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Monday 29th October at the inn

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    Monday 29th October at the inn

    Well I missed the shout out so I am going to get in first today. I had my first AF birthday in about 18 years yesterday, and with today under my belt that makes it 14 days AF. That Is a record for me! I am feeling better than ever and am looking forward to doing the hill climb run on sunday. I havent done nearly enough training but I will make it to the top. It will be a very special run for me as my brothers ashes are scattered on the last lookout before the top of the hill. It will be the first run that I have done since being in the army. Looking forward to hearing my inmates cheering me on!

    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson

    Monday 29th October at the inn

    That is just awesome Maxman about a sober birthday and 14 days under your belt. your body has to be happy and you must be proud. your crowd of supporters will be cheering the loudest on your run sunday.

    make it a great new year for yourself maxman. you are well on your way!


      Monday 29th October at the inn

      HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAXMAN!! CONGRATulations on 14 days... plus your AF Birthday! You Rock!:thumbs: :huggy

      I'll be thinking of you & you're Bro on Sunday(next week? I'm guessing)
      Shall be cheering for you BOTH!:l
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        Monday 29th October at the inn

        Great stuff, Maxman. I'll be cheering next Sunday.


          Monday 29th October at the inn

          Max - that's wonderful. Congratulations. And will be thinking of you on your run...I hope 'the last look-out' is very special for you.
          FMF xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            Monday 29th October at the inn

            Morning all - quick hello as I run out the door to work.

            Maxman - Awesome! You must be feeling so pumped! Was your brother a runner too? Makes the whole event really special to you. And - Belated Happy Birthday! Attached files [img]/converted_files/357547=2122-attachment.gif[/img]
            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


              Monday 29th October at the inn

              Well done Maxman, 14 days... you must be feeling great to say the least, another belated Happy Birthday to you.

              Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                Monday 29th October at the inn

                wow Max! What a way to start the day/week - yours being the first post. Pure inspiration. 1st b'day AF in 18 years ? - what a victory. You must feel great.
                You bet we're all with you - all the way to the top!!! Go Max Go!!!
                Wonder xx :yougo:


                  Monday 29th October at the inn

                  Well done Max, you should be so proud of yourself.



                    Monday 29th October at the inn

                    Wow- No Blue Monday Here!!

                    Max- A double celebration Birthday and 2 weeks AF

                    Congratulations!! Of course the whole gang will be cheering you on. Know that we are thinking of you as you send your brothers ashes off from the lookout.

                    Tawny & St. Jude - Howdy!! Thanks for stopping by with Lucky to cheer Max on.

                    BabyGirl- Hope you get our of the infirmary soon. How are your meds working? I had to laugh when you talked about your new fur baby. Just like us they have occasional accidents until they figure the whole thing out.

                    Janice- Welcome back, you have to fill us in on your travels. Day 29, yahooo!!

                    Suze- Time for that kidney infection to vamoose!! Day 17 today. Take care of yourself sweetie.

                    Chief - No offence taken here. Just keep being yourself.

                    Ok guys, little issue here. Heratio, Sven and Ivan are ALL MIA today. Fess up ladies!!


                      Monday 29th October at the inn

                      Busy day at the Inn (did travelocity have a special? :H

                      -- Max great news -- Happy Day!

                      BabyGirl will try to be poolside today as the meds are helping and I am on Day 9
                      I seriously could not have done it without my InnMates!!! Today the Dean is coming to my class so I am a bit nervous but am purposely NOT taking money with me today so I cannot stop on the way home.

                      I look forward getting to know you all better!
                      Yes Rob, my furbaby has some slips -- If I can figure it our I'll make him my avatar...
                      Have a great Monday All! BabyGirl:h


                        Monday 29th October at the inn

                        Congrats, MAXMAN!!!

                        Sorry, guys.. I needed some SERIOUS TLC, so I borrowed all three.. Sven was waiting one me Hand and Foot, Heratio and Ivan were doing duo-massasges. I have just excused them, so they are on the way back down to the spa.. it was just for a few hours, a few glorious hours....

                        I have decided I am going to get another 30 AF days under my belt before I make any decisions. I am still batteling with some back issues and need to get myself in shape, inside and out, for the upcoming busy season at the spa. In addition, I don't feel like I am ready to make a decision on MODS, and that alone scares me. I need to be honest with myself, and that is what feels honest, like it or not. I am also going back on TOPA (started yesterday).

                        So, I'm hoping to get my old room back, the nice big one next to to Chief, aka, my conscience bodyguard! Thanks again Chief for watching out for me.

                        Today is my day off, and I am (in real life) heading off for a two-hour thai massage. I will be a rubber band when I am finished!

                        Check in later..


                        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                          Monday 29th October at the inn

                          MM -- I am vicariously going to enjoy that massage, well and the day off too! Enjoy!:h BabyGirl


                            Monday 29th October at the inn

                            Hi Inn friends-

                            what a great morning! so many cheerful faces in the lobby! I'm so glad I'm here!
                            I feel like I'm out of the inn's ICU/TLC program......which translates into......get busy! (for real!). Lots to do today - and I'm off to start! Will check in later and report on how I did.
                            Luv you guys-
                            wonder xx


                              Monday 29th October at the inn

                              Hi Innmates

                              Max....what an excellent start to the week....enjoy your celebrations! The kitchen here are baking you a big cake.....what sort of topping do you like best?

                              Had a great walk with the dogs in the autumn leaves this morning....fab!

                              Hope everyone has a good week ahead of them.....stay strong....Al likes to smile at us when we're bobbing nicely along....boy, has he got rotten teeth....yuck! please don't even smile back at him, not even a little lift at the corners of the mouth.......

                              Suze xx

                              Day 17...poorly but on the mend
                              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

