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Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

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    Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

    Evenin all

    Sammy's Great DAY 2- Do I have this right, aren't you a newlywed? Come on in look around, try not to slip on Richard.

    MM- Sounds like a really nice evening, sigh. Always wish there were more of those.

    Baby Girl - Retail therapy is always good, Ebay is even better. Did you find any cool bargains?

    Well I almost had things right--Chat with Xtexan and About Time Too is MONDAY at 7PM, CST. ATT and I have been writing back and forth with Neil (probably driving him nuts) trying to figure out the timezone/day think as she is on Sydney Australia time (they have three time zones). But I think we've got it worked out now, at least I hope we do.

    Ok, back later, Wonder, hope you get your glitch worked out.

    Love and Peace


      Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

      Babygirl - it is said that one bottle of wine is the equivalent of a three course meal!! Hope you sleep better tonight.

      Mary - have a great time in the Emerald Isle.

      Just a quick Hi - OK here. A really BLAH day - b****** hormones! All over the know, irritable-that-air-molecules-dare-to-move sort of day! Dropping anything and everything - even from the other side of the room!! (LOL!) Definitely a SUMS day - but faked it till I make it (nice-ness!) about 2009! Just a time of getting nothing done - wander around looking at it all until I have to go out and get some light or go mad! And it was sunny today too- maybe I'm 'suffering' from yesterday's grey....must look into those lightboxes I think.

      Hopefully sleep without weird dreams tonight - I've bought myself a memory foam pillow this afternoon....hope my head likes it as much as my hands!!

      Anyways, drumming was fab this evening - we got some real energy going at one point and I thought of you were there in that hall dancing and drumming away...hope you enjoyed it!

      Right, night night.

      Love to everyone - big time.
      FMS xxxx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

        Hello, my friends!!

        Well, this is a quickie!! My family awaits - they are home and anxious for me to get home tonight. We haven't been all together for a week and my little one is off to visit her gma with her dad for a few days. So - no playing in the INN tonight for me.

        BUT - I'm checking in and hapy to say no cravings here on day 6!


        See you all in the morning!

        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

          Hello Inn-Mates,

          Looks live a fairly lively crowd at the Inn after a god awful start w/ a creepy salad show: Hannah Please Stop.



            Tuesday, November 6th at The Inn

            It's Wednesday afternoon here for me... V confusing
            Dig that salad show - good fun.. but i'm definitely turning vegetarian!!

