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Halloween at the Inn

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    Halloween at the Inn

    Well, they were closed for lunch, I'll try again later.

    BabyGirl Day 11 Look at you go girl. And feeling great to boot!!

    Janice - Thanks for being our early bird today. Hope your day brightens up. Looking forward to your costume!!

    Hey Rus- Great to see you, stop by for the Ball and of course you room is always waiting for you!

    Cindi - Sorry you can't be with your little monsters tonight. I'm pretty sure that things will be pretty crazy on the board tonight so I hope you aren't too lonely.

    Wonder - I never know where to start with you! First of all congrats on DAY 6!! I'm glad you had a great time last night and got all our AF vibes. I didn't know that "Jersey Boys" was about the Four Seasons--grew up with them. I'll have to try to catch it if it comes through here.

    Thanks so much for the heads up on the garden gnome. Will be sending and immediate alert to Chief and Max on their Secret Spy Watches.

    Please, Please, Please keep looking for costumes. Did I ever tell you duffus that I'm a Labor and Delivery nurse and that just about sent me over the edge. The only thing worse would have been AL peaking out!!

    MM- Have fun with your little goblin. Is your heart still set on the Sven suit?

    Paula - Just let those good days keep piling up. If you can, pop over for our Ball. Just watch out for AL disguised as a garden gnome.

    Laura- Classroom parties-Oh, I remember the day, all those happy little darlings loaded up with sugar--Yessiree, don't miss that a bit. But the whole costume thing is pretty swell, that I always did love.

    No Laura, my dentist looked like Woody from A TOY STORY, with several very large needles--I'm not sure which is scarrier. Of course, I think the scarriest was Jack Nicholson as the dentist in the 1960's Little Shop.

    Natural Childbirth, been there, done that, not something I'd want to make a career out of.

    Trixie- I've heard that saying before-but I think most are just happy to be in the vacinity.

    Ok on to decorations, If I can find the boys, Janice- what have you done to Sven, he looks worn down to a nubbin.

    I've got some lovely sconces to hang and will probably need to get Horatio to help me hang the chandelier

    I do have a ghost left over from the bonfire and can someone tell me where to place the flaming chalices? Safety first--.

    Now if you guys can just help with the streamers and such. I know if we all look around we can find some skeletons in our closets.

    Any other suggestions?


      Halloween at the Inn

      OK guys - got my costume. Please don't be looking for Horatio tonight, he will be somewhat indisposed -

      Yup - you bet - I'm snacking on Horatio!

      (And vice Versa) Man, whata rush!

      Happy Halloween!

      Got a bunch of errands to run, sorry haven't been around much the past few days, still here in spirit, and hope to catch up with y'all later.

      Warning to Sven, July, Chief, et al - Horatio was just the appetizer!!!!!!!!
      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


        Halloween at the Inn



        Bar the door and bring a silver cross or bullet or something.

        Hannah has done poor Hoartio in and she apparently is not finished.


        Day 97 AF


          Halloween at the Inn

          You guys are a hoot! Hannah be easy on poor Horatio!
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Halloween at the Inn

            Well...I'm sorry to be turning up a bit late to the party....I was toddling along the corridor in my pumpkin suit and got to the elevator....darn it, I got stuck in the door ....but just when I was starting to panic I heard a little voice saying 'can I help you?''ve guessed was a certain 'gnome' trying it on....he said a little drink would loosen me up so I wouldn't be stuck in the door anymore.....

            Never fear, Innmates.....I had my stick inside my I jabbed him through one of the eyeholes and he ran squealing down the corridor.....gnome, sweet gnome....

            So watch out, everyone, for a gnome with a limp and a dose of wounded pride.....if you get the chance, hit him some more.......hehehehe.....:boxer:

            Suze x
            Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


              Halloween at the Inn

              Yeah Suze!!!! Gave that Jerk AL one good work over!! Go girl.

              Hannah- I was seriously starting to worrry about you girl!! But I've got to warn you garlic bread is on the menu tonight.

              Speaking of which--The food is being served shortly

              and assorted other goodies are on their way.

              Now where is that AF punch??? Attached files [img]/converted_files/358756=2362-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/358756=2363-attachment.jpg[/img]


                Halloween at the Inn

                HELLLLOOOO!!! Again, my friends?.

                Cindi - so sorry you can?t be with your kids, but I?m sure they wouldn?t mind another ?Halloween? celebration whenever you can . . . Maybe some games and a spooky movie, and still more candy??

                Baby Girl - love the new avator! - Janice, Rustop, Rob, Paula,, LauraLynn, Trixie,, Beaches, Suze, July, where are your costumes!!! Will - be glad when all the Halloween candy has been handed out so I will quit eating it!!!!!

                Wonder - Thanks for the ?gnome? warning. You and NOT allowed to wear that first costume!!!!!! Suze - Where did you say the gnome went? I?m thnking he?d be just a tasty little snack - poor Horatio is ?sucked dry? so to speak! Oh Chief, July, Satori, where are youuuuuu?????

                Rob! I brought help! Some of my not quite BLOOD related relatives just Love to decorate - course, their taste runs to the macabre - but oh well,?

                Rob, did you manage to change the dentist appt? You may be dealing with hungover dentist/assistants!!! Unless they are the AF type - take heed that tomorrow might not be a good day!!!!

                Well, off to cruise for some fresh meat...... Oh Maxman! Max!!! Here Maxie.........
                The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                  Halloween at the Inn

                  Here's another costume I'm trying out..... whaddaya think? Still too much?

         that you're awake.......back to the drawing board....


                    Halloween at the Inn

                    Help! Save me! Rang out the screams! But who was the unhappy victim? Was it Max? Was it July? Was it Chief? Only the vampire knows for sure!

                    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                      Halloween at the Inn

                      Thanks Hannah! Yes, my wee little frog had to hop away!


                        Halloween at the Inn

                        Wonder I think we were cross posting ... oh my goodness ... what in the world?


                          Halloween at the Inn

                          Hi Innies-
                          This party is really getting heated up. Still finalizing the decision on my costume. I'm having so much fun reading everyone's posts, I can't seem to get myself ready. If my costumes get worse - blame Hannah. By the time I'm done, she'll be BEGGING for that first one!

                          Be back in a few...... don't forget....if you see him.........BEAT THE GNOME TO A BLOODY PULP! Nice work Suze....forgot about your handy stick.....


                            Halloween at the Inn

                            Oh my God!! Is that..........Sven stuck in the wall !?!!?!! I recognize his hand!!!!!! NOOOOOOO! Not my masseuse!!!!!
                            BG....... i have no idea..... I've been eating mini butterfingers bars and Rob's sugary Hallowwen buffet treats.......I'm looped on sugar!!!


                              Halloween at the Inn

                              OOOOHHHHHHH Wonder! You could make all the "ladies" at the Inn verrrrryyy happpyyyy!!

                              But what am I to do about this instaiable thurst for "tomato" juice? Must keep on. . .
                              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                                Halloween at the Inn

                                EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!! I'm Scared!!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE][/SIZE]

