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Seminar at the inn:14th November

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    Seminar at the inn:14th November

    Hi to everyone at the Inn,
    Congratulations on taking up the challenge to beat the bottle, it's a worthwhile pursuit .
    My monicur here is Stollies1 (guess what my poison was :H ) but here in Essendon Australia most people call me Victoria.
    I've been with my current partner for 9 years and I work for a big multinational company (office monkey) and I barrack for the Essendon football Club, and I'm a recovering alcoholic.
    I've been AF for 13 months now but at the height of my drinking I was downing a bottle of Vodka a night ( and night) and if truth be told I think I used to successfully overlap bottles to consume more than a bottle.I drank from the moment I got up to the time I passed out.Not a pretty sight and I think my turning point was the choice I had to make,either to drink myself to death (which I had started at 12 to do) or clean up my act.As you can guess, I chose the later.
    I was successful with a 30 day(self imposed)AF regime but took back to the bottle with great gusto almost immediately.I don't want to denigrate, in any way, what you all doing here. I think its wonderful to see everybody, taking the same path, joining together for support but I do think that putting a time limit on it can lead to a great big celebratory piss up at the end cos you want to treat yourself.I know it did for me.
    So I think thats my first tip to giving up the piss:
    If you want to put a time limit to it..tell yourself you can drink July 2048.
    I tried unsuccessfully another time and was about 2 weeks into my last attempt when I found MWO and what a fortuitous thing it was for me.I found here wonderful souls with hearts and minds to keep me on the path.Some have succumb along the way, only to return to face the challenge again..and thats what you must do if you stumble..don't give in to it, get it in a corner and beat it to death.
    I gave up without the aid of any drugs or supps and had no problems at all with withdrawal
    I didn't really crave a drink but situations I used alcohol to deal with offered a challenge, so I think tip number 2 is:
    Know that alcohol doesn't change the problem it just numbs you to it.

    Try to distract yourself when you long for a drink.Best is to come on MWO and read and write post's.I recommend it.
    I know the biggest obstacle to staying AF is me and I never take my sobriety lightly now I have over a year under my belt. So, to try to steer clear of the booze during the HO HO HO SEASON and of course for you North Americans Thanksgiving coming also...

    Tip 1:If you cant convince someone around you that you really don't want a drink, tell them it goes badly with the medication your taking.
    Tip 2I'm doing this myself this year)Book a room at the hotel your function is at so if it all gets too much you can retreat to room(but no attacking the mini bar:eeks: )
    Tip 3:Like all the others have said, drink heaps of soda water in really large glasses with lots of ice and or find a great AF wine/champers(for Aussies "Edenvale") is a great to have at the table so you can enjoy the toast's.
    Tip 4:If you cant face it all...don't! Remember it's about you getting well:h
    Tip 5on't dwell on it all too much.You feel even better in the morning without the thumping headache and the churning stomach.
    I'm going through it with you too, I have to stay on my toes to stay sober.

    I'd like to wish all of you the best of luck.The journey you've taken is fraught with rocks and potholes and I wish you safe passage through them all.
    I hope it wasn't too long winded and if any of you have any issues please PM me I'm happy to help.
    Thanks Rob for letting me contribute to the INN and thanks to Neil,Flip,About time and RJ for contributing.
    Love to you all,
    Victoria xxooxx

    Seminar at the inn:14th November

    Thanks Victoria.
    I`m loving the seminars. It`s fab to read about the successes of long time AF members. You are all such an inspiration to keep going.

    Starlight Impress x


      Seminar at the inn:14th November

      cheers, go pies! thanks for the tips
      "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


        Seminar at the inn:14th November

        Victoria: Thank you for your wonderful post.

        I can see where the 30 day abs can be a trap, but it can also be a goal and a kickstart for longterm sobriety. For many of us here the skills and insights that we gain during our first 30 days can keep us going on a path to sobriety. But it is a very good point for those coming up on the magic 30 days. This is certainly no time to get complacent!

        Your tips are great! Thanks for reminding us that even after a year of sobriety, you have to stay on your toes.

        Thanks Again
        Love and Peace


          Seminar at the inn:14th November

          Thank you, Victoria!

          The tips are wonderful. I will note those!

          Be well...


          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            Seminar at the inn:14th November

            Thanks Victoria, It's so good to hear long term AFers give us the realistic picture of living a sober life. It's not about getting through 30 days, or 60, or's about changing your life and the way you perceive the world.

            Thanks Again,


              Seminar at the inn:14th November

              Hey Victoria -
              Thank yo so much for sharing this with us. It really helps to hear what works for long term abb-ers. And the holiday tips are much needed! thanks again,
              wonder xx


                Seminar at the inn:14th November


                Your observations and advise are wonderful. Yes, the 30 day abs. can be an artificial trap and I know many of us see it as that.

                We all need to, as you say, stay on our toes to stay sober. Good point.

                Thank you,



                  Seminar at the inn:14th November

                  Thanks excellent seminar! Yes...that thing about the 30 day 'celebration' is one to watch out for...I fell for it as do many of us :upset: It's not about 'not being allowed to drink' it's about choosing a better life...thanks for the reminder :h

                  Suze x
                  Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                    Seminar at the inn:14th November

                    Excellent seminars! Thank you
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      Seminar at the inn:14th November

                      Thank you so much for your story, Victoria.


