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Nov. 4th - Sun.

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    Nov. 4th - Sun.

    Today is day 30 for me. It's a start, because I know what I have to do, rather not do & that's not drink. I can do this. I think I'm getting the hang of socializing sober. Now, I just have to conquer my desire to drink alone to escape. That was my downfall. Anyhow, I feel great today & have plans. I'll check in later. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Nov. 4th - Sun.

    Hi Mary and all to come

    Just checking in after a few days away. Day 6 for me and feeling good.



      Nov. 4th - Sun.

      Hi All,

      I haven't been posting that much lately--I'm really trying to catch up with all this work I have to do. I read everyday, but I don't always have time to reply.

      Deter, I hope you did okay with painting yesterday.

      Breez, how was the storm? It looked pretty intense there near Boston. Must've been wicked out on the Cape! Did you get drenched too, Mary? Congrats on your 30 days. Here's to 30 more, and more after that! We just saw some high clouds from the storm out here in Northern Maryland.

      Weemelon, it is always delightful to see you. I'm glad you had time with the even smaller Weemelon. I envy your starting spring over there.

      Anyway, if I don't seem to check in so often don't worry, I'm just working. I'm plugging along with my sobriety, as always!

      Lots of love,

      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Nov. 4th - Sun.

        Kathy, RU, Mary, Deter and all to come,

        Doing great today, myself.

        MARY!! OH MARY!! 30 days!! Yahoo, Yippee, AWESOME. :goodjob:

        Having the family over, including the new extended grandkids. Will have a blast and enjoy every sober minute of it!!

        Love to all,

        ps, doing my fried green tomatoes today. My family loves them.
        AF April 9, 2016


          Nov. 4th - Sun.

          well done Mary!!!!

          painting went well but last nights party was a tad rough for me...overdid the vino and got too tipsy, had to have a good couple of friends help me to the car F*CK!!!!!! hate that.
          sorry to sound down...just am right now. but I'm going to be ok, taking my meds/vitamins and of course tons of coffee. arg.
          be well everyone!!!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Nov. 4th - Sun.

            Hello everyone,
            I`ve not been posting here lately either, but am back, `cos this thread and you all mean a heck of a lot to me.

            Doc put me on an antidepressant just over a week ago and am just beginning to feel a bit brighter.......think the med is just what I`ve been needing.......starting to get motivation again........had all but forgotten what that was. :H

            Have a great day all !!!

            Much love,

            Starlight Impress x


              Nov. 4th - Sun.

     nice to have you back hon XXXXX
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Nov. 4th - Sun.

                Cindi: Sometimes when my g-kids run up to me & throw their arms around me, I feel like the luckiest person in the world.
                -Sober, I can notice all the lovely convolutions their little faces go through.
                -Sober, I can really, really be w/them...not pushing myself through the day.
                -Sober, I can sit down w/them & let somebody else clean up.
                -Sober, I can get silly w/them.
                Of course, I loved them when I was drinking, but more than half of me was not there. Now, all of me is there. I love it. Enjoy your day w/your precious little ones. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Nov. 4th - Sun.

                  Congrats Mary

                  Congrats Mary...30 days is awesome....and I am sure a bit easier this time since you knew in advance of the benefits. The at home drinking has always been my downfall. I found that after my AF stints I preferred to socialize w/o alcohol. But then after not being AF I would go to an everyone drink....not have a drop...and then drink when I got home. Each of us have our own habits and such...the at home AF is way harder than public AF. Just my mindset and habits I guess. I found that cleaning the house was much more tolerable while drinking...and sadly I can honestly say that my house was cleaner when I was drinking. I would get on a roll and just keep on going until the thing was sparkling and I was tanked.

                  Kathy I can understand your side of it. I has to be a tough field to be in. My side though is that I don't have the cash to keep trying new ones out. .

                  D....sorry about the party last night. It can be a let down and a blow to the ego. Don't let it be either. First of all you have done awesome. Second....there aren't many people who have not overdone it a few times at a party...that never had a drink problem. I remember when I used to drink socializing and it just is so much easier to overdo it. Everyone else is, the drug makes you think its ok to have another and so on.

                  Another reason I don't post much is that my computer is so slow these days. I need to get it fixed....


