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Tuesday November 13th at the INN

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    Tuesday November 13th at the INN

    Good Mornin INNmates!

    Just finished reading Flip's post and it was great!!

    I'm heading off to work in a bit but wanted to pop in and say howdy.

    Love and Peace

    Tuesday November 13th at the INN

    Ditto for me, off to work - just wanted to say hello. Hope to touch base again tonight, but have a meeting so we'll see - if I can wrestle the computer out of hubby's grasp.........Have a good day all!
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


      Tuesday November 13th at the INN

      Good day to you Hannah and Rob and other Inn-Mates.

      Rob thanks so much for organizing this seminar. There is so much wisdom in these posts, these experiences.



        Tuesday November 13th at the INN

        Morning still doing my stretch of AF with a small interruption of about 5 hours sunday. I am not going to get into the mindset of you screwed up you have to start all over. I think that would be really descructive instead of helpful for me right now. I am looking forward to this week of AF with my Innmates.



          Tuesday November 13th at the INN

          well said sammys!

          Hi everyone - I've missed so much, geez. No internet service for alomost 2 full days - it was fixed and then it wasn't. So, I've got alot of catching up to do..... missed you guys!
          Off to read........
          luv wonder xxx


            Tuesday November 13th at the INN

            I agree, Sammys.. just keep moving forward!

            I'm off to work.. early day, so I will catch up tonight!

            LOVED FLIP'S POST!!!

            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


              Tuesday November 13th at the INN

              Hi Everyone...just getting ready for an evening in with a girl friend.....have put out a bottle of wine for her, and a big bottle of smoothie for me :h

              I'm feeling so grateful for MWO today. In the UK there is lots of stuff in the news at the moment about binge drinking, general over consumption of alcohol and the health effects....I feel so glad to be able to watch it and not feel guilty and panicked.

              Love to all my Innmates

              Suze x
              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                Tuesday November 13th at the INN

                Hi all,

                I am terribly late today, but wanted to check in anyway. I upped my dose of Naltrexone Sunday night and the last two nights I have not slept well at all. Just plugging along trying to make it through the day. Good afternoon and evening to you all!
                Day 7 AF


                  Tuesday November 13th at the INN

                  Hello Innmates! Hope everyone is having a good week and keeping AL tied up and looking over his shoulder.
                  I attended the chat last night with About Time and Xtexan, both longterm AFers, and it was really interesting hearing their prospective on staying sober for life. I remember when that thought, "sober for life", scared me and really had a negative connotation to it. Boy, not anymore. Now it sounds positive, successful, worthwhile. It's what I want to do.

                  Have a good night ,all. Keep your eye on the prize...


                  P.S. Thanks Rob, for setting the chat up. You're doing a great job here...


                    Tuesday November 13th at the INN

                    Evening INNmates, back from the salt mines!! Had an unusually busy day at work today.

                    It looks as if you all enjoyed Flips post. After reading her posts for so many months I just can't see her as a Felicity!

                    Hannah- Your back!! Let us know about your trip to Edmonton, ASAP.

                    Wonder- I hope the computer is fixed, fixed this time. The lunometer is running low again!!

                    Hey Suze- Enjoy your evening and your smoothie. Every so often we get the "alarming statistics" about binge drinking especially among college students. Trouble is nobody ever offers much in the way of solutions.

                    July- I'm glad you're enjoying the seminar. It goes to show that its not only the newest members of the INN that benefit.

                    Sammys - Just keep moving forward.

                    MM- Hey girl- thought you were slowing down!!

                    Pepper - Congrats on 7 days AF!! That whole sleep thing can be such a struggle. MM swears by Valerian and there's also Melatonin and Calms Forte. You might want to check these out.

                    Chief- It was great to see you in chat last night. Hope you turned off the lights when you left.

                    It seems like a busy, busy day for everyone today. Hope you all have a great evening. I'll check back later.

                    Love and Peace


                      Tuesday November 13th at the INN

                      Hey Everyone -

                      Couldn't get here til now and being that I'm just only Day 4, its been a challenge. I thought I was all "just do it" and "wow, this is pretty easy' til this Day4. It was not a horrible day, pretty usual, but constant little things tugging & pulling on me to where I was thinking that that Chardonnay or Pinot in my cupboard might not sit unopend tonite.

                      Day 4 and I almost didn't make it, but I think I'm past it. Just couldn't find any 'Peace" all day. Started at 7 AM struggling getting my son & all his stuff (backpacks, guitars, basketball bag) out the door - never on time - always a couple minutes late. Then work form me with constant sidetracks, so that I never could 'gather' myself. Finally at 6:30 Pm I am in the car waiting for my son after his piano lesson and I have 5 minutes. I am REALLY contemplating that wine - how else can I find some peace when I get home and have all that there? Dinner, dishes, laundry.....when do I do Pilates, ride my bike - the things i know I need to survive. Its a constant demonand (notice this typo - meant to be demand, but its demon) from one thing to the next.

                      AT least there is a revelation with this day - this feeling, whatever it is, is one main reason that I go for the wine - a chance to sit and enjoy the sweet nectar and gather myself to stop, to slow down, to just be. I began thinking, "Did I decide I would NEVER drink wine again? I never said that....I can just have some wine tonite, people all over the world have wine at night....(hehe)"

                      But I am knowing I would have to chuck these 4 days - I couldn't get them back. I am still not sure I need or want to stop FOREVER, but I really don't want to give will seems like failure, even though I haven't really defined the goal yet. I KNOW YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT - its so confusing.

                      But here I am, I snuck away behind a door - I have 15 minutes before the next demand and I am sipping some Lemon tea with honey and getting this down, out, off.....

                      SO I'm still with you AFers and I'm closing in on DAY 4 - PHEW! Seems I read somewhere that 4-5 can be a rough bridge, but a bridge - to another side. I don't know what that is, but I'm going there.

                      Rambling again,
                      "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


                        Tuesday November 13th at the INN


                        Yes, you are in the midst of the hardest part of AF. Days around 4-5 seem to challenge many people. And, despite not having a clearly defined goal you succeeded tonight. That is truly something to be proud of. Often the vaugness of things causes one to redefine the moment, and make poor choices. Like you said: People around the world drink.......... But, still you hung in there tonight. I'm proud of you, of all of us here who are doing this.

                        Keep as you are doing: giving yourself time. You will figure out what is right for you, AF or some form of mods. Remain honest with yourself and open, and know that these difficult days are worth it.


                        Day 110 AF


                          Tuesday November 13th at the INN

                          G2G Wow, sounds like you've had quite a day. July is right, those days 4 and 5 can be really hard. I think that because the alcohol is out of your system and we have to deal with our emotions without our anesthesia of choice. But you did it!!

                          You've made a great start. Congrats on Day 4.


                            Tuesday November 13th at the INN

                            gday inmates , I feel that I have let you all down, havent been in the right frame of mind lately, have been getting things back on track, but am having trouble again with the af thing, just feel like I am losing focus and dont want to bring you down with me. very frustrated dont really know what to say, thanks for listening
                            "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                              Tuesday November 13th at the INN

                              Go2 and Max...both of you, try to hang on in there.....getting through each rough time or temptation strengthens you for the next time. Alcohol isn't a might look it at the time...but it only drags you down, makes you tired, sick, unable to cope, angry, miserable, you feel your life dripping away pointlessly out of that bottle. Be strong...find something to divert yourself from those thoughts...they are ONLY thoughts, you don't have to act on them.

                              I think a 'comfort' routine is very helpful. Something to take the place of the glass of whatever.....tea with honey, chocolate (I would say that!:H ), warm bath with oils, even just something good to take a good deep sniff of - orange essential oil is wonderful for that. Breathe it deep and count slowly to 20......

                              Wishing you both strength and love

                              Suze x
                              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

