but because your current proprietor is a lazy slug, I suggest that you get you read the booklets scattered about the room or ask someone who knows about that kind of stuff. The only ?exercise? we require of our guests is that you keep track of your AF days, any way you want to from * to :moon:
5) Our nutritionist/cook is currently on leave for a gastric bypass so it?s pretty much up to you to get your own meals. However, we will have Sunday dinner together for our Sunday Shout Out where the rules will be reviewed for the newcomers and AF days will be posted.
6) Have Fun, Don?t Drink, No running or Diving around the Pool!!
Ok Next is the

Everyone Have a Great Sunday!! Attached files [img]/converted_files/13522=3698-attachment.gif[/img]