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Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

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    Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

    Morning all! Sorry I never got back to the thread yesterday - hubby was on the computer all last night - but my heart was definitely here - as in muttering under my breathe - Gawd, how long are you gonna take???

    Anyhoo - Chief - wow, good on you raising so much $ for such a good cause. Well done.

    Everyone else - you'll have to allow me a rain check, am really pooped and can't remember specific details - oh, except for Richard Simmons - Well!!! - I did bring him down to the spa, he was waxed, buffed, and all - but they didn't have any glitter - geez!!! - so he had this rather kinky idea (well, he IS Richard Simmons) and we made a pantry raid (No, not PANTY raid - PANTRY) - and this was the end result. You may want to cover your eyes.......

    Don't say I didn't warn you! So if you see him running around the Inn with some limp endive :H just avert your eyes, won't you?

    Wonder, DG, so glad you are enjoying your avators. Gives me a warm and :h feeling!

    Today was a banner day - DG,MM,WW, BG, and many others achieved one more day AF - Awesone!!Yahoo!!!

    And - wait for it - I have decided I am quitting my job! Yup! Indeedy!

    I walked into the back of the Post Ofifice this morning, could not believe my eyes at the MOUNTAIN of mail they expected me to sort today, plus man the counter, and also somewhere deal with the accompanying paperwork, red tape, etc - and thought, ok, enough is enough. I am only human, after all. So I called my hubby on my cell phone, and said - "Remember when we were talking about my quitting? How serious were you?" with a slight edge of hysteria in my voice. He said "Quit". So I am, will give my notice sometime soon, going to time it so that I will be done around the end of November, but then will still come to work to help my poor part time gal who will end up running the place until they hire someone to replace me - and I am not going to throw her to the wolves that way, because Christmas will be just NUTS. I can't believe I am actually doing this, and sincerely hope I don't end up talking myself out of it. I would love to enjoy a Christmas where I am not a limp dishrag because I am so exhausted all the time.

    And - hubby is pretty sure he is going to go for the job offer - this weekend we are going to go to Edmonton/St. Albert and check out real estate. Wow, our lives are never dull and boring!

    Anyhow, all you wonderfull Innies - gotta run to that @#*$(@*$(# job - but not for too nuch longer! Take care, have a great day, and promise I will say hi more personnaly tonite!
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

    Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn



    As in, we're supporting you all the way and wont let you just drift out of this....unless you come with an extremely good reason.....!!!

    How exciting! Looking at real estate is scary-it's-happening stuff!! Every, every best wish!

    Have a great Tuesday all - some sun here TG....yesterday was a 'beige' day.... blah. Couldn't get going and there is soooo much to get going on....!

    Love to all The Innies.
    FMS xx :h
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

      MM! Just read the rest of last night's (to us here!) Inn.....WELL DONE!!! That's great. BIG pat on the back!

      Capt...hope you're OK.

      DG - I LOVE your new signature....and so glad you're 'honouring' your trophies thus...lovely. (And wise!)

      Sorry to not mention everyone....I lose (loose?!? See Jane Jane's thread!) this as I jump back and forth but you're all on my mind.....buddies!

      Love FMS xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

        Hi Hannah and all fellow innies

        You are right to quit the job, life is too short for that type of hassle. Good luck in your move. Just a quick hello as rushing at the moment.



          Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

          Suze is rushing too......these shorter days are doin' me 'ead in....LOL (Non-British readers may need a translation.....:H )

          I have some special sticks arriving for later this month.......all decorated for Thanksgiving.....give Al an extra good thumping on the holiday.......orders taken now......

          Sunny here today too, FMS, unlike the grime of yesterday....yippee!!

          Suze x
          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


            Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

            I am sorry... but I just wasn't ready to see that this early in the morning!!!

            Setting that aside... I love the name... it's a passion of mine... in my next life I want to be known as Racecar

            A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or other sequence of units that has the property of reading the same in either direction (the adjustment of punctuation and spaces between words is generally permitted). Composing literature in palindromes is an example of constrained writing. The word "palindrome" was coined from Greek roots palin (πάλιν; "back") and dromos (δρ?μος; "way, direction") by English writer Ben Jonson in the 1600s. The actual Greek phrase to describe the phenomenon is karkinik? epigraf? (καρκινική επιγραφή; crab inscription), or simply karkini?oi (καρκινιήοι; crabs), alluding to the backward movement of crabs, like an inscription which can be read backwards.
            Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


              Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

              Good Morning INN mates!!

              Hannah- You are a marvel!! Fortunately, I didn't have a mouth full of coffee when I opened your post, otherwise I would have spewed!!

              Oh, goodie!! You quit you job and you can come and play her full time when your not house hunting and packing and moving and setting up house and unpacking and visiting with family and getting set up in your new digs...hummm, I guess things won't change much, huh?

              Finding- How are you? I haven't been on the boards much the last couple of days so I've lost track of your adventures.

              MM- Hope you stop in for a little booster laugh before you head to work today. Day 6.

              Doggie- Keep goin girl, you have so much to offer.

              Rus- Hi- Always good to see you, come on in and set a spell.

              Capt - Honey, quite frankly, I have no idea what you're talking about.

              Well, I thought I was on auto renewal on the subscribers thread and found that I am not so, I've got to go get that straightened out see y'all later.

              Love and Peace


                Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

                I can't get a post longer than a line or 2 to go thru. Anyone know how to 'fix' this? Happy Tuesday all - hopefully I'll get back to rambling soon....


                  Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

                  Morning all! I've gotta dry my hair and run to my Tuesday Chamber meeting - geez this place is addicting! But...I'm pleased to have seen Wonder's Angel before heading out the door! And Richard In Endive. He looks as though Gallagher got him with the Sledge O Matic.

                  Will write more later - just want to firm up my committment to an AF day.

                  Later everyone! Happy AFing!

                  Day 6 AF after the fall
                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

                    Day two at the Inn for me!!



                      Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

                      Hi Everyone: I'm off to Ireland tomorrow & know I'll stay strong (drinking-wise). Day 32 & counting. Love, Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn


                        Hi again everybody!!

                        Wonder-You have got to get that glitch fixed immediately. Our lunometer is looking pretty sad here!!

                        Except I am so wildly excited right now I may have to join at the looney bin. I can finally give you guys a peek under the veil of secrecy!!

                        Sunday November 11th, we will kick off our Seminar week with Xtexan!! Any of you who have seen Neil around the boards know that he is a thoughtful, intellegent and very funny fella.

                        But wait, there's more....

                        Sunday night at 7 PM, there will be a dual chat with both Xtexan and About Time Too. The chat will be set up in a private chat room for INN members. I'm not sure about the time zone yet, but once I know you'll know. The password for the chat will be INN. but don't worry, I'll repeat the info throughout the week.

                        And still more.....

                        About Time Too, Brigid will be our speaker on Monday. One of our most enthusiastic and caring Aussie friends. It was through her efforts that the Sunday night chat was set up. Thank you so much Brigid.

                        Ok, time to hit the shower. Hope I don't run into Richard, somehow laughing and pointing would be so unbecoming in a hostess.

                        Love and Peace


                          Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

                          Mornin' Sunshines!!

                          Everyone seems in great spirits and that makes my heart so full - UH, except Richard Simmons. it will take all day to get that visual out of my head...:H

                          Oh, MAN am I a happy camper ths morning.. I am SOOOOOO glad I didn't cave last night.. got a good night's sleep (until hubby got home from his trip at midnight ). We had a wonderful morning talking politics, work, and how much we missed each other over coffee this morning. All these wonderful things (including last night - sorry if TMI), I would have shunned becasue I was either passed out or hung over. I was so grateful in my meditation this morning. For you guys!! If it wasn't for my buddies here I would have hopped back on the ol' train last night and been back in the dredges of my unhappy cycle - SO THANKS AGAIN!

                          Anyway.. I am running late - so I will check in before I leave the spa tonight!


                          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                            Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

                            Oh MM - I don't care if TMI....! My mind is being discreet!!! But warms the ol' heart to read your excitement and pleasure!! I'm so glad you got such a lovely 'reward' ( ) for your determination yesterday!!

                            MMmmmmmmmmmmmmm, MM!

                            Love FMS xx
                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                              Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

                              Hi All -- I am on Day 16 (or is it 17?) well, it is week three!!!! I am eating better but last night I could not fall asleep -- I ended up on E-Bay (yikes I bought some stuff!) but I had to because the weight is dropping off of me!!!

                              How many calories would be in 1 bottle of chardonnay?

