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Thurs. - Nov. 1

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    Thurs. - Nov. 1

    Hi Everyone: I'm giving my attitude about not drinking an adjustment. Instead of feeling that I'm "giving up" something wonderful & fun (in stopping drinking), I'm feeling like I'm gaining something wonderful & fun w/sobriety. Since I'm not the type of person who can have an occasional drink now & then, I'm really embracing the AF lifestyle. I've got all my strategies in place. I know what to do.

    I hope all is well w/everyone. Love to you all, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Thurs. - Nov. 1


    Today is the only November 1st, 2007 that I will ever have...I plan to make it a great AF day!



      Thurs. - Nov. 1

      Hi Janet and Karma and all to come,

      Nothing much new here. Halloween was nice, since I spent it with a friend and her husband who have kids. In their neighborhood, many people make quite a display of their homes for the season. It was fun to walk around and look at people's homes all decked out for Halloween. That's the nice part of being an empty-nester--I'm not tied to home base. I don't feel too guilty about the kids in my neighborhood. Since I live in a townhouse, there is plenty of candy to be had all within a very short walk from home. I'm sure they won't have missed it from my house.

      Janet, thanks for your nice comment about 4 1/2 months yesterday. Those ODAT's do add up. And Kim, I will remember that I only have one November 1, 2007, as well.

      Be well, all!


      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Thurs. - Nov. 1

        I just want to add: never give up that thirst for more AF months/or days. Take it from a pro who put guard down at 7 mo. So I'm on your butts! March on & onward! So happy for all of you! I can't tell you how happy I am to see so many people make 1AF day never mind months! Hats off to you!:goodjob:

        Kath-take the time & blanket it. Geesh-my kids & all the yelling...I wish I could have time for myself (but between you & me-I'd missed it).

        Mary-I am so proud of your progress! From your posts-you're beamiming!(is that a word?)LOL.

        Have a great AF day!
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          Thurs. - Nov. 1

          Well Abbers, I totally blew it last night. Good Lord! The temptation has been around me for a week now and I finally cracked. My hubby's friend is in town and a heavy drinker. My hubby has been drinking with him nightly......... well after they trying to pressure me into it day after day, I caved. :upset:

          WTF???? I am SOOOOO pissed off at myself. So bloody pissed off! I drank like a friggin fish too, because I was mad they pressured me. YEP - was pretty drunk. Nothing like having to come into work not feeling so hot. Oh, well...............

          Anyway............. Today is November 1, and I am starting right from square one again. I don't care if it was only a slip, I need to get back to the basics and start all over again. I want at least 1 complete year without 1 sip of alcohol.

          Hubby's friend is here until tomorrow - but I refuse to be sucked back in the whole drinking time warp again.


            Thurs. - Nov. 1

            Accountable: You certainly can do one year abs. About a week or two ago, we did a thread on mantras:
            -I'm not drinking today no matter what.
            -If I'm persistent, I can succeed.
            -Today, I'm staying sober all day.
            -Drinking is not an option.
            -Any other mantra that works for you.
            I've been finding that banishing any & all drinking fantasies is absolutely necessary. As soon as something about drinking pops into my head ("maybe I can...", "wouldn't it be nice...", "it'll help relieve the boredom..." etc.), I drive it right out. Pretty soon my thinking readjusts. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Thurs. - Nov. 1

              Hi everybody,
              Just thought I'd check in and see how everbody is doing before things get too hectic for me. I leave for Kentucky for the Holidays for a month on the and my cat Abbey that is. Takes about 12 hours to drive down there so we'll be staying through to the Christmas Holidays. I am grateful I will be spending it with family. It is a difficult time for me without my kids. My son is grown and does his own thing but my daughter is still little, so that really hurts.
              Today I sent a letter return reciept requested to her father explaining to him why I moved away when I was pregnant...and why I didn't let his mother tell him what hospital I was in when she was born. I'll spare you all the details but it was for my daughters and my safety. He was not living a very good lifestyle at the time. In any case the point of it was to have documentation that I have indeed been in contact with them regarding my daughter to no avail. I was informed today by a caseworker that they could very well be in the process of terminating my parental rights if they haven't done so already due to the fact that it has been two years almost since I have seen her. This is through no fault of my own though..I have sent cards, money, tried to call but # has been changed. I finally got ahold of legal aid today and have an appointment with them next week. This may change my holiday plans..although I guess no one really wants to do much during the holiday.
              All of this is unbelievable to me that this woman(stepmother) has possibly orchastrated this and according to the caseworker could have alreadt adopted my daughter. Without any knowledge from me??? No paperwork?? She said they could have had it sent to my last known address. Pretty tricky since they have my current address...I wouldn't put it past her though as she is definately the brains behind this operation.

              I'm sorry to blab on about this it just has me pretty fired up. I can't imagine having to wait 10 yrs to find my daughter and then de-program her from all the lies they must be filling her head with or will over the years. I really neeed to straighten this out. If he signs for this letter then I will have proof of contact if it's not too late already. I have a copy for my lawyer. Next step is legal aid...then who knows..i guess custody workshop then conference or court.
              I'm almost at 60 days. I am keeping busy and know that the beast will only steal my hearts desires. Don't give up if you is soooo worth it to keep on moving foward, you can do it!!!
              Take care guys

