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Monday November 12th Ath THE INN

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    Monday November 12th Ath THE INN

    Good Mornin' INNmates!!

    Just a quick hello then off to read the last of last nights posts.

    Love and Peace

    Monday November 12th Ath THE INN

    Hi Rob and fellow Innies

    Like Rob, am rushing off so just a quick hello to everyone. Hope you are all doing well.



      Monday November 12th Ath THE INN

      Hey guys busy day today. Make sure you check out About Time Too's post and don't forget the chat tonight.

      Check back later
      Love and Peace


        Monday November 12th Ath THE INN

        Lot's to do. Didn't sleep well. Thinking about all I have to do today. I hate days like this. I need sunshine and it's dreary out. Time to find the Happy Lite.
        Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


          Monday November 12th Ath THE INN

          Good morning, my friends!

          Mornings are going to be quicker from here on out. Mynew regime which included working out before work will have me moving a quicker pace.

          So, today, my Booty Call is an hour on the treadmill watching the Today Show! I will follow that with 15 min of AB/Butt/Thigh and a few push ups. This will be my Week One regime. I will switch it up next week.

          I'm going to do this each morning this week to give my metabolism a kick start!

          Off to do a bit of reading before I get moving...

          Have a wonderful day!

          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            Monday November 12th Ath THE INN

            Moning all! - I had NO interent service all day yesterday. Harumph!!!!! The cable company just left - I begged to be the first appointemnt this morning! So, I am WAY behind - off to read and catch up - back a little later! luv wunder XXX


              Monday November 12th Ath THE INN

              Good Morning ! Too much good stuff to read do you do Mods with MWO? Any insights on maneuvering through the boards effiecnetly would be appreciated. I am stopping at 9, so I can go cnnect with my moving body, like MedMom.

              Have a great day everyone!
              "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


                Monday November 12th Ath THE INN

                Just checking in, Packer game was awesome and although I did not remain AF I did really good so I am back at the Inn for my next stretch of AF. I will not give up or just say screw it because I had a few beers yesterday. I am still committed to being AF for a long while.

                Sammys Hope that make sense to the Innmates??


                  Monday November 12th Ath THE INN

                  Morning bunnies

                  All is well here in my bit of the UK today...the sun is shining! A frosty morning..but so beautiful out walking the dogs in the crunchy leaves.

                  Let's keep focused on our goals this week.....AF and loving it!

                  Suze xx
                  Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                    Monday November 12th Ath THE INN

                    Sammy - glad you are jumping right back on! Maybe make another goal! That always helps me... Glad you had fun at the game!

                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      Monday November 12th Ath THE INN

                      heya AF crew!

                      go2gal, there are mod boards here...check 'em out.

                      alls good here...hangover-free Mondays are da bomb!

                      be well everyone
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Monday November 12th Ath THE INN

                        Oh what a difference a trip to the hair stylist makes!! Look at the




                        Wonder- Missed you. I thought you were afraid of MMs spit balls, glad you're back!!

                        Rus- Good to see ya' hope you can stop by later and spend some time.

                        MM- You are really determined to shame me into this exercise thing aren't you. Just fess up I know you are!! It does sound as if you are putting the pieces of the puzzle of MM together. Great going on 12 Days!! I don't think I told you how beautiful the pictures of your spa are!

                        Capt- If you have't read About Time's post, go read it. I don't know you well, but I suspect that you have one of those brains that is brilliant and restless. At the risk of sounding like an armchair therapist, I have the feeling that you have used alcohol to quiet that restless mind of yours.

                        There are other ways to do this. My gut feeling is that you reject meditation out of hand because you can't settle youself down enough to do it, and it becomes so frustrating for you . But it is the discipline of going back and repeating the effort that will eventually get you to a place where you can calm yourself.

                        OK, MM and Satori I've talked myself into a corner here, help me out with nuts and bolts.

                        G2G - Yes, it is way too easy to spend many, many hours here. But I found that in the beginning it really got me over the hump and as someone told me "dust keeps as long as you don't get it wet".

                        Suze- Always happy to see your bouncy chocolately self here. I think that we need to make you Chief's "inside person" with your AL beatin' sticks!! Did I ever ask you what kind of dogs you have?

                        Well, time to take my glamorous self off to clean the toilet. One more item.

                        Chat tonight with Xtexan and About Time Too 7 PM CST
                        Here's how to do it:
                        Go to
                        New Chat
                        Chat in Window (pop-up)
                        Select Seminar
                        Password INN

                        See you guys later

                        Love and Peace
                        Attached files [img]/converted_files/366835=2445-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/366835=2446-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/366835=3698-attachment.gif[/img]


                          Monday November 12th Ath THE INN

                          Hi fellow innies, I am new here. This is day 2 AF.

                          I found a doctor this morning that will prescribe Campral if I find I need it later. What a relief!



                            Monday November 12th Ath THE INN

                            Hello all,

                            I am trying for 30 days AF. This is day 6. I can't believe I made it through the weekend! My resolve never crumbled, but I was certainly irritable and restless. I had several things to do but just couldn't seem to settle down and focus enough to do them! Oh well in any case I made it through! Yea!

                            Taking Naltrexone, supplements, & hypno!


                              Monday November 12th Ath THE INN

                              Det- I think you misundunderstood. G2G, wants to mods on the BOARDS.
                              I'm glad your doing well Deter!

                              New Folks Bethany and Pepper Welcome!! Come on inn. We have loads of wonderful facillities that we hope you'll enjoy. Spend time here and let us get to know you. You guys are just starting out and it can be rough for the first few weeks, everything you are feeling is normal and will pass. Stick with us and we'll get you through.

                              Love and Peace

