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Mon. - Oct 29

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    Mon. - Oct 29

    Hi Everyone: I really like this forum so much. I think we are all in different stages of progress, but we all have the same goal: some sort of control (abs or mod) for a month at a time. I'm nearing my 30 day goal: day 24 starting. I feel strong today (most of us do on a Monday). I'll check in later. Love, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Mon. - Oct 29

    Mary -- 24 days is fantastic! I am new here, but look for your posts as you always offer constructive advice. Thank you!

    Today is Day 9 for me & I have the Dean coming to my late afternoon class. I have made the decision to have no money with me so I cannot stop on the way home for a bottle of chardonnay. I will not drink today. :h BasbyGirl


      Mon. - Oct 29

      Good for you babygirl. No money for booze is a great idea. You'll soon be in the double digits and that feels really good let me tell you. No doubt being clearheaded you will wow the Dean. Try and keep him/her awake at the very least lol.

      Anna x
      Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


        Mon. - Oct 29

        BG: I like your strategy of not having any money for wine. I've also become the regular designated driver as a way to stay sober at parties. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Mon. - Oct 29

          Good morning AB team!

          good ideas. people respect a des driver and you could really save some lives!

          had a AF night last night even though I was struggling...odd for me ...I don't often struggle, yet we all have our moments. dosed up on the l-Glutamine, at chocolatte....everything! and it worked...whew. I may be on mods but won't let myself drink for the wrong reasons. sure brought back memories of when I first came here. and the fact I coulp put myself back in the hurt-locker pretty darn fast in only a day or two if I let myself go there.

          be well everyone!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Mon. - Oct 29

            Hi Everyone,

            Glad to see your continued success, Mary.

            No money for booze is a great way to stay sober. I'd also put some in a jar to save for some fun rewards as you reach different goals along the way. I hope having the Dean come 'round went well for you, BabyGirl.

            Hi Anna, nice to see you. I hope you're doing well on your side of the world.

            I'm glad you overcame temptation last night, Deter. Good on you.

            I just treated myself to some great new clothes, including a pair of $100 jeans (OMG!!!), shoes, a new blazer, some shirts, fancy slacks and a skirt--all for about 2-months' worth of wine! I'm feeling like a mighty fine woman these days! :H

            Anyway, enough fluffing my feathers here. I'm off to bed.


            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              Mon. - Oct 29

              100 dollar jeans??!!! wooo now. your self esteem should be sky high Kathy cool!
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)

