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Monday 29th October at the inn

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    Monday 29th October at the inn

    Good morning all!
    Hope everyone had a great weekend and is doing well today!
    Gotta run but just thought I would check in!
    Love all
    Over 4 months AF :h


      Monday 29th October at the inn

      Hi Everyone: I'm doing fine one day at a time. I know what my goal is, but the daily work is what I'm concentrating on. I have my strategies & use them often.
      -come to MWO.
      -turn away any & all drinking thinking.
      -remember the bad drinking times if I feel tempted.
      -do something enjoyable (pet the dog, cook, etc.)/
      -eat something.
      -rest as needed.
      Stay well & on track everyone. I'm w/you all the way. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Monday 29th October at the inn

        You guys fill my heart with joy!!
        Whether you're one day AF or 100 you show up here to share your joy and pain

        You are all so courageous, open, loving and kind. I wish I could create a launguage that could express the feelings that I have for you all.

        OK on to bussiness, MM - I am shocked just utterly shocked at your behaviour. For you to have abscounded with ALL of our male attendents is just well SHOCKING!!! OH NO, MY ALTER EGO IS COMING IN HERE
        Everybody eat chocolate quick, dance the mashed potatotes and sing your favorite song really loud so she will go away!!

        Next point. Tomorrow is Janice's big 30--- How do we celebrated?? Fireworks, stud muffins, chocolates? Help me out here guys.

        Also, I'm not getting much support for the Halloween Ball!! We need costumes, we need drama!!

        Love and Peace
        Attached files [img]/converted_files/357706=2318-attachment.jpg[/img]


          Monday 29th October at the inn

          Erm... does this mean I get special treatment from Sven, Horatio & Ivan?????

          AF since 9 May 2012
          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


            Monday 29th October at the inn

            Hi all,

            I haven't posted in a couple of months. Unfortunately my youngest son was injured in September and I handled it poorly by drinking everyday. Totally lost my ability to moderate. (Makes me wonder how good I was doing at it anyway.) My son is now better and all is well, but I am still guzzling the booze. Time to stop! I don't see any reason to wait until Thursday to get started. As it is, I will have to make up today at work because I was too hungover to go today. Enough of that! It will be nice getting to know you all.

            Humor is just another defense against the universe!


              Monday 29th October at the inn

              Hi Lauralynn-
              Good to meet you! I'm pretty new around here, and just starting (2nd try) my goal for 30 days AF . Glad you're back - look forward to getting to know you too!


                Monday 29th October at the inn

                Congratulations Max...good luck on your run!!


                  Monday 29th October at the inn

                  Hello All! Hope everyone had a good weekend and is ready for a Beast Slappin' week!

                  The Beast was busy this weekend, he fired a couple of shots and landed a couple of glancing blows but nobody went down. I think the full moon had something to do with it, but we're all still standing and ready to fight. There is strength in numbers and we've got him outnumbered..

                  Enjoy your stay at The Inn but keep your guard up.


                  The pain of drinking is worse than the pain of quitting..


                    Monday 29th October at the inn

                    Hi All-
                    Just wanted to report - a great day. Actually got some stuff done. Had a nice long brisk walk outside. Working on things with my family - with a little more peace and resolve. All is well.

                    Rob. I vaccuumed out the dance hall for the Halloween party. I'm starting to plan my costume. And I will definitely help with decorations, or anything else you need. I'm very excited. As far as drama - I'm on it.

                    Suze I hope you're feeling better. Luv to all- glad to see some new and old faces here at the home away from home:h
                    Luv, wonderxxx


                      Monday 29th October at the inn

                      Hello Inn Guests,

                      Just dropping by to say hello. I've been keeping posted on the Inn activities. The place is lively.

                      Finish your October AF harvest and stay strong in November.


                      Day 95 AF

