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Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

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    Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

    MM, I am going to handcuff us together on your day 4


      Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

      Ah, Chief...:bigwink: you are my hero... just don't say that "handcuff" thing too loudly - I don't think that sort of thing is allowed here, but I know what you mean... :H

      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

        Another cozy Friday night at the Inn,

        I'll put another log on the fire and be reading in the library........................................... ....and in real life I'll be tending to children 2 and 3 after checking up on number 1. My wife is away with her team (she is a coach) and I am here to fend off selfinflicted overdoses of Holloween candy by children.

        I hope you all have a great weekend.


        Day 99 AF


          Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

          So, Doggy, did you find the ?F? thread? Haven?t checked to see if you are ?on? it - but one very active thread, for sure! And are you implying I don?t look very good in the morning? I hadn?t had my coffee yet! :ranger

          MM - Pleurisy! OMG - no wonder you feel rough. When my son was little he had pneumonia and a fellow he shared his hospital room with had pleurisy. This was a big, tough farmer type, and this took him down like an axe at the knees. They didn?t want to keep you in hospital? Is there someone checking on you? Pkease take care, and hope you feel better soon.

          Cindi - When pigs fly? Cute avator! Lucky your ?pig? didn?t get ?roasted? by a firefighter last night! (Ha, double meaning there? Sweet little innocent me - would I imply that? Nahhh!!!

          Janice, good to see you, even if you miss a day here and there. Nice, isn?t it, to ?forget? how many days AF you are? Good for you.

          Indigo - Have pm?d you.

          HiYa Finding! How?s your ?Self? today! :flower:

          And hi, Chief - always good to have you on patrol!

          Hey Rob! How?s it going? Yup, still reeling at the thought of my baby moving away.

          The company has offered to pay all his moving expenses, including realtor fees, etc., not to mention a raise that amounts to about 30% of his salary. How could he refuse, really. They will also have to figure out some way of compensating him for the capital gains he will have to pay, because he has lived in the condo all of about a month, and it will definitely sell for more than he paid, so will have to claim capital gains on income tax. The girlfriend will go with him, which is good because he doesn?t know a soul there. Gawd, it?s funny, when they are teenagers you can hardly wait to get them out of the house, and then when they go??. Guess I am taking it extra hard partly because my hubby is away so much, and my son was pretty good at popping in on me. Sorry, need to visit the ?F? thread again!

          And speaking of hubby :h - I am waiting for him to get home, and we are going out for supper - has become something of a weekly "date", which is good because we then we actually set aside some time for just us. So will say bye for now, catch you tommorrow!
          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


            Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

            july232007;218804 wrote: and I am here to fend off selfinflicted overdoses of Holloween candy by children.

            July - I'm 45 years old . can you help me with this too?

            I had a friend over tonight who just left. Wanted to check in here and see how everyone is doing and say goodnight.

            MM, I really hope you get better quick. Sounds like a really challenging situation. Glad you're here with us at the Inn for the weekend. Will check in on you often. Just holler if you need anything.

            Indigo - I just read your post from yesterday too. What a heartbreak. I'm so sorry. You must feel just desperate about your little girl. Especially with the Holidays coming and all. And I hope you will come back here to the inn and let us tend to you, too, if we can. So impressed with your 60 days. That's really something.

            Always up for a pep talk from Chief
            . I feel your strength and dedication. Thanks for looking after us here.

            - heart goes out to you too. sniff sniff :upset:

            And goodnight to Rob, Janice, FMS, and anyone I've forgotten.

            Did I hear that Lucky
            was staying here too? How much did she pay you Rob to not reveal her room #? Or did she have the room number on her door switched to "Janitor's Closet" to throw us off? I'll find her............shhhhh, I think I hear a meow.......

            Night all - sleep tight! and sweet dreams......

            Luv wonder xx


              Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

              Evenin All:

              Janice-Hope you have a great time with your kids and drop by when you can. I'm glad that you can at least get in here for a laugh from time to time.

              Finding- Hi there!!

              MM-Hope you feel better soon. But I've got to ask, what is this mysterious power you have over men? You turn Satori into a stalker, then you've got Chief wanting to handcuff himself to you, what a hussy you are.

              Chief-.As always straight to the heart of the matter. Thanks for being here to keep us safe and on the straight and narrow.

              July-Maybe you should put the candy up now. What does your wife coach? Hope you get to spend some quality time in the library.

              Deb- Have a great date night with hubby.

              I'll try to get on here extra early tomorrow but if I don't tomorrow is July's 100th and this weekend, Max is doing his mountain run.

              Love and Peace


                Friday 2 Nov at the Inn

                MM day 4 is a challenge but let's look at it as an opportunity for us all to support each other!

                I had a huge craving at 5ish today but I busied myself -- cleaned out my car!!!!
                I plan to sleep in tomorrow ... Sven & I have hit it off! g'night all ... Baby

