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Tuesday 30th at the Inn

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    Tuesday 30th at the Inn

    Mornin' everyone.....lovely sunny day again here....very inspiring!

    Welcome new you all at the Halloween do tomorrow night....if you don't have a costume with you there are loads to choose from down at reception. Sven will help the ladies try them on..... I will be coming as a huge pumpkin, as a mark of respect and admiration for Flip and that butt :H

    I saw two horrible dirty feet sticking out of the garbage can early this know, that huge one outside the kitchens.....guess who it was? Yep...Al himself, so disgusted that he is outnumbered by the security here that he put himself to bed with the trash....

    Stay strong everyone......this is what we want...and we CAN have it!

    Suze xx
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

    Tuesday 30th at the Inn

    Okay, Suze.

    I want Sven to help me with my costume.

    Let's keep Al in the trash. Whoo Whoo!!

    Everyone else, have fun at the INN today. Okay??

    AF April 9, 2016


      Tuesday 30th at the Inn

      Morning Inn mates!--

      Suze - Al in the trash!!!!! You have me rolling. He probably likes sleeping in big dirty trash dumpsters. He's foul! Stinky rotten smelly dirt bag. He's a maggot!

      Morning Cindi - You sound well! So glad!

      I have some stuff to do this morning and then later a visit with my Mom - we're going to a show tonight with an uncle who's visiting from out of town. I'm not too happy about being around people drinking just now (we'll go out before & after probably), but I'm not worried about caving. It's just not gonna happen.
      Hope veryone has a good day!
      luv, wonderxx


        Tuesday 30th at the Inn

        Hello my friends!!

        I was going to dress up as Sven.. but I don't wan't to be chased around by all you craaaazy women ( me included )!

        Woke up feeling grand! Oh, and must find costume today....

        Have to run, busy morning..... check in later.


        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          Tuesday 30th at the Inn

          Hi everyone! Oh, I wish I didn't have to run to work all the time! Will try to get back later - you people are the best.

          Was shopping and found this costume - whatya think? Would even have Al quaking in his boots?
          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


            Tuesday 30th at the Inn

            Good Morning INNmates!!

            Inner Strenght- Hi. Always good to know that our neighbors check in occasionally.

            Laura- Welcome back. Plenty of rooms here and we pride ourselves on our service. Even better than that we have a great group of folks staying here who are looking forward to getting to know you.

            Indigo- Hi, hope you're doing well, haven't seen you in awhile.

            Wonder- Good to hear that your family situatiion has calmed down some. Keep us posted. We can start decorating tomorrow. I just hope that Sven et al are up to helping us after their busy day today.

            July- Always glad to see you flying by!!

            Chief- As always, good patrolling. You and Max are the best!!

            MM- Great to see you again.

            Well off to make some final preparations for the Halloween Ball.

            Love and Peace


              Tuesday 30th at the Inn

              Hi All -- feeling stronger each day -- need to run to work too --will report back later!

              Wonder let us know if you need help today! Love to All! Baby

              ps-- Suze I think I have asked this before -- what in the world is your avatar?


                Tuesday 30th at the Inn

                Hi Everyone: I'm happy to see all the great energy. I'm just beginning day 25 & feel great. Love, Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Tuesday 30th at the Inn

                  Well as usual in my pokiness, a bunch of other people had posted.

                  Suze- Al in the trash, ick!! It is a really good place for him. Can't wait to see your pumpkin costume.

                  DB2- Absolutely, Al can stay in the trash forever as far as I'm concerned. Sven is more than happy to ummm, accomodate the ladies in slipping out of ooops, I mean into their costumes.

                  Wonder- Sounds like you're off for another busy day. Hope your evening with family goes well. We'll be sending you AF vibes.

                  MM - You jokester!! I just got this image of you chasing yourself dressed as Sven! Now that was a depends moment.

                  Deb - Heck, you have me quaking in my boots, you'll probably have Al peeing in his!!

                  BabyGirl- Have a great day!! I'm happy to hear that you are feeling stronger.


                    Tuesday 30th at the Inn

                    Hi everyone, just checking in - this is a great place to be and I'm so grateful I found you all!! Janicexxx
                    AF since 9 May 2012
                    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                      Tuesday 30th at the Inn

                      BabyGirl;216813 wrote:
                      ps-- Suze I think I have asked this before -- what in the world is your avatar?
            's a piece of chocolate dancing...... ....... and sort of grinning like a maniac.....I felt sorry for it and brought it home lol...................:H
                      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                        Tuesday 30th at the Inn

                        Good Evening INNmates!!

                        Well Tomorrows the Big Event.

                        We'll be celebrating our first full month at the INN and having the Halloweeen Ball!!

                        So everyone dust off your dancing shoes and get ready to PARTEEEE!!!!!!


                          Tuesday 30th at the Inn

                          Hi all or is it "GOOOOD EVEEEENING" :H

                          I just sent my sons and hubby out to basketball practice. I still need to do a little work on their costumes for school tomorrow.

                          Feeling a little frazzled, but ok. No wine in the house calling to me and I'm going to keep it that way tomorrow too.

                          I guess I need to find myself a costume for the party here tomorrow. Maybe I could pull off Jessica Rabbit.......

                          Humor is just another defense against the universe!

