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super saturday at the inn

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    super saturday at the inn

    Soory - that was a bit maudlin'...... perhaps I shouldn't have spouted forth at The Inn.....apologies!

    I hope you all have a great Saturday evening - have you got a cabaret booked? Sven around - or Horatio?

    Love FMS xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      super saturday at the inn

      That was a jolly good spout, FMS, thanks for it!

      We love you rambling or succinct LOL :l

      Suze x
      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


        super saturday at the inn

        I LOVE your so-called rambles. They are very important and hit home for me, and I am sure others. We are all so similar in so many ways. Our paths meant to cross for a reason. I have spent so much toime this weekend reading here, and I still can't believe how many times I hear someone tell my story when they talk. So, ramble away... sometimes it is easier to read than write for me.. so I for one thank you!!


        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          super saturday at the inn


          I know I also enjoy your so called rambles. Streams of compassion.



            super saturday at the inn

            Aw....just checked in before bed... July, I am so touched.... and deeply honoured if that's in any way 'true'...!

            And Suze and MM, thanks... I hope you're both feeling a lot better. One 'bonus' of your feelng poorly, especially you, MM, today, is your wonderful cornucopia of posts!! Everywhere! I've enjoyed them all!

            Sleep well all! Off to pile up some z's now!

            Love FMS xx
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              super saturday at the inn

              Busy day at the INN

              DG- Hope you're doing well. It seems as if you found that lifeline in MM, Mary, Hannah and others. I hope you grabbed on and hung on for all you are worth and your worth A LOT!!
              I do like your Holiday strategy, its the winning the Lotto that may prove a little tricky.

              MM- Hope you're felling better. You need to give yourself some time to rest and recuperate a little. You know if you push too hard you'll be right back on your bum!

              Wonder - I had forgotten all about the rink. You forgot to mention the twinkling lights that Sven had on his thong- not that I saw the video or anything, I didn't, you know I wouldn't be intersted in anything like that.

              Hope you didn't eat too much BBQ. I'm just saying that because I'm jealous and wish that I had.

              Max- I'm the worlds worst when it comes to figuring out time zones dates. But I think from your last post that you have completed the race and have scattered your brother's ashes. Blessings for you and for him. Stretches, warm shower, good and rest! If I've got the time wrong, just follow the advice at the appropriate time.

              Holy cannoli, she's all over the place tonight.

              Chief - How goes weekend patrol- I see that Al has been trying to make some inroads with DG. Did you see how the troops just jumped in and beat the hell out of him with Suze's sticks. You've trained us well man.

              Suze- Its a shame that you can't magically transport your chocolately self up to Canada to help Hannah/Deb, you'de have her squared away in no time. I'm really starting to get worried about your kidneys girl, this is what, 3, 3.5 weeks with meds and your still sick. It may be time to head back to the doc.

              Hannah/Deb - Now that is the first butt-crack that I've ever seen that I like. Duct Tape is probably the most useful tool in the world!! Haven't you ever been in one of those beautifully decorated homes where the faux leather chairs are repaired with duct tape. You know the one with the car in the drive where the missing window replaced with cardboard which is held in place by you guessed it duct tape. I'll bet even Brittiny Spears uses it as emergency hem repair on her hot pants!!

              Wonderful news about the move!! Awful news about the packing!! It sounds as if things are really falling into place for you right now, I hope it all works out the way you want it to.
              This also sounds like a big step up for hubby.

              As to the mods thing. I'm still not sure how I feel about that. I have no doubt about how I feel about you. You are one of the most loving, caring, funny, committed, and strong people that I have ever had the privilige of knowing. Are you welcome here, absolutely and forever.

              Do I know what impact, if any you discussing your moderation has on our guests, that is what I don't know. This is where it is important for the guests to speak up. Like you said Deb, speak now or forever hold your piece.

              And that is absolutely my last word ever on the subject.

              Now my dear, since you and others have decided that I am Julie--Then hows about you being Jane Fonda/Richard Simmons and just get us all up and bouncing around and whipping us into shape-huh-huh? I know that Suze has been talking about it but I'm afraid that her kidneys will bounce out her chocolately ears and MM is bound to strain a chakra right now.

              Ok, this is quite long enough to put even the most determined reader to sleep.

              Love and Peace
              Rob Attached files [img]/converted_files/360253=2318-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/360253=3698-attachment.gif[/img]


                super saturday at the inn

                zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! (genuinely; it's 1am!)

                (Dreaming of strained chakras!!! Lots & LOL!!!

                FMS xx
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  super saturday at the inn

                  Hello all - one last time! FMS, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your rambles!! Rambles are a very good thing IMO. LOL - we might be kindred spirits in that regard! I'm sure the finding yourself is an awesome experience - probably with a few bumps in the road at times. But you just sound SO good, and I'm so very happy for you that you're in this better place.

                  Whew. This was a long day. It was actually a good day, with the exception of having vodka on my mind for most of it. I love watching figure skating (and OH FMS how I remember Torville and Dean - their Bolero program really changed the direction of Ice Dancing!). I love watching dog training and taking pictures. Once skating was over I grabbed the camera and took pictures of the last 4 dogs doing protection work, and also pictures of our trainer's little puppy that he's just starting to train. Then came the afterglow. It was indoors today in the kitchen - to chilly for sitting outside more after all day of training (for the folks who did that, which I didn't). Harder to hide from. I ended up spending some time with the group and it was fun. They are nice people and we talk a lot and laugh a lot. I can't wait until I can enjoy that without craving a drink every stinkin' second.

                  BUT...Day 3 of AF is successfully coming to a close. And I can say this for sure - I do not believe I would have been successful without you guys. So THANK YOU THANK YOU.

                  So there are twinkly lights in addition to rhinestones on Sven's figure skating thong? Hannah, you better hand over that video RIGHT NOW!!

                  A thought on moderation here at the Inn. Of course this is just my own point of view. As an abstainer, I know that I will need to learn to be comfortable around moderate drinkers in the long term. My husband has the occassional beer, and every Saturday the training group has afterglow - just as two immediate examples.

                  On the flip side, I believe the truly moderate drinkers - the ones who can successfully moderate - can take or leave drinking, and are sensitive to friends that they know need to abstain. I think that any friend who is able to successfully work towards moderation would keep that in mind in a sensitive way while spending time at the Inn. No need to be dishonest....just sensitive. Does that make sense? I personally think that Deb would have this kind of sensitivity. Like if I was truly able to drink in moderation in a healthy way, I would be able to spend a weekend at the Inn and not drink, and not think a whole lot about drinking. I wouldn't smuggle in drinks - there would be no need.

                  Anyway, I hope that makes sense. At least sort of!

                  And Max, I am keeping you in my thoughts.

                  OK - enough babble for today. I'm heading to bed early and will watch something silly on the boob tube. Then it will be on to Day 4 AF after the fall in the AM!

                  Thank you all again,

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    super saturday at the inn

                    One last check in before lights out...

                    Thanks all for being here today , and good on you, DG!!!! I am proud of you. I could feel it was a hard day, so glad you made it through - I knew you could..

                    Hannah - I would be ABSOLUTELY saddened beyond words if you were not here with us at the Inn. This place is as much yours as it is ours. You are a very an intergral part of the fabric of this place. I do not believe anyone would have known whether you were abstaining or mods had you not shared this with us. That is your decision, and I (and I am sure I am not alone) support you which ever way you go. I agree with Rob and DG in that when people are trying to be completely AF it is hard to talk about MODS, but I know you haven't and are sensitive to that. Oh, I guess I have said enough.. you get my point :h

                    Well, I'm off to bed. My chest no longer hurts, yeah! I still don't have any energy, but I will hit the pillow early hoping to be myself in the morning. I HAVE to because if I keep munching and laying around watching movies I will have to check myself into OA REHAB!! (hopefullly that wasn't PI).. I need to getr some exercise.. BLAH!


                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      super saturday at the inn

                      Yay DG & MM!!! Way to go!! Love your fighting spirit!! FMS your rambles are beautiful!

                      I'm too tired to say much. but Hannah - if YOU are happy with being a moderator, then I am fine with it too. HOWEVER....... if you continue to procure men for us (and I hope you do!)....then you MUST send them to the spa for a waxing before they clock in. Sven, in the pink thong, with that hairy patch is, well......JUST PLAIN WRONG!!! Depilatory treatments are a job requirement!!! thank you.

                      I'm stuffed, sober and thrilled, as always, to be in the company of my good friends here:h
                      Good night all! Sweet dreams!
                      luv wonder xx


                        super saturday at the inn

                        I am someone who saw Rob's request on the LTA's about a seminar at the Inn. I havent been much on this site in the past year and didnt know what was going on at the Inn. But I've just spent a while looking at the posts and the support here... you all have a great vibe going on and support DOES help, no doubt about it... so you are to be commended for your efforts, I reckon and making it fun and funny also helps.

                        Days like doggy girl has had are hard, very hard. It plays with your brain... and the support you gave her is compelling reading. MWO can be a very useful tool to help in fighting the brain. But its also the honesty of the individual. doggy quite obviously didnt want to cave in and thats simply great so well done doggy.

                        I dont know any of you from when I was on this board posting a bit more, but I"m a rabid abs person. For me, moderation was something I worked towards for too long before accepting that I simply couldnt do it. Does that mean I hate moderators? No, absolutely not. But, it did mean that I didnt even read the mods threads because they did my head in, and that is tinged with jealousy, because, I think if I tackled my drinking earlier, maybe mods might have been an option for me. But I cant be abs and be unhappy, cos where is the use in that? So its more complex. I have to be happy with abs for me, BUT be ok if others are drinking. This was a process that took a few months. The truth is that when I am with people who are drinking (and lets face it, that happens a lot) I have accepted that I AM not like them.. I cant be and I dont want to be anymore (I used to want to be like them). The reality is that happiness for me is NOT associated with drink and I have no problems being around drinking now.. so am I being clear.. that I think its because I'm HAPPY with NOT drinking for ME. And that is really a choice I've had to make.. to be happy the way that I am. sounds simple, when I type it, but it wasnt.. it took a while to get my head around it.

                        I do hope that you dont mind me posting at the Inn... and I wish you all the very best.


                          super saturday at the inn

                          welcome brigid post whenever you like, I need another aussie mate at the inn! Well the run was cancelled due to extreme weather conditions, a bit of a downer as I was so pumped to do it, dont know if it will be postponed to another date or cancelled untill next year had a family barby this arvo which was pretty good!


                          "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                            super saturday at the inn

                            Hi Brigid and thank you for posting here!! You made so many thought provoking points in your post. Thanks for sharing! And yes - the wonderful friends here at the Inn were a huge help to me yesterday! The support here at MWO and at the Inn is truly amazing.

                            Congratulations on your success with sobriety. Us newbies benefit from knowing that long term sobriety is possible - and that life is GOOD. (not just some miserable life spent missing alcohol).


                            Day 4 AF
                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.

