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Drink Again?

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    Drink Again?

    When stopping drinking can someone return to it at some point? I never drank in the morning or everyday. Has anyone returned to social drinking after abstaining?

    Drink Again?

    Hi, and welcome, Ripple!

    That's a tough question. Some peole have, but I think only you are going to be able to judge that for yourself. How long have you been drinking?

    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      Drink Again?

      Hi again Ripple-

      The MWO program works differently for different people. Some find that they can successfully moderate their drinking while others determine that they need to or choose to be completely Alcohol Free (AF). In either case, it is suggested that you go AF for 30 days to clear your mind and body. If you've been drinking for 26 years, 90 or 120 days may be better. And if I were you - I wouldn't count the 30 days in rehab. Not because they don't 'count', but because the initial AF time is when you work with your habits and drinking triggers in everyday life to shake loose of old patterns.

      If you can, get the book (you can download it from this site), and give it a read. The book also suggests supplements, CD's, and medication options - but it's all up to you to decide what works. The anti-craving meds like topomax, campral and naltrexone help some people to be both AF initially and to moderate, if that's what they choose.

      Keep reading and posting!


        Drink Again?


        Most of us here have asked your question and lived the answer in its two forms: AF v. moderation.

        And, respectfully, the answer is different depending upon who you are. If you can handle moderation and not have it become the stressor that consumes your thinking and ultimately your moderation, it can work. Several people at MWO do this remarkably well. We have at least one poster on our Inn thread who is experiencing this new direction now. But to be candid, this is the minority position.

        The other group is striving for a complete AF life. This group is comprised of many folks who have attempted moderation or some form of it and failed, I am in this group. I love the idea of moderation but in practice it does not go well. In short, over time it is not moderation.

        Good luck in the search for the answer that fits you Ripple.


        Day 105 AF


          Drink Again?

          Hi Ripple,

          I would agree with July here - some people find they can go back to moderation after abstaining for a while, and some - like me - can not.

          Personally I found moderation almost as stressful as uncontrolled drinking - I was still obsessing about alcohol most of the time - I was still planning how and when and where I could / couldn't drink etc. It was still emotionally draining for me trying to control the amounts I was drinking.

          After trying AF for a few weeks - it became clear that AF was definitely the way forward for me. For me it is liberating.

          My only advice is - try both approaches - it will probably become very clear which one is for you.
          But - you really need a good spell AF (30 days MINIMUM I would suggest) under your belt in order to be able to make an objective decision.

          Best of luck


          114 AF days into my new life!
          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


            Drink Again?

            I drank for 26 years after my last child at 24 I slowly started on the wine and graduated to more expensive wines. I am 51 years old and have never been to rehab, I voluntarily admitted myself. I did not have to detox although wine became a problem due to sleep deprivation that caused an emotional bottoming out. :new:

            I would like to have wine again after I clear some issues in my life and health. Just wonderd "IF" returning to drinking is okay? Sounds like it is NOT!

            Thanks for the replies.


