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Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

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    Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

    WW.. thank you! I am a HORRIBLE sick person!! It is a good thing I am by myself this weekend... But you are right, being able to hang her for the next three days (my terrible 4some), willbe awesome.

    I just hope I don't get kicked off!! or, maybe I will make senior member by the time it is over..:h
    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

      you can do it MM ! let's see......418 posts..... 3 days..... (getting the calculator).....that's 140 posts per day. hmmmmm...... maybe not too restful........


        Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

        Good Morning INN-mates!!!

        Lucky-Glad to "see" you're still with us, even if you're not feeling very social right now.

        Deb- Well that just sucks!! Those kids do just insist on growing up! We, as parents spend all those years teaching them to be strong and independent and then they go and do it!! But you must be very proud of him. What's going to happen with his new condo and his girlfriend?

        Suze-Good morning you perky little lump of love!! I agree, with the weekend coming up, AL is sure to be up to something. I'm sure that you'll have plenty of visitors.

        DG- Great goin' DAY 2!! You may want to pop down to the spa and get a massage with Ivan , he's fairly new but I hear very good.

        Cindi- I've always heard that traveling can be an adventure but what the heck? At least you got to see some hunky firefighters. I can tell you are feeling better girl, you are bringing out that southern charm to use on our menfolk, you go girl!!

        BabyGirl- Yippeee-14 DAYS!!! SUPERFABULOUS. We are all so proud of you. You have had some really tough personal and heath struggles to deal with while maintaining your abstinence. Give yourself a huge pat on the back, or maybe you have time to head down to the indoor pool, I hear that Horatio may be hanging out there today.

        I don't know if we can manage a full blown seminar, but Hannah and I have been discussing having guest speakers in some form. Thanks for the nudge, I'll get right on it.

        MM-OUCH -Sorry about the pluresy. Yes you will be focusing on your breathing whether you want to or not. Hope you're able to get some rest. We'll be sending healing vibes your way.

        That's a good heads up for your holiday hostess, gives her the opportunity to have some tasty AF drinks available on hand. This is a new strategy for you MM telling people that you are not drinking. Has anyone asked you why and how do you respond?

        Ok, time to start working on the seminar, workshop, lecture.

        Love and Peace
        Rob Attached files [img]/converted_files/359588=3698-attachment.gif[/img] [img]/converted_files/359588=2396-attachment.jpg[/img]


          Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

          Hey, Rob!

          Most don't ask because I have been AF before at functions. In the past I have said that I just like how I feel when I don't drink, and can stick to my health goals and heavy work load when I am not drinking. But, in general, I don't make an issue of it and nobody really askes....

          Weird, though.. I SO thought I was the focal point of everyone's conversations and the center of the social universe when I was drinking.

          So, here is my official resignation of queen of the social universe.. the job is up for grabs... I'm happy to be quietly passing through the stars enjoying the view from the outside..

          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

            Guess I share too much personal info or something, oh well it's what's going on with me at the time and I needed to share it I guess. Don't think I'll do it anymore though. It was good to be able to have a place to start out and get some sober time in anyway. You guys seem like a pretty tight knit group. Not everyone fits in everywhere I guess. That's why some of us probably drank and drugged in the first's not easy for everybody to fit in.
            Take care.


              Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

              what does this mean indigo? nothing is too personal to share, in my eyes. sometimes posts/threads just kinda get lost in all the traffic - is that what happened? It has happened to me before. If so, I'm sorry. it wasn't personal. hope you'll give us another chance. I think this site is for everyone - and especially those of us (me) who don't feel like we REALLY fit in anywhere else.
              luv wonderxx


                Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

                Indigosky.. Hey, there.. I'm not sure what you are saying? Did something happen?? Talk to us.. I definately care and want you to share.

                Come on, stay in touch here..

                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                  Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

                  Indito- Honey, I think you've got your threads confused. Of course you can come here and post as much and as often as you like, but when I did a search of your posts, I found that the "personal" posts that you are refering to were posted on the daily thread, not here.

                  Its a simple thing to check this. Just click on screenname on the lefthand side of the message. There will be a drop down, the second item from the bottom is "find all posts by_____", the posts will be listed newest first.

                  Indigo, some people are active in many threads, some in only a few, that may be why you feel as if you have not felt a close connection with people in this particular group. But you are certainly welcome here anytime.

                  Love and Peace


                    Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

                    Great that was ment to ge Indigo--Sheeesh


                      Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

                      Hey, quick note to all (I really mean it this time). The post Indigo is refering to is on the Thursday daily thread. It is about her struggles to get her daughter back. I PMd her about the mix up.
                      Love and Peace

                      Cindi--LOVE the new ativar!!!


                        Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

                        I just want to say hi to everyone - I love reading this thread, it has me in stitches!! Unfortunately I'm late again, don't seem to have had any time this week. My daughter's been home from uni for reading week and my son has just come home for the weekend so a full house again, which is lovely don't get me wrong, but it does mean that mam can't get on the computer!!!

                        Still no sign of Al in my room!! I realised today that now I've got the 30 days under my belt, I'm having to really think about what day I'm on!! Thats a nice feeling.

                        Love to everyone,

                        AF since 9 May 2012
                        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                          Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

                          Indigo - I am so sending you hugs.... Just a bit of what you must be going through happened to me with my son for 6 weeks 2 years ago and I have never known such pain.

                          To be reaching 60 days as well - a big, big cheer for you and wishing you all the best....

                          I hope you find this and feel also are begining to feel a bit more secure in posting again....

                          Love FMS xxx
                          :heart: c: :heart:
                          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                            Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

                            And love and hugs to everyone at the Inn!

                            FMS x
                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                              Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

                              Good evening, my friends.. I'm tucked in here and feeling like DOG POO! This virus has my temperature so high I think I am hallucinating! Well at least it is the virus.. I'm happily on Day 2, with fierce determination!

                              I think I will mosey on down to the steam room and then get a massage... pretty achy..

                              sorry for whinning... no more.. at least this sickness is making it real easy to not drink.. I guess the big guy handed me a blessing in disguise to get me through the 4-day curse.

                              I have NO intention of failing this time, though!!

                              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                                Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

                                Hi Everyone! Hope you all are having a great Friday at The Inn. All's been relatively quite so far. No Beastly activity reported, but it is the weekend and you know how devious our little buddy can be...
                                I notice he's already planting the seed about holiday drinking. Well, it's not going to work. This is November 2nd and by the time the holidays roll around we will all be very seasoned AFers! Try not to look at not drinking during the holiday season as something detrimental or negative. Instead, look forward to it as being the first time in ages that you'll be in charge of your life during the holidays. No embarrassments, no obsessive drink counting, no coverups, no hangovers, no regrets. Look at it as a relief. Enjoy it. This is the new you, the real you. By the time the holidays roll around it should no longer be a struggle. It will be you living the sober life like you have wanted and worked for. This is why we're at The Inn.
                                Whenever I'm out now I like to play "Spot the Alkie". It's an interesting little game where you just pay attention to people around you who are drinking and it won't take long before you notice things. Like how close someone stays to the bar, or how many gulps it takes for someone to finish their drink and then get another one real quick, or how they are always looking at their drink to check the amount remaining. Try it and you'll see what I mean.

                                I hope those of you who are feeling under the weather will take advantage of the weekend here and take care of yourselves.

                                Indi, I'm sorry, I didn't see your post on Thursday's Thread. It has to be very tough to go through what you are going through, but I am really impressed you have gone through it and have remained AF. You should be proud. Keep us posted and of course, you are always welcome here.

                                Have a good weekend everyone. I'll be on patrol, searching for The Beast..:bat


