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The Inn - November 1st

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    The Inn - November 1st

    Greeting all at the Inn,

    I'm on day one again myself after a Halloween "celebration". Beginning of Oct was quite good but my resolve fell apart at the end of the month. November is a fresh slate and I look foward to getting through it AF.

    Doggygirl, it is SO good to see you back!!!!!! I look foward to conquering the month of Nov with you and everyone else here.



      The Inn - November 1st


      Hello Inn Guests,

      A fresh November wind brings the chance to begin again and continue on our AF quest.

      Welcome back DG, your friends new and old are here at the Inn.


      Day 98 AF


        The Inn - November 1st

        july232007;218071 wrote:
        A fresh November wind brings the chance to begin again and continue on our AF quest.
        Exactly! A new beginning! And I'm so happy to be here at the Inn with July, Janice, BG, Rob, Hannah, MM, Vinophile, tkeene, DoggyGirl, Lauralynn, Chief, Max, and all the rest. I think you're all lovely. Truly.

        Your friend wonder took this new beginning very seriously. Today I did several loads of laundry (including some curtains and small rugs), cleaning upstairs and down, vaccumming (ahhhhhh! bliss), paperwork, cleaning piles off counters and table tops (you know the kind - papers, articles, bills, cards, receipts, odd notes and lists, and on and on). I feel mentally and physically refreshed. November is off to a fantastic start.

        I'm going to take a shower, and then plan on sitting downstairs in the Inn's lovely lounge. If anyone cares to join me for an herbal tea and a nice chat - I'll be there.

        Luv to all-


          The Inn - November 1st

          Hello, my friends!

          Had a great day... Heading home, but I thought I would take the time to do a quick check in before I leave each day. I believe that is going to break the 4-day spell!! I will check in before any drinking thoughts arise on my drive home.

          I also have the house to myself for Sunday night, where i plan to spend all night typing here to get through that door..

          See you in a bit!

          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            The Inn - November 1st

            Welcome to The Inn everyone! Here's to a very successful 30 days AF! It all starts with day 1..



              The Inn - November 1st

              Well.. made it home and no drinking! But, I feel like I am coming down withthe flu.. I feel like total dog-poo!!

              So, off to bed I go....

              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                The Inn - November 1st

                Good Evening INN-mates. Sounds like everyone had a good and some a very productive day.

                Wonder- I think that it is so interesting that one of the first things that folks do once they start to feel stronger and healthier is to start to literally "clean house". Physically getting rid of some of the clutter that has crept up on them while they were in a stupor.

                Vino- Welcome to November and a fresh start. We've still got your room.

                tkeene- come on in and visit for awhile.

                Janice- Sorry you missed the party, it was pretty swell. You may want to wear your silver crucifix for awhile until we're absolutely sure that Hannah/Deb was really just joking last night.

                MM- Sounds like a plan. Something's coming up Sunday, its either Mary's big 30 or July's 100, I'll have to check. Either way, we should be celebrating something.

                Chief- We did not see hide no hair of you last night, you must have been deep, deep undercover.

                Just one more quick note. Like that would ever happen.

                I think we've had a great first month at the INN. I just wanted to let you know that the management is open to any suggestions for change from our guests, as we are all about customer service. Of course if we don't like your suggestions we will just ignore them anyway.

                Everyone have a great night
                Love and Peace


                  The Inn - November 1st

                  sorry i have been hiding in my room lately and not social. still love it here @ the inn and all is good for me.

                  see you around the gorgeous grounds!

