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Monday 5 November at The Inn

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    Monday 5 November at The Inn

    Crikey....we're all sleeping late this morning!

    Gotta run....late with work...but just thought I should open up the day's thread!

    Bask soon

    I meant BACK soon....but I quite like the idea of basking.....:H

    Suze xx
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

    Monday 5 November at The Inn

    Morning Suze and all to come! You're already up and out to work??? :argh: I'm just revvin' things up around here. But I AM dressed for my office day. I have on clean sweat pants and a clean sweat shirt and clean socks and my house slippers. It's casual day today, so no bra. The longies are free on casual day. I love the dress code here.

    Hey Suze, does your awesome little mean chocolate guy in your avatar have a name? Surely he must..

    It's Day 5 here at the Dog House. I have a smile on my face and a cup of coffee by my side. And two doggies. Life is good.

    Hope everyone else is off to a positive start on the day!!! Look out Al, I'm kickin a$$ and takin' names today.

    Day 5 AF after the fall
    I stole MM's star in the siggy line idea nanny nanny boo boo
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Monday 5 November at The Inn


      I still love him. Now I know what heaven looks like.

      Hannah - lovely sister Libran! Yes, beauty is so important to us. And seeing both sides of any argument is a great trait, but sometimes it's a huge pain. Ever the diplomat, ever the peacemaker, sometimes I just want to pick a side and not worry so much!!! And your H is actually perfect just as it is..... in itself it is perfectly symmetrical and balanced! MM H WW ......see? It still works! You can flip it any which way and it's the same! Phew!

      MM - How are you feeling today? Through the terrible 4's - yipee!!!

      Mornin' DG - love your new avatar too. Woof Woof!! Yay on the start of your day 5!

      Cindi - Did you sleep okay? Sweet dreams about my angel? mmmmmm......

      Happy 60 Days Indigosky!!!

      Morning everyone else !!! Look forward to hearing how you're doing.

      Oh and Rob - The seminar sounds incredible. You are amazing. And you take really good care of us

      Where's Chief? Has he been on a covert anti-AL mission?

      See you a little later - Wonder xx


        Monday 5 November at The Inn

        Good morning INNmates!!

        Cindi - Sorry sweetie! You had been so quiet all day, I thought you had just spent the day with those darling grand babies of yours and then headed off to bed.

        Indigo-I'm glad you came back. If you get a chance, look on Friday's thread, several people read and responded to your post on the daily thread, if that makes sense.

        I'm sorry that you are in so much physical and emotional pain right now. It is hard enough to maintain your sobriety while dealing with just the emotional side let alone the physical stuff you are going through right now! You are a very very strong woman!!

        Suze-Great to see your happy chocolatly self this am. For once, I thought I was going to start the thread, but there you were just boppin away, what a great way to start the day and DAY 24!!

        Lucky- Today is your lLUCKY day Quack!! We just happen to be running a special for physically and emotionally exhausted ducks TODAY. Double spa treatments with Sven and Ivan . You'll also notice that we've sent a little gift to your room .

        MM and DG--Yahoo!! You both made it through the dreaded day 4!!

        MM- It sounds as if you are on the mend. I know its a waste of breath but please don't overdo it. We may need to set up a consultation service here for you as our resident healer.

        Doggy- How are you this AM? Love the new avitar. I'm not so sure about the halo though.

        Wonder- Hang on to that angel, great eye candy!!

        Hannah/Deb- We must have a very serious discussion. As managers of this fine establishment we expected to maintain high personal standards. For you to participate in nay encourage behavior such as that involving the exercise guru Richard Simmons, waxing, tiaras and tickling is ...well jus shocking!! Not to mention ILLEGAL. Do you not know that kidnapping is a federal offence? Unless of course as someone suggests he enjoys it in which case we will make it an annual event.

        A general appology is due to our guest. I was not around much yesterday. It was the first day in a long long time that I have felt really well. All of my meds, blood pressure, topo, antidepressant, supps. are finally doing what they are supposed to be doing and the side effects are under control. So I spent much of the day trying to play catch up. Will try to balance things a little better.

        Everyone have a great AF day
        Love and Peace
        Rob Attached files [img]/converted_files/360893=2395-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/360893=2396-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/360893=2397-attachment.jpg[/img]


          Monday 5 November at The Inn

          Huh? Waht? General apology? What are you talking about girl? You are here for us always, geez, Rob, you won't hear any complaints from us, we think you are great.

          Wish I had more time, but am (sigh) running out the door. Hope everybody has a great AF day - you are racking up those stars bigtime!

          (And I'll have you know - Richard Simmons just phoned me and whined a little bit that we have made him some promises that we didn't keep - so maybe we need to warn the spa ladies that they will have a VERY big project later today!) Buzzzzzz.....
          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


            Monday 5 November at The Inn

            Wonder, I'm still lovin' on your angel!!!!! Good to see you here for another AF day.

            Rob - geez what are you thinking you need to apologize for???? I'm glad to hear that meds and stuff are starting to get in synch for you, and you're feeling better!

            Wonder and Rob...I'm getting my exercise today running around after my doggy holding up that halo. It is constantly slipping.

            Hi Hannah! Looking forward to helping transform Richard later.

            Just made a big breakfast for sharing with Mr. Doggy. We don't eat breakfast together very often, so that was nice!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Monday 5 November at The Inn

              Mr. Simmons just called. Said he has been dreaming his whole life of being sprayed with glue and rolled in glitter...... especially while viewing slides of man pant wedgies.... it's SO ON


                Monday 5 November at The Inn

                I just wanted to pop in & say I'm beginning my second 30 day stint today. It feels great to be able to say that. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Monday 5 November at The Inn

                  Hi All! Had a busy weekend. I'm in our local Lion's Club and I was chairman of an annual Reverse Raffle we hold. It was this past Saturday night and I was really busy the last few days prior to Sat. making sure everything was on track. It went off without a hitch and we raised over $4000 which is really good for our area. It was interesting because there were about 175 people there and I think my wife and I were the only 2 not drinking. I didn't have any problems though. At 1 point I thought about having an AF beer but then I thought " I haven't drank 1 since I quit drinking so why have 1 now?" It was kinda fun but also kinda sad watching people drink and deteriorate throughout the evening and they all thought they were sooo funny and clever. Makes me shutter to think how I must have acted in my 30 years of drinking...
                  Then yesterday my son and his girlfriend came over and we worked outside in the yard putting everything away for the winter. There's a chance of snow tomorrow so I'm glad we got it done.
                  Then I woke up at 3 a.m. with a sore throat and didn't sleep well the rest of the night. I worked today but feel like I'm getting the flu, so tonight I might have to utilize the Inn's spa and other amenities to heal and recharge.
                  Keep an eye out for AL. You know he's lurking somewhere...



                    Monday 5 November at The Inn

                    Joining in want to do 30 days before the holidays, can see myself going way overboard and want to shed a few pounds to.

                    Happy to be here,


                      Monday 5 November at The Inn

                      Welcome Sammys! Glad to have you..



                        Monday 5 November at The Inn

                        Hey Sammys, welcome!! Find a room, they all have teriffic views. Its a little quiet right now but the crazies er I mean guests, should running through here soon.

                        Love and Peace


                          Monday 5 November at The Inn

                          Now Rob, just WHO U CALLIN' CRAZEE!!!!! I'm insane, not crazy.

                          Welcome Sammy's!

                          Hi Chief!! You are doing SO TERRIFIC. I can't believe I fell off the wagon for so long and was so stupid. But I'm back now...older and wiser. Awesome job raising $4K for the Lions. I can totally picture in my head what it must have been like being the only 2 sober people there, and watching things slide down that hill. There is a part of me that would probably benefit from attending such a function sometime soon just to confirm how ignorant I used to act. (Note to self: Stay at the Chamber of Commerce after hours this month until the bitter end. That aughta do it) Congratulations!

                          Wonder - that avatar still make my eyes pop every time I see it. When we get done tiffin' up Richard, can I have him for my avatar? I think he will be eye poppin' - just in a slightly different way than your angel.

                          Had a GREAT AF dinner with Mr. Doggy. I really do enjoy cooking when I am sober enough to think straight. We had Greek Chicken and Greek Spinach with salads for starters. If anyone wants a totally easy chicken recipe that is AWESOME (if you like lemon and olive oil) just ask and I will share. Otherwise, I'm stayin' close to the life line until I go watch a movie and hopefully get a good night sleep.

                          Day 5AF
                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            Monday 5 November at The Inn


                            Well, I made it. It was a rough ride home, but I'm here - tucked in, safe and sound. I had to literally talk myself out of stopping for wine three times on the way home tonight. As I said in my "OMG" thread, I tend to want to drink when I am happy. I wasn't prepared for that tonight - how funny is that! Anyway, i will be prepared for that from here on out. I also think I NEED to check in here before I head out of the spa, if even for a quick HI. That way it is in my mind. But, you were all on my mind that and the promise I made to myself when I was sick - that I would REALLY take care of myself when I got better. WHICH I AM - YEAH!

                            Welcome - Sammys! Glad yo uare joining us!

                            I'm going to take a few to get some food, and do some reading. I'll check back in here in a few..

                            I am SOOOOOOOO glad you guys are here. I think I may have caved in tonight had I not had this place - so thank you!!


                            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                              Monday 5 November at The Inn

                              I'm glad you are feeling better!! I'm gonna get one of Suze's sticks and beat the snot out of AL. This place truly is the life line - helping us keep our goals at the forefront, isn't it. I'm glad you're getting some dinner now and relaxing. I'll stick around for another 1/2 hour or so in case you want to talk.

                              Hugs galore,
                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

