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super saturday at the inn

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    super saturday at the inn

    Good Luck

    Good Luck with the run Max


      super saturday at the inn

      Well it sounds like everyone is doing great on this fine NOvember day! Let's keep the NO in NOvember... I like that Max! Good Luck on your run. It will be tough, but fun, and you will feel great when it's over. And yes, keep your eyes peeled for The Beast...he will be waiting for you at the finish line but you'll be so pumped and feeling so good you'll just kick his ass!
      DG, I'm glad you're back.. just start racking those AF days up one by one and you'll be on top of your game..
      MM- Day 3..good job! Stay strong and focused and you'll get through day 4 before you know it. It's just another day..
      Mary- cool is that? Have a great time and think of us EVERYDAY you are gone...don't allow that Beast to sneak aboard your luggage!
      FMS, Baby, Pan, Suze, Beth, Deb, July, Rob...hope I didn't miss guys are doing great! I'm glad everyone is enjoying their stay at The Inn!
      And of course, Star.. I hope you are having a great weekend. Maybe we'll catch eachother in chat later..



        super saturday at the inn

        Wow, you go to bed for a few hours, and this thread just explodes! And that is a good thing!

        Wonder, shhhh on the Sven in thong thing, hey? If I start loaning out that video I am sure I will never get it back! Anyways, I don?t know what the big deal is, he still has that lovely pink number - if you go look quick, he is working on the new back patio as we speak - now that?s better than your morning coffee!

        Oh, by the way, Wonder, hope you can escape this little guy after you finger licking, lip smacking rib extravagenza -

        DG - good luck with your training day, your plan to sit that out is a good one, know that day was always a trigger for you. And hey, male figure skating - who needs vodka to get a bit of a glow on?

        Hi Star, always so nice to see you.

        Mary - Oh, would love to go to Ireland, you lucky thing. Have a very good time! It will be such a memorable experience for you, seeing the world with clear eyes as you are! We will miss you while you are gone.

        Baby Girl (so glad you hung in there)

        Good to meet you Pan and Cheebs. Always room at the Inn, are you checking in? We have some extra special views available, come right this way??

        HiYa Suze (this is especially for you Suze),

        MM - Yay on Day 4! How?s the chest feeling? Still got a fever? Hope things are improving for you. Keep bundled up and propped up in front of the computer, and we?ll walk both you and DG right through that Day 4. No problem!

        Rob - Hey, Julie (snicker) - You are the glue that holds this Inn together. I am the duct tape! Ha! Actually slept ok last night, for me, anyhow. Date night w hubby was great. Which raises a question - you all know that I am here sort of under false pretenses, because I actually moderate now? Does that bother anyone? Don?t want to rain on anyone?s parade, and I truly love this place, don?t think I would feel nearly as comfy in one of the mods threads. Speak now, or forever hold your peace!

        I feel I can still say let?s keep the NO in November, because for me that now translates into let?s keep the NO falling outside my quidelines, and rooting for all of you at the same time. That okay?

        Date night with hubby - Wow, my life just never settles down. I think hubby and I are conditioned into thinking toddling along in life at a steady pace is only for the elderly or something - here?s the latest:

        You know my son has accepted a job and is moving - he will be a ?Tech? guy. Satori will know what that is all about, but for the rest of you - my hubby and son both work for the same company, which sells and services Oilfield chemicals. Hubby is Area Manager here, son was a service guy before he took this promotion.

        Well, now they have asked hubby to move to Edmonton and become what amounts to second in command in all of Canada, and one of the branches of the company he would be responsible for would be the Tech group. So would still be a line of communication via work with him and son. Also - my whole family lives in St. Albert, which is really now an extension of Edmonton. Am I excited????? But, means selling, packing, moving, all that stuff, quitting my job (Aw, gee) etc. Still in the thinking phase, but 99% sure he will accept.

        As I said, my life is never dull and boring.

        Well, I guess I should do something with my day and get away from the computer for a bit. Hubby calls this place ?my soap? because I am always telling him little snippets of stories, etc. He is only kidding, because he knows how important this site is to me, and he will now even ask me about specific people, etc and how they are doing.
        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


          super saturday at the inn

          Oooh...Hannah/ EXCITING about your move and hub's new job! I'm weird - I like moving house! :H I love all the sorting and chucking out and then the joy of new rooms and garden etc. Hope you'll enjoy it too!

          Thank you SO much for those chocs......and the great thing is the more I eat the more there are of them in the box...and NO calories....WOW!! I used to think chocolate was a sex substitute....but, really, it's much more important than that..........................:H

          Everyone sounds on good form...and Hannah...for me it's ok that you're moderating....duct tape is allowed to.......and you find such lovely men for us too.......

          MM...are you feeling any better? Are you finding that being sick is a help in staying AF? I'm still bad with my kidney infection and the only good thing about it is that I really don't feel much like drinking.....silver lining to every cloud!

          Mary...lucky you going to Ireland...I've been there quite a bit....I love it. The people are so nice and relaxed....I hope you have a great time.

          Keep happy over the weekend, everyone, see you at the shout-out tomorrow.

          Suze x
          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


            super saturday at the inn

            MM - So you are a Deb too? Lovely name isn't it? Only about 3 of us in every class all through school! My actual handle is DEBORAH (God, I hate that!) My Mom and Dad had wanted to spell it DEBRA, but they were told that was not the correct spelling. Can you imagine? Nowadays they are naming children after everything INCLUDING the kitchen sink. I have always spelt it Debra anyhow, it's my name, after all! Debi is unusual too, usually Debby or Debbie - at least you are unique!

            Re the excercise challenge - yes, good idea. I have been lax too. Did go on Wednessday, and was stiff from it - that never used to happen, so know I am seriously out of shape. Aim to go again on Monday. Anybody else care to pick up the torch?
            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


              super saturday at the inn

              OK - I'm reaching out for the life line. I am SO GLAD that I told all the training group people that's I'm hiding in my office today watching figure skating. That is true, but the REAL reason is so I'm not overwhelmed with the temptation to drink. Well, the weather is changing to these cooler days for training now, and one of the guys who knows I'm a Vodka girl (well, ALL the people know I'm a vodka girl, they just don't know my struggles with it!) brought HOME MADE BLOODY MARYS. AAAGGGGHHHHH. At least I can keep hiding out up here with only an occassional pleasant hello (while gritting teeth). AND I have you guys and also my illegal broadcast of figure skating to keep busy with.

              I truly can't wait until the desire to drink goes away entirely or almost entirely. I know I can NEVER EVER let my guard down EVER. Bah.

              I will not drink alcohol today.
              I will not drink alcohol today.
              I will not drink alcohol today.

              Day 3AF after the fall
              I will not drink alcohol today.
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                super saturday at the inn

                DOGGY, DOGGY, DOGGY!!

                You need to stay with me girlfriend!! Bloody Marys are BAD, BAD, BAD!! Definately not worth it. This is a mind thing.. REMEMBER, if they ask you, you need to tell them that you are not drinking today - you are just not feling well, WHATEVER!. Tell them now if you have to to make sure everyone understands. Have you told your hubby you are not drinking again? That was my downfall last week. I didn't tell my hubby and then when he asked it was too easy to say yes. Take him aside and see if he can help you ward off the temptations..

                Write me back...

                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                  super saturday at the inn

                  DG: You only have to worry about staying sober today. You can confront tomorrow when it comes. I love vodka too, even though I mostly stuck to wine for a about a year prior to MWO. The vodka was getting lethal. I got to the point where I could drink a 5th in 3 days. As for bloody Mary's: The way I drank, it wasn't about the taste or the bloody part of the bloody Mary. It was all about the vodka & obliteration. I realize that now. I'm not having any of that in my life any more. With more & more AF days, I'm realizing that all the fantasy surrounding drinking is just that: fantasy. The lovely drinks at cocktail hour, the nice cold beer on a hot day, the "delicious" bloody Mary for brunch, etc. etc...all that is a set-up for me to get drunk. I have to remind myself that I never, ever have just 1, 2, or even 3. I found it very interesting, DG, that you shared that it didn't take long for you to fall right back into your old drinking pattern. In my heart, I know that would be true for me. I'd fall right back into that old cycle of planning, buying, & drinking way too much...over & over again. That's why AF is for me. There are no decisions I have to make. I cannot drink...period, end of story. Anyhow, enough of the rambling. The first week is the hardest. I'm right w/you all the way. Keep're doing fine. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    super saturday at the inn

                    just got up checked the weather radar and have never seen so much rain!
                    gale force winds and thunder storms, the gods are really turning it on today. at least it will be better than running in the heat!
                    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                      super saturday at the inn

                      MM and Mary - thanks for taking this time with me. I also want to say hi to Max and ask more about the run. I know it has great meaning and I haven't dug deep enough since coming back here to MWO to learn the significance. So Max if you have time I would love to hear more.

                      Mary, I know what you mean. It's not about a pleasant tasting bloody mary - it's about getting the drinking going for the day.

                      MM, yes Mr. Doggy does know what's going on - thank goodness I decided to tell him. It was tempting not to, but for me, that would ONLY have meant that I wasn't serious about this, and was giving myself an easy out to drink if I felt like it. And we all know (me especially!) that yes, I *would* have felt like. Today if not sooner.

                      There is only one guy in the training group (outside of Mr. Doggy) that I previously told about quitting. He has quietly admitted his own struggles with controlling the volume. He's the only one I fessed up to today, when he asked why no BM for me.

                      I'm so thankful that you guys are here.

                      Day 3 and no Bloody Marys for me
                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        super saturday at the inn

                        DG - You can do this. You know you can - and you wouldn't want to have to start all over again, with 3 days under your belt.

                        Make yourself a list, right now, of all the good things about quitting drinking. And take it one hour at a time, one minute if need be. Are your previously clean closets in need of another go through? Can you go for a walk and get away for a few minutes?

                        Hang in there, rooting for you!
                        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                          super saturday at the inn

                          gday doggy, my brothers ashes are scattered on the last lookout before the top, on the last bend of the track. he will be loving the weather today!
                          "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                            super saturday at the inn

                            Oh, DG - I'm so happy you told your hubby... How it the ice skating going?

                            Still taking it easy. I did try to do a few stretches and abs, but I really sucked, so I stopped. I need to just lay low another few days - I hate being sick - and I'm having a FAT DAY! Probably just feeling it becasue of the meds and not being able to exercise.

                            So, I'm off to make some popcorn and watch a movie - ho-hum....

                            I'm going to be checkin on you DG - so keep posting, girlfriend!!

                            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                              super saturday at the inn

                              maxman;219119 wrote: gday doggy, my brothers ashes are scattered on the last lookout before the top, on the last bend of the track. he will be loving the weather today!
                              Oh Max. I'm so very sorry to hear that. I have two brothers and I can't imagine what it would be like to lose one of them - especially at this stage of life (i.e. before we're all 105 years old or something like that). Do you mind running in the rain? Best wishes to you.

                              MM and Hannah, thank you so much for your continued support. LOL - for the last leg of figure skating for today I holed up here in my office with copius amounts of snack food. Not exactly what I need to be doing in the long run for my waist line (LOL - I initially typo'd that as "waste line"). But for today, the fuller my tummy is the less I crave alcohol.

                              I think I will wander outside to watch a little of the tail end of training, then when the "after glow" starts up I'm gonna take MM's lead and hole up in bed and turn on a movie.

                              All in all this is a GOOD day, despite the challenge, because it's an AF day. And Hannah, I'm gonna take your advice and do a little writing before I go outside.

                              Thank you thank you!!! Please don't worry. I will make it to day 4.

                              Good luck to you Max and thanks to all of you my good friends for your support here today!!

                              Day 3 AF after the fall
                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                super saturday at the inn

                                Boy, I just checked out what 'a fifth' is...... not a usual UK measurement (I don't think?)....
                                A bottle to us. Hmmmm, I took a fifth A DAY for the last 4 days before I stopped....that's how stupid I was - how scared I was of throwing up ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? - how little I knew about anything....

                                DO NOT EVER GO THERE!!!

                                Thank GOD it's all over and I only did those few days......and yet, I too, had been doing a fifth over 3 days for ages...... shudder. It seems so scary to remember just how easy it was.

                                I hope I never forget - although I so want to. I want to have never been there. But I guess life is full of 'those' feelings about loads of things...daft relationships, job mess-ups, financial cock-ups, rows and letters written, things not done or done too late....just, perhaps, finding my self is also about accepting just how bad I was with drink... I still find that 'hard'....I have to accept at a pace I can 'handle' without feeling just so bad about myself. Is this just me? Normally, I am brilliant at beating myself up over things and not letting the 'rest of the party' own their part (even if I seem to be the opposite!)....but there was only me and a bottle.....and yet, perhaps if I let the 'rest of the party' own their was my choice to put the glass to my lips but, indeed, I didn't do it unstimulated!

                                I'm so happy to know it doesn't help now. And that it's so much more effective to 'treat my stimulus'......remove/move away from/avoid/release/say 'No' to (!)/say 'Yes' to (!!)/ ask for help/find healthy company/come here/go for a walk......craving or not, they all move me forward in times of 'The Wobbles'!!

                                (It intrigues me just how different we all are - no criticisms! I never drank to get happy-pissed...just to hide me from me.... (hence the name I guess!) And, as you might have gathered, I am on my own this weekend, the kids away, and 'feeling myself' TOO strongly for my own liking!! Super aware and over-indentifying with my mother.....aaagh! What's THAT about?! Not going to do anything about it but, hey ho, just part of this amazing journey I guess!

                                DG - and MM - hang in there. You're doing so well. I hope the pluerisy is getting better too - my son had it when he was 3 - horrible pain. DG - get out the Torvil & Dean videos?!? Can't believe that was so long ago now!

                                This has been another verbose waffle - sorry! But if there are any bones to pick out that are useful - well, I'll hit 'post'....otherwise the select all and delete buttons are very effective.............!!!!! :H

                                Love and hugs
                                FMS xxxx
                                :heart: c: :heart:
                                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

