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Sunday, November 4th, at The Inn

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    Sunday, November 4th, at The Inn

    Good Morning America! And England, and Australia, and - and - everywhere! Boy, we are a diverse bunch, aren?t we.

    Brigid, Was still up when you posted last night. I did read your inspiring post in one of the other forums, you have come so far, and have learned so much along the way. Thanks for putting down the words, and explaining your observations, they mean a lot to us (me).

    And - Innies - Thanks so much, guys, for letting me stay, and for your kind words. I feel so at home here, and love your guys to pieces, and feel I serve a useful purpose here. I am so am very very happy you are okay with me being here. I must be careful that my mods may not someday go south on me, so this thread serves a purpose for me too. I am still very much mainly AF, and plan to conduct myself as though I am totally AF in this thread. Just didn?t want to be pulling the wool over anybody?s eyes, or having anyone wonder why I don?t shout out my days on Sunday Shoutout.

    So - I?ll just carry on being the duct tape, and procurer of men. (Wonder, if you want your men hairless, you are going to have to help me hold ?em down for the waxing - don?t think they?ll go willingly!)

    I do have Richard Simmons here with me today to begin the exercise challenge - surely you don?t want me to wax him, Wonder? I mean, how far are we going to go with this?

    Oh yes, and Jane Fonda is making an appearance too. How many of you girls are old enough to remember the Jane Fonda exercise tapes/books? Oh yes, I am here to torture you with them once again. Are you ready girls? Start walking!!!

    I so need to get back in shape - used to be in good shape, what a difference a month can make. The last time I went to the gym was Sept 26th, just before Guerrino died, and just went back for the first time on Wednesday, so just over a month later. Can?t believe how stiff I was on Thursday/Friday. Couldn?t even bring myself to go back on Friday. But - I am always a little stiff, especially in the morning, (advancing age and all that) when not exercising, so no surprise that I was somewhat stiff, but was surprisingly so. I even dug out a prescription anti-inflammatory the Dr had given me when I wrecked my ankle 2 years ago, and took half a one yesterday morning so I could clean house. I really am a person who MUST exercise, and pay the price if I don?t. So back I go again on Monday.

    So - Anybody with me? Care to commit to doing something physical every day? DG - want to haul out the dread mill and torture track once more? Just holler out your goals/commitments/ideas. Al is absolutely allergic to exercise, so we will never see him in the gym, guaranteed!

    Max - how was the run? We expect a full report!! Did it rain as much as expected? Hope it all went well.
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

    Sunday, November 4th, at The Inn

    Gday , the run was cancelled due to extreme weather! what a bummer I was so pumped, hopefully they will reschedule it so I wont have to wait till next year!
    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


      Sunday, November 4th, at The Inn

      Good morning everyone,

      I woke up and Hannah and Max had already been up, too. Wow.

      Well, we apparently "fell back" last night as my clock over the mantel said it was 1:30 when I woke up. (I hate insomnia.)

      So, of course, I got up and started reading all the threads. Nothing like sitting at a computer and thinking to help you go back to sleep.

      I sure wish one of the hotel staff would come out in the lobby and chat but it seems like it is pretty quiet at the Inn this early morning.

      I guess I'll pop a benadryl and try to get back to sleep. Even my usually hyper dog, Poulan, is still asleep. (He's soo cute when he is sleeping..:H ) The rest of the time he just wears me out. Glad the Inn lets in pets, though, or I wouldn't be able to stay.

      Hope I "see" you all during daylight tomorrow AFTER I have gotten a bit more shut eye.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Sunday, November 4th, at The Inn

        sweet dreams cindi
        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


          Sunday, November 4th, at The Inn

          Good morning Innsters! HannahB-Deb thank you for getting the day started with the lovely reminder about exercise! I might just have to get on the Dreadmill for a few minutes today. I was seriously planning to get started back up "tomorrow" but today is always better! Based on my schedule, the best way for me to alternate my days is Sunday-Tues-Thurs Aerobics and Monday-Wednesday-Saturday Weights (Bowflex makes an excellent torture device for this purpose). Friday off because I have a 7AM business meeting every Friday. Which of course, are much easier to get to and more enjoyable sans hangovers.

          Max, I am sorry to hear that the run had to be cancelled. Sending you positive vibes for a re-schedule rather than a long wait.

          Hi Cindi! Are you out of town today? You must get awfully tired of all the travel away from home you have to do for your job. LOL - I can't tell if you are talking about this here 2D "inn" or a 3D (real) Inn sometimes! Sorry you had trouble sleeping though. I HATE being wide awake at a time like 1:30 AM.

          Deb, I was reading yesterday a bit about the possible changes for Mr. Hannah's job, and your possible move. I don't think I responded properly as I was mired up in my own BS over those Bloody Marys in my kitchen. I recall you saying quite awhile back that you are fond of settling in and not a big fan of moves. But if this one will take you closer to where your son is going, and is a good move for you hubby, then I hope you are excited about the possibility and looking forward to the change!

          I'm VERY happy to be here at Day 4 AF. I'm excited to get this one behind me - in fact I'm excited to get back to double digits - mainly because it starts getting a little bit easier then. I'm hoping for a peaceful laid back day with some time spent here, and time watching the last two events of Skate Canada. I'm also going to download a software program that a friend of ours wrote that is designed for cataloging LARGE numbers of photographs in a database format. I'm quickly realizing I have to do something or I will never be able to find any of my older pictures ever again. That will be a big project - even this soon with my camera! I still have so much to learn. So I have plenty of things to do today that I enjoy doing. With the possible exception of a short walk on the dreadmill, I'm not planning to do ANYTHING work related, housework related, or drudgery related today!

          Oh - and I'm going to wait until HannahB-Deb is escorting Richard and Jane to the health club area, and I'm going to rifle her room in search of that skating video of Sven in the rhinestone and sparkly lights thong....Hannah you are so MEAN to keep that video all for youself!!

          What's everyone else doing the fine Sunday?

          Day 4 AF after the fall
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Sunday, November 4th, at The Inn

            Morning Innies!

            First, let me say Hannah - the idea of waxing Richard Simmons is pure joy to me. Could we do it together? And maybe a third volunteer to tickle his feet during the treatment? And then, I want to dye his hair bright pink and put fake finger nails on him. And spray him with glue and roll him in glitter. and make him a pipe-cleaner tiara. Could he be my Sunday art project !?!? PLEEEEEEEZE ?!?!?

            Exercise challenge for me - 1 hr. six days a week. Could be anything from a walk outside, to yoga, to a cardio blowout at the gym (maybe I shouldn't use the term 'blowout' here....)

            DG - you're kickin a** and takin' names!!! Nice!!!! Call my room when you get the video.....I'm dying to see it again...

            Cindi- did you get some zzzz's I hope? How are you feeling?

            Max - What a disappointment - after all that preparation...... hope the run is re-scheduled soon.

            MM - you better be resting today! And your Day 4 too --- YAY!!!!! Glad it's a Sunday and you can spend some of it here at the Inn. It's awesome!

            Morning Rob - Innkeeper Supreme! The 'sleep line' is a FANTASTIC idea....the inn just gets better and better all the time!!! you're the best :h .

            See you a little later-


              Sunday, November 4th, at The Inn

              Hi guys - Sorry, I seem to have screwed up again - -but surely you must be used to that by now! I totally forgot about the Sunday Rules and Shout Out - and started the regular thread at about 2:00 in the morning when I, as usual, couldn?t sleep. So we have two threads going - I?m gonna post this on both, sorry about the confusion.

              But what the hey - twice the fun! Please do post on both, it?s a lazy Sunday, after all!

              Max, so sorry your run got cancelled/postponed. Hoping for a bright, clear day for the next time.

              How?s everybody doing this morning?

              Cindi, & Rob, we definitely will have to work on some kind of sleep therapy for the people at the Inn. Seems none of us are getting any sleep. Cindi, what kind of dog is Poulan?

              Still feeling a little rough? Hope another day brings more healing, take it easy, ok?

              Rob, we aren?t getting old, we?re getting better. And seems we are all pretty much of the same decade here, so what the hey - Jane Fonda is ok too.

              Wonder - at the idea of waxing, dipping, and tiarra - ing Richard Simmons! Only problem, he would probably LIKE that!

              Hey Doggy! MM! You made it! Yahoo! - I knew you would!! Awesome!

              Doggy - you remember correctly, not a fan of moving/changing. But there would be enough ?good stuff? in it for me to go through all that again.
              Would be living closer to Mom, Dad, and Wendy & kids. Haven?t had that for 25 years, when we moved here. Would actually be able to pop over for coffee whenever I wanted!

              Also, would be quitting my job. I have been flirting with that idea for several years now - my little post office has grown over the years from 440 post boxes to about 700 - and no extra help for me to do all the work. It?s basically a one girl show, and this ?girl? ain?t no spring chicken anymore. With everybody Ebay ing, I have had everything from tractor tires to day old chicks. I think this may part of the reason why I am so stiff in the morning - the body just can?t take it anymore.

              But - I?m not setting too much store on this move until I see the moving van pulling into the drive - don?t want to set myself up for disappointment. Do wish I could just pick up our condo and plop in on an empty lot there, love my condo - but I?m sure I could fall in love with something else again, I have every time we?ve ever made a move.

              I also forgot to set my clocks back last night - so hey, am up early, maybe I WILL sleep tonight! Today I am going to go out in the yard and pick up the various lawn ornaments, and some slate slabs that we piled in a corner, because if we move I don?t want to buy that stuff over again. When I put the dog out, the ground had a slight skiff of snow on it - NOOOO!!!! - so will get at that fairly quickly. Will be in and out today, though, not going too far. Talk to ya?ll later!
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

