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The Inn - November 1st

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    The Inn - November 1st

    Sorry guys, started the thread but didn't title it right - please go to "Wasn't that a party?" thread.

    Haven't had enough coffee yet!
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

    The Inn - November 1st

    What isit about the first day of a month to really give a great kick start? I want to have a string of 30 zeros in DrinkTracker for the month of Nov. That's my goal, & I'm not wavering from it. Day 27 here. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      The Inn - November 1st

      Me too Mary. November is AF. Period.


        The Inn - November 1st

        I feel good Innmates!!!!! I am on Day 12 -- cannot believe it! I bought a variety of teas yesterday and a pretty tea cup to enjoy...

        Hi Mary, Wonder, Hannah & to the innmates that are sleeping in!:H

        I have lost 4 pounds also!!!! Another GREAT reason not to drink!
        Have a great day ALL!!!! Baby


          The Inn - November 1st

          Is this our 1st day of the month AF?
          Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


            The Inn - November 1st

            Good Morning INN-mates!! Well here we are at the beginning of a brand spanking new month!

            Hannah/Deb got so excited that she started not one but two threads for the new month.

            Mary- 27 days !!! I know how hard wond those days have been. I'm proud of you for what you've done and for looking ahead to the new month with an even stronger commitment!!

            Well, I 'm torn between hiding out in my room to avoid Margaret and the house staff and going out to search for our usual early birds who have not yet shown up. Last I saw of Wonder she was hurling pumpkin seeds although I did see MM on the other thread.

            I'll check back later .
            Love and Peace


              The Inn - November 1st

              Rob - Better to hurl pumkin seeds than booze, right? though anytime I hurl publicly at the end of a party, it's embarrassing. I can make a perfect ass of myself with or without AL, clearly. I'm trying to clean up my act, I promise. Please tell me you still love me unconditionally.

              I am excited for a new month long stay at the Inn. I love it here. AL's a pimply stinky butt head. :moon: See? I just do't know how to behave........

              luv wonder xx


                The Inn - November 1st

                We must have all been posting at the same time. I really suspect that Debs witches put a spell on us and we all snapped out of us at the same time!!

                BabyGirl- What a wonderful way to treat yourself! Which is your favorite tea? Something we don't talk about here much is the money we save on alcohol. Weight loss is another great "side effect". 12 DAYS!! BTW Love your new avitar!

                Wonder- How could anyone not love you? UNCONDITIONALLY :hug:. And please never learn how to "behave", things would get way too boring! Your ativar is intersting- an owl, wisdom?

                Capt - It is November 1st. Anyone here can be on any day they want to be, they don't have to be starting on day one, but its a great day to start.


                  The Inn - November 1st

                  Hi Inn-Mates.. I just posted on the main board.. I wanted to post there to speciically talk to DG, but I also had a blunder last night.. So, I am on day 1 again.. Day 4 is really hard for m, always has been. POOP and all that goes with it. However, as you will read, I am really feeling good about this right now and know I can do it!

                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    The Inn - November 1st

                    Hi everyone. WOW the INN is cool. I've got lots of catching up to do around here!

                    Just wanted to say hi to old friends and new friends. Mary Retteacher, I can't thank you enough for suggesting how cool it would be to go for a FULL month of zeros in the drink tracker. That helped give me that extra kick in the butt I needed.

                    Wearin' the Fugly Green Suit...(for today only )

                    Day 1 AF
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      The Inn - November 1st

                      Wearin' it with you, sister.. Feeling WAY too tight... Tomorrow it gets packed away!

                      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                        The Inn - November 1st

                        OH MY GOSH!!! DOGGY---WELCOME BACK!!!

                        We missed you so! Come in, come in. Get comfortable, you are just going to love this place!! But please if at all possible take off that fuggly green suit, I'm sure we can find something much more to your liking here, maybe this little number Take your time to look around, you'll see lots of familiar faces and lots of new ones.

                        I've gotta tell ya DG you have no idea how many lives you've touched, including mine. When I came to MWO, hungover, scared and confused, you were one of the first to welcome and encourage me to keep trying. Let us all return the favor.

                        MM - Day 4 just seems to be your nemesis!! What can we do to help? I hear the determination and committment, I know you want this and I absolutely know that you can do this.

                        Love and Peace
                        Attached files [img]/converted_files/359152=2374-attachment.jpg[/img]


                          The Inn - November 1st

                          Hi Doggygirl-

                          Good to meetcha! It feels really awesome to have so many people beginning a 30 day AF stretch together. Strength in numbers!!! This Inn has been my home away from home, and it has given me refuge and support and TLC in so many ways.
                          Look forward to getting to know you better!

                          luv Wonder xx

                          p.s. yeah, Rob, the new avatar is a snowy owl. It's a picture I LOVE......something about that crisp blue sky and beautiful white bird........ Have a printout of it on my fridge.


                            The Inn - November 1st

                            MM & DG -- I think I did day 4 3 times before got past it!!!! Now I am on Day 12... just hang in there because everytime I repeated say Day 2 I was soooo angry because I messed up!!!! And, my last binge landed me at the Dr. -- I was a mess!!!! A total mess. I almost dehydrated myself due to extreme sweats!!!!! UGH!!! DRINK WATER!!
                            I am here for you and eberyone else! Love, Baby

                            Rob, thnaks for noticing my avatar!


                              The Inn - November 1st

                              Oh sorry guys, I'm late today checking in and whatsmore, I missed the party last night!!!

                              AF since 9 May 2012
                              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

