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hey-day 6, some questions for ya

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    hey-day 6, some questions for ya

    Hey guys. Im on day 6. well tomorrow. but its 12:05. heheh. Its been ok. this weekend was the hardest. the weekdays were not THAT bad. its hard to go to a friends house where theres basically a group of guys nad girls drinking. I keep thinking of the month being over and looking foward to it. I dont want to go back to the way it was though, which was drinking 3 the least, to 6 the most days per week. but believe me, i blacked out often. it wasnt just two beers on one night. im not sure if i can be one to moderate. MAYBE if i took the supplements, I could. however, i feel thes upplements take the pleasure out of my drinking, which makes me feel like whats the point. drinking is supposed to feel good, or people wouldnt do it. but, if i have to do that, i will. without the supplements, honestly, i dont think i can moderate. of course i could do it temporarily, but sooner or later, i mess up and im in the mess again. i was hoping my depression would clear up alot, but it hasnt unfortunately. i definitely feel less depressed, but its still there. the reason i stopped my antidepressnats were bc they werent doing anything bc of my drinking. they dont work with a person who drinks at least three imte sper week, pretty heavily. we'll see. if i can bring it back down to once a week, maybe ill go back on them and have some success. its hard bc my boyfriend i live with pretty much, drinks almost daily. so tomorrow day six. i am taking the med "antabuse" though. so this helps me alot. i dont plan on it being a permanet thing, just something to keep me away from alcohol for a month. ( u get violently ill if u take a sip of alcohol. Anyone who wants to chat it up with me, feel free to send me a message. i guess we're all on the same boat in this section of MWO.. that is the month af.. right? it is scary.

    hey-day 6, some questions for ya

    Hi Me145

    Congratulations on Day 6.....the early days are the hardest. Really, at 6 days you can't judge how good AF is going to feel, especially the depression. I felt my mood start lifting at about 10-14 days and then slowly increasing from then on. Obviously, when any sh*t hits the fan in your day to day life you feel it and get low again, but I found that the baseline of 'misery' was less intense the more AF I became. Again, being sober with others drinking becomes easier the more you practise it.....but in the long run it may make you want to adjust what you do with your social time....AF can make radical changes in your life, in fact that's mostly what it's about for me!

    So....just keep're going to feel the benefits down the line but you need a bit more AF under your belt to feel it properly....remember there is the body detoxing, but also the mind.....'stuff' is going to come up that you have to deal with. Best thing is to come here often and get support on a regular basis....that's what I found!
    Stay strong :h

    Suze x
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


      hey-day 6, some questions for ya

      Hi Me145

      Welcome! Listen to Suze, she has given you great advice and has just celebrated 30 days AF (alcohol free).

      Just keep in mind that you can do this. We're here to support you in any way we can.

      Love adn Peace


        hey-day 6, some questions for ya

        Hey Suzie, your post was amazing. also, i know exactly what you mean by your "lows" being less low or hurful when they were before, when you were drinking alot and more depressed. i feel better already, just not great not sure if i ever will unless im treated for my depression. but anyway, two questions, i am curious how much you were drinking and how often?
        also, what do you plan on doing after the 30 day af period?

