Brigid, Was still up when you posted last night. I did read your inspiring post in one of the other forums, you have come so far, and have learned so much along the way. Thanks for putting down the words, and explaining your observations, they mean a lot to us (me).
And - Innies - Thanks so much, guys, for letting me stay, and for your kind words.

So - I?ll just carry on being the duct tape, and procurer of men. (Wonder, if you want your men hairless, you are going to have to help me hold ?em down for the waxing - don?t think they?ll go willingly!)

I so need to get back in shape - used to be in good shape, what a difference a month can make. The last time I went to the gym was Sept 26th, just before Guerrino died, and just went back for the first time on Wednesday, so just over a month later. Can?t believe how stiff I was on Thursday/Friday. Couldn?t even bring myself to go back on Friday. But - I am always a little stiff, especially in the morning, (advancing age and all that)

So - Anybody with me? Care to commit to doing something physical every day? DG - want to haul out the dread mill and torture track once more? Just holler out your goals/commitments/ideas. Al is absolutely allergic to exercise, so we will never see him in the gym, guaranteed!
Max - how was the run? We expect a full report!! Did it rain as much as expected? Hope it all went well.