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Let's make a List - What's different about AF..

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    Let's make a List - What's different about AF..

    Originally Posted by satori
    "Yep - I
    Often wondered what causes that paradigm shift - many people here who have got a handle on their drinking talk of this "feeling different" all of a sudden"

    Tell me more.......the feeling different....I am on Day 3 and on the EDGE of my seat, just waiting for what will be different.

    SO this thread - get a list going of what's different in first days, weeks, then later...because I would really like to know what I'm looking forward to - want to feel the first rewards...

    "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"

    Let's make a List - What's different about AF..

    First 2 Days -
    Am I more irritable?
    Didn't sleep through the night
    Feel selfish spending so much time thinking about AF life
    Anxious to see what's different - wil my body slim, will my skin clear, will my mood lift?
    "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


      Let's make a List - What's different about AF..

      The first big difference I noticed was after I had been sober for 2 months. I used to wake up and the first thing on my mind was drink. After about 2 months I suddenly realised I wasn't even thinking about it anymore. The thoughts had totally subsided and as if by magic they had disappeared into thin air. I still may have thoughts about drink during the day, occasionally, its hard not to when you pass an off license or go into a supermarket or watch TV or.......the list is endless but I know not to act upon the thoughts. Being an alcoholic I will always have to be vigilant till the day I die.

      Love and Happiness
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        Let's make a List - What's different about AF..

        I answered your original post - so I've copied it in here.

        I was talking about the "switch" that seemed to get thrown in my head about 4 months ago now for me.

        Before that time - I was struggling with staying AF or moderating.

        One day after having been here at MWO for about 4 months, I woke up one morning just "knowing" something had changed and that I was going to beat this addiction.

        I described it at the time as just a feeling that I couldn't be bothered with it all any more (the hassle and stress and negative stuff that went along with drinking).

        Since pretty much that day I have been AF.
        (I think it was a few days after this feeling arose that I "signed up" for 30 days AF.

        That was 117 days ago!

        BUT - if you want the low down on what to expect if you DO decide to stay AF.

        The first few days (5 or 6) I found hard work and during those initial AF days I used Kudzu - I had not used it before then.
        I found it took the few cravings I was having away.
        After day six - I found I didn't need it any more - and have not used it (or anything else) since.

        About day 11 / 12 I was finding I was sleeping better and my energy levels were rising rapidly.
        I also found I was having more vivid dreams and remembering more of them - I guess due to REM sleep no longer being messed up by booze!

        About day 30 I found I was having very few thoughts about alcohol - even in the evening - my normal drinking time.

        I was able about then to go into bars with friends and be around others who were drinking - triggered the odd craving - but I had enough distance from alcohol myself by then to be able to ignore the cravings.

        Now - almost 4 months AF - 98% of the time do not consider alcohol an option.
        I in no sense mean I consciously deprive myself of it - I simply do not consider it any more - it doesn't come into my head when considering something to drink.
        It is almost as though I never drank alcohol to huge excess for 20 plus years!

        The other 2% of the time - Yes - I still get the odd craving - and some STRONG cravings.
        Strangely it is usually for WINE - beer was what I drank to excess!
        My wife still drinks a little (as she always did) - so there is often a part bottle of red wine on the kitchen counter. I sometimes get a real urge to take a long deep swig out of the bottle as I am passing! - Weird - but these urges are very short lived and pass almost immediately.

        But I look back at where I am now - how much better my life is now and how I am this way simply by chosing not to have some ethanol in my drinks, and it really is a no brainer!

        I am truly much happier healthier and contented with just about all aspects my life.

        I wish you all success!

        Love :l


        I forgot to add over there that:

        Yes - I lost some weight (about 14 pounds)
        I am exercising much more so I am much fitter than I was
        I climb better without the extra weight to haul!

        The plus list just goes on and on


        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


          Let's make a List - What's different about AF..

          Oh yes - and the lack of stress!

          When drinking - AND when moderating - I was always planing where and when I could drink, planning when I had to drive (and when I could avoid it so I could drink).
          I was always worried about getting my "supplies" in so I was sure I could drink after everyone else had gone to bed.
          I was hiding the amount I was drinking, hiding the empties, putting stuff into regular trash rather than the recyclable trash so no one knew how much I was drinking.
          I would buy a case of beer when out with my wife shopping - and would make some excuse to go out later for an extra (secret supply) - that way I could drink much more beer - but the case of beer only had a few cans out of it.
          I was smuggling beer into the house in my gym bag.
          I was begining to drink during lunch breaks at work (only one beer then tho' as I would be driving!
          At work I was not as productive as I should have been - I am lucky in that I am very much my own boss - but - spending mornings hung over - and afternoons counting down the hours till beer time was not very productive!
          And - all the time I was doing all this stuff - I was feeling guilty about deceiving my family, friends, work colleagues etc etc etc.

          All this deceit was mentally exhausting.

          When I went AF - all the stress and guilt just evaporated - a huge relief not to have to deal with all that sh*t any more.

          As I said - the benefits of going AF just keep on coming!


          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


            Let's make a List - What's different about AF..


            I hold my head high when I am in pulblic. I hug everyone wihout fear of smelling like booze. I look great. I go in and wake my daughter in the mornings by crawling into bed and cuddling with her (I didn't want to have her smell stale booze on my breath before), I wake up and remember I didn't drink the night before and I don't have a hangover, give myself a big stretch and smile. This is just day 13 for me, but that is what I have today!


            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


              Let's make a List - What's different about AF..

              I am new to sobriety but what I have noticed the most besides not thinking about alcohol 24/7 is getting up in the morning without drinking gallons of water to rehydrate myself, looking in the mirror and not needing eye drops or a ton of make up to disguise how crappy I really feel.
              sobriety date 11-04-07


                Let's make a List - What's different about AF..

                WOW - that really helps. (Sartori, sorry I may not have found your 1st reply - I get confused where things are still.) To hear the psychological and physical things that change is inspiring. The emotional too. I had already forgotten that I found a small glass I ticked in a drawer a few weeks back because I didn't want to leave it out for others to see. Why I didn't just stick in the dishwasher, I don't know. But I relate about the bottles - managing myself, so hubby doesn't start counting - he handles the recyclables. I have said nothing to him abiout me doing AF - I just hope he notices after awhile.

                I like the list - thanks everyone for adding to it. You guys are great, but maybe I have a new addiction - these boards......eek:eeks: :eeks:

                "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


                  Let's make a List - What's different about AF..

                  Hello Go2! I'm going to paste this across from MOW's thread for you case you don't find it.... I know, I got really confused finding my way around at first - I think you're doing briliiantly.

                  "Just a suggestion that anyone has a read of Xtexan's post on "THE INN - RULES AND SHOUTOUT SUNDAY 11TH NOV" (or something very like that!) as Neil (600-ish days!) writes very well in his 'Seminar post' on the change in feelings along these lines.... (not taking away from your words MOW!!)

                  I'm not sure which thought happened to me first - nor do I really care! It is just so good to go out and not care!

                  Go2 - just remembered (in case it helps any), today I saw another of those terrible adverts on TV about the number of children dying around the world from drinking dirty water....1 child dies every 17 seconds..... I remember posting this up around my house in my first 30 days to remind me to wonder why I should choose to fill myself with a poison when I had the joy of being able to turn on my tap whenever I wanted and drink clean water. I promised myself that I would think of those children as I toasted my daughter's health at her wedding on Sept 1 this year with water - and I did - and I am very 'grateful' to those children; they don't know how much they 'helped' me. I wish I could do more for them than 'honour' them with water. At least I am not 'insulting' them with booze. (And thank you for reminding me to still think of them, especially as I now enjoy water lots!)

                  Good luck - MOW, I am so happy for you. And Trixie and Satori and those of us who have found a good place...

                  Keep going! The view is terrific from the top of your mountain!

                  FMS xx"

                  I hope this thread ''does' really's a lovely idea Go2! Keep going...the best is yet to come.
                  :heart: c: :heart:
                  "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                    Let's make a List - What's different about AF..

                    oh thank you FMS without this place I'd still be falling off my bar stool. I just realized that I am not bloated, or distracted still experiencing a few side effects, but waking up with a hangover has got to be a million times worse.
                    not smelling like booze is another one. not stressing out about how many bottles of wine are left is also nice.
                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                      Let's make a List - What's different about AF..

                      I really enjoy not having to buy Visine in 55 gallon drums...


                        Let's make a List - What's different about AF..

                        And , your complexion gets noticeably better, you walk taller because you're not hiding anything, you look people in the eye, you're not afraid to be close to someone, you don't have that nasty stale alcohol taste in your mouth every morning, you realize you can actually drive and do things in the evening (unless you can't pry yourself away from MWO), you'll realize and be shocked at how much money you spent on booze, you will find yourself so freakin' proud of yourself you can hardly stand it, you will start to cherish just having a normal, uneventful day, you will find yourself not thinking about drinking,...

                        I'm sure there will be more to follow...



                          Let's make a List - What's different about AF..

                          Chief;223489 wrote:
                          you will start to cherish just having a normal, uneventful day, you will find yourself not thinking about drinking,...

                          Couldn't have said it better Don - Any old uneventful day - without alcohol - is brilliant!
                          There were times when I never thought I would see any of them again!

                          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                            Let's make a List - What's different about AF..

                            There were times I didn't even know what them were...


                              Let's make a List - What's different about AF..

                              Excellent thread. I have been keeping a personal journal of the positives I am experiencing being AF. I am on day 15 today. Each day there seems to be new benefits.

                              These are some of my entries-
                              Day 1 - I am VERY DISGUSTED with myself. Today is the day I must make a change!
                              Day 2 - Slept like crap last night. The daily wine consumption has eaten away on my energy level. I am NOT putting up with that. I want to live a meaningful long life. I do not want to waste away.
                              Day 3 - I feel great this AM. I am happy, enthusiastic & energetic. This is how I want to be.
                              Day 5 - I am feeling fantastic. Still having a hard time falling asleep. I am kicking butt and getting things done during the day. I've planned my work and worked my plan!
                              Day 6 - I am feeling absolutely wonderful this AM. Last night I had to fight off temptation for the Friday wine. Today I was thinking how I have been really, really cheating myself by drinking. This is such a grand gift I am giving myself.
                              Day 7 - Last night I made a nice dinner and we ate as a fmily. Had I dank wine, I probably wouldn't have remembred eating dinner. Today we spent time at my brother's home. It was nice not to worry if I looked like hell from the night before. Do I smell? Was my face red? Eyes bloodshot?...
                              Day 8 - I am so happy to be AF. I know this euphoria will wear off in a while but I'll keep myself positive by reminding myself that by drinking I am cheating myself out of a full and abundant life.
                              Day 10 - I felt fatigued yesterday evening and thoughts of wine danced through my head. I used the strategy of thinking through glass 1, 2, ....then waking up feeling awful.
                              Day 11 - Benefits - my liver feels better, my weight is going down, my eyes look clear. Also, I've been falling asleep w/o any problem and have been sleeping really well the past 2 nights.
                              Day 14 - When I have an ache or pain I can now listen to my body. I use to always figure the ache or pain was self-inflicted due to over consumption of wine. I also have a new sence of calm. I feel my head clearning out and feel more in control of myself.

                              It is fun to look back at the progress because it happens on several different levels - physical, mental, social, emotional... Sometimes I feel like a butterfly coming out of its cacoon.

