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super saturday at the inn

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    super saturday at the inn

    Gday all, starting to get a few nerves about the run tomorrow will need all the support I can get, have talked my brother in law into doing it too! he doesnt know of the significance that it has with me though. After the run I am off to a family get together which sould be good if I make it there alive! Had a minor scuffle with al during the week, he hit me over the back of the head which I didnt see coming, before fighting him off, so I am back to day 4 again. I was very dissapointed with myself for a while. Lets keep the no in NOvember!

    Have a good day!

    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson

    super saturday at the inn

    Max - That Al is a sneaky guy - glad you managed to beat him off again and did only minor damange. No worries - you will be fine. Will be cheering you on in your run tomorrow, I know the significance it holds for you - will be thinking about that too. Nice that your BIL is running with you. Will be cheering you on!

    Attached files [img]/converted_files/359937=2380-attachment.gif[/img]
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


      super saturday at the inn

      this is the course. 6.7 km or 3 and a bit miles cheers max
      "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


        super saturday at the inn

        Max -

        A HUGE

        GOOD LUCK!!!

        from me to you for tommorow....and I hope it is 'beautiful' for you at that point too....

        Love FMS xx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          super saturday at the inn

          Good Luck, Max.......:banana:

          Watch out for Al after your run.....he's bound to tell you that what you need/deserve is a cooling beer......don't listen to him!

          Suze x

          PS. I still have some spare sticks for hitting Al with....let me know if you want me to send one along.....
          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


            super saturday at the inn

            Go Maxman!

            Best of luck tomorrow Maxman. You can do it! You will feel so proud of yourself
            and in turn your self esteem will take a huge hike up! I find that I feel like
            drinking and wrecking my body less the more I put into it with exercise.
            I also hang out with more health conscious people as a result! Go for it.


              super saturday at the inn

              Good morning and Happy Saturday!

              It's nice to meet you Maxman, panadol and Suze. And HELLO!!! To the Booze Buster formerly known as FMF () and Hannah Banana! (FMS - I'm gonna make you as famous as the musician formerly known as Prince!).

              Max and Panadol and Suze, I look forward to reading back issues of the doings at the Inn and getting to know you better. Max, best wishes on your run. Suze, I love your EVILLE CHOCOLATE avatar and your siggy line! Pan it seems I might be looking to you soon for some exercise motivation. (uuuggghhhh - but it does feel good when it's over!)

              It's Day 3 back on the wagon for me. Usually Saturday is my toughest day of the week because that's the day Mr. Doggy and I host dog training for our Schutzhund Training Group. (side note - I thought it was the coolest thing evah when I figured out how to assign a web site link to words of my own choosing like Fugly Green Suit and stuff like that) Oops - a little off track.

              Anyway, the reason it's tough is that after training, there is of course the after glow. The guys drink beer and tell stories and it's fun even without drinking. The bigger problem than the after glow is the fact that since I don't actually handle any dogs myself, I got in the habit of getting a head start on things with my Vodka. So....I don't think participating in dog training today is a good idea - not on Day 3. Especially since it was on a glorious autumn dog training day that I took my fall about 7 weeks ago. Mr. Doggy will manage things today without me in the yard. I will be holed up in my office reading/posting here, but also watching figure skating on the internet via an illegal broadcast!! (hee hee)

              Any figure skating fans out there? The Flair!! The Hair!! The Sequins!! The Divas!! And that's just the Men's division!! This is Skate Canada weekend which is making me REALLY miss Emanuel Sandhu who has apparently retired from competitive skating. The men's short program was the last event yesterday. There was not a single man pant wedgie costume in the whole bunch. Which Canadian will step up to fill E-Man's shoes?? That is the question.

              Anyway, that's how I plan to spend my day. I may go down and say a quick hello to the group, but I ain't goin' anywhere near the after glow.

              Well, this has turned into quite the long babble! I gotta figure out where Sven and the massage boys are around here.

              Day 3 AF after the fall
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                super saturday at the inn

                Best of luck for the run tomorrow, max.

                Starlight Impress x


                  super saturday at the inn

                  Hi Everyone: I'm doing well & looking forward to a vacation in Ireland starting next Wed. I hope everyone here has a great weekend. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    super saturday at the inn

                    lots of innmates doing great!

                    Good morning all! Max -- you rock! We are all cheering you on!

                    Mary!!! IRELAND! How wonderful... I am named after County Kerry and I do plan to go there someday. You deserve this wonderful trip.

                    Hannah darling you are the reason I am starting week 3 AF!!!!!!

                    Suze your dancing chocolate makes me smile!!!!!

                    DG -- YAY love the web trick too! I too am in the midwest (missing the east coast often)

                    I am off to have some clothing altered because I have lost some inches since cutting back and NOW that I am AF!!!!!! I'll checki in later Love, BabyGirl


                      super saturday at the inn

                      Good Morning INNmates!! Well so much for getting an early start on the thread.

                      Maxman- Dude, you were in and out of the Wreck room in a flash!! I know that you're getting nervous but just know that we're all getting excited for you, especially since we know the significance of the run for you.

                      Love the slogan-Let's keep the NO in NOvember!! Good luck Max.

                      Hannah/Deb- Still not sleeping? How was date night with hubby?

                      Finding- Good morning sunshine.

                      Suze-Where do you find all those sticks? Have you and Horatio been in the woods?

                      Pan- Hello, That does seem to be one of the keys to fighting off Al. Welcome to our happy little retreat/asylum.

                      DG - DAY 3--Good for you!! Sounds like you have a plan too! Loved your description of the Men's division of figure skating.

                      Well- off to start a congrats thread for July and work on the seminar. Back later

                      Love and Peace


                        super saturday at the inn

                        Go Max!!!!!


                        Morning innies -

                        DG - sounds like the smartest decision ever to sit out the afterglow right on! I do love figure skating, but have been 'out of the loop' for a few years and don't know who's who these days. And..... here at the Inn, I think it was last week or the week before, someone (without authroization but Rob said it was okay) put in a skating rink! So you can even skate away yourself if you want! The Inn's rink was christened by Sven, who performed a lovely long program in a rhinstone thong. I think the music was "Rhinestone Cowboy"...... or was it "Swan Lake"? I really can't remember. The music wasn't what I, um, focused on!!! .cough. .cough. Unfortunately somebody (Hannah!?!?) stole the videotape of it for personal viewing. It was truly a sight to behold, as you can imagine.

                        How's MM this morning?

                        I have a day of eating planned (what !?!). First I'm going to the gym this morning to prepare (clear my conscience). Then I'm driving into the city to meet Mom and a visiting uncle and cousins for a feast of ribs and all the trimmings at an amazing barbecue joint. I'm not much of a meat -eater, but I can step up with the best of them when family duty calls! mmmmmm...... I may need to have some pepto sent to my room when I get back.

                        YAY!!! BABY GIRL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        see you guys later....... xxwonder


                          super saturday at the inn

                          Hi Starlight!

                          WOW Mary - a trip to Ireland sounds exciting. My Mom has only traveled outside of North America once - many years ago when Dad was in the Army and stationed in France. After crossing the Big Pond the plane stopped in Ireland for re-fueling. Mom said she forever thinks of Ireland when she thinks of the color green. She describes it to this day in great detail - how beautiful it looked on "first sighting" from the air. Have fun!! Take pictures to share!! Where all are you visiting? Are you already packed? Do you have family there, or strictly just a vacation? (thank you again for kicking my a$$ to get back to AF on Nov 1!!)

                          Hi BabyGirl! Congratulations on needing a clothing size reduction!!! Can you make sure and rub some of that off on me?????

                          Hi Rob!! Boy you have outdone yourself with this glorious Inn!!!! Although I must say that I was getting awfully tired of the ugly decor in the Wreck room. (LOL - OK, do I understand the Wreck Room correctly???) Is it the holiday strategies seminar you are working on? Here's my idea. 1) Buy lotto ticket. 2) Win lotto. 3) Leave for an exotic and AF location on November 20. 4) Return to home on January 5. How does that sound???

                          Wonderworld - WHEE have fun eating BBQ!! Wish I could come with you. I can't believe I missed Sven skating to Swan Lake (or whatever song that was!) in a rhinestone thong. HANNAH!!! HAND OVER THAT VIDEO RIGHT NOW!!!

                          I too am wondering how MM is feeling today. Hopefully that infection thingy is better.

                          I have a feeling I'll be checking in here a lot. Rob, is the Life Line here somewhere so I can touch it if I need to????

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            super saturday at the inn

                            I love max's phrase too - do you think it would be alright to borrow it for my sig?

                            DG - Yes you are right about the wreck room. It's gross. Al designed it himself. I had a visit there recently and I'm really glad to be back upstairs (I picture it being in the basement). Luckily the Inn holds our rooms for us if we go down there for 'research', no matter how long. AL's a stinky crappy pimply slimy no good butthead.

                            And quite frankly DG, your holiday strategy is the best one I've ever heard. Only one slight change I might make for myself - the exotic AF location is actually another planet at the far end of the galaxy (with a kickass beach) .

                            Okay, off to the g.y.m. to shake my b.o.o.t.y. -:baaah:

                            wonder xx


                              super saturday at the inn

                              Hello, my friend!!

                              First of all - GO MAXMAN!!! You are aninspiration.

                              I told myself - actually made a promise to myself (aargghh), that I was going to get back in top form and take care of myself as soon as this virus is gone. AF, and get these few pounds off I have been fighting for the past two years.

                              Anyone up for a November exercise challenge!! I have changed my schedule so I don't go to work until 11am each day. I have the equip (rowing and treadmill), and my new ZUMBA tapes (latin aerobics - arribbba!). So, now Ijust need to get my arse motivated! Actually laying around for 4 days I am sure will fix that!

                              Nice to hear from the Inn-Mates this morning! Mary.. a trip to Ireland - NICE. And you are so strong now. what fun you will have seeing with open eyes. FMS Mornin' Sunshine! How was your Friday.. What's new?Pan Nice to meet you.. I feel exactly the same way! Exercise is going to be my ally! Baby And you are a testament to that, girlfriend! Gotta love that! I just unpacked my winter clothes and I need to lose a few inches. I woul dlike to actually bypass my last winter size and take a few in myself.. thanks for the pep-words Suze OMG, I can't believe your avatar still makes me laugh EVERY time I see it!! Keep those extra sticks handy - tomorrow is my dreaded day 4! After that it should be pretty smooth sailing. Starlight Always nice to see yoru bright shiney face (er, eye). Hannah Did you know I am a Deb, too? Yep.. actually, it's Debi, Mom decided to get tricky with the spelling. I have cursed her every time I have to spell it out (when I do, usually I just say "right" to whatever). YEAH - details on Date night - I love date night w/ my hubby! JULY HAPPY 100!!!!!!!!!! (I did a little shout for you on the other thread in your honor). ROB Good morning, Julie! I feel kind of like you are the "Julie" on The Love Boat.. Organizing, making sure we are all happy, comfy and, well, rubbed! Thank you for everything! WonerI love the fact that you are working out this morning, knowing you are going to RIB-OUT tonight. That is my kind of girl. Better to be even at the end of the day than overloaded - calorie-speaking.. Enjoy your family!DG Top of the mornin' - my little partner in crime - hello to day 3 for us!!!!!!!! I feel really good about his. I know we can do this and I hate to say this, but it is nice having you on the same day as me. You are so strong - and when you are not I will be.. xooxo

                              Good morning, Chief
                              , and all those to come.....

                              Well, best go get some tea and meds.. YUK


                              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

