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Sleep quality when AF

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    Sleep quality when AF

    Can anyone tell me how going AF tends to affect quality of sleep or sleep patterns? I have been AF for two days but also stopped mild sleeping pills 5 days ago, so am not sleeping at all deeply and am having probs getting off to sleep in the first place. Just wondered how long this should take to rectify itself.


    Sleep quality when AF

    Arg - tell me too......waking to Day 5 not having gotten a wink, I think. Feel like S___. Here I was waiting for the rewards of more energy, taking time for me working out, yoga, balancing and I feel horrible.

    Hey, Cooking, are you taking the supps? The Calms Forte? That is supposed to help. Sorry I can't be more help because I am not sleeping well either.

    "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


      Sleep quality when AF

      I have been AF for ten days now, and after the first couple of evenings of sleeplessness discovered something that works for me. Here in the states we have a shopping channel called HSN (Home shopping network), you can dot com it too. Dr. Andrew Lessman has a line of supplements that are all natural with no additives. He has a product called Night Time which consists of Calcium, Magnesium, Melatonin, Valerian, Passionflower, and Chamomille. I have been taking 2 capsules 1/2 hour before bed and sleeping like a baby.
      Just thought I would share
      sobriety date 11-04-07


        Sleep quality when AF

        Charlee - that looks like a good one!

        I would order that, it looks like everything you need.

        In the meantime, you can get Valerian, Melatonin, and Magnesium at the heath Food Store. If you are not around one, you should at least be able to find Melatonin at the grocery store. I suggest the SUBLINGUAL (under the tongue), and get the 2.5mg. You can take 5mgs in the beginning, then dosing down once you have been AF for a while.

        The Clames Forte is FANTASTIC. I think that a lot of us are anxious about going to bed sober - I was, anyway. So, You can take these in the early evening, say 2, then you can take another few an hour before bed, then 1/2 hour take whatever sleep aid you are going to use.

        it is REALLY important to sleep in the begining!! Seriously. Your body need to heal.

        Sleep tight!

        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          Sleep quality when AF

          Hello - just a little post to say it can take a wee while for sleep to sort itself's really the REM patterns for dreaming that have been knocked out by alcohol.

          Hang in there and try all the usual rememdies - glad you've found one that works for you Charlee!! A relaxing CD to drop off to helped me and a very 'strict' routine at a short soothing piece (one of 'those-nice-books' type of thing. A write 5 things in a little book that I am grateful for that day and think on them as I listen to the cd.....zzzzzzzzzzzz And I still do now.

          I found it amazing that, despite very little sleep, I found I felt good and could 'do' the day OK...I think even 3-4 hours of 'poor' sleep was hugely more benficial than 8 hours of 'pass-out'!!! So, I hope you get that soon too and that helps a bit to know as you lie there with the brain churning! (Yup, know that one CH!!) I think that's just showing you all the energy and potential there is 'up there' being released for use again!! A good thing!

          Now I get less sleep but better sleep and I'm used to it so....keep going!

          Love FMS x
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            Sleep quality when AF

            I am on day 4 and have mini nay micro amounts of sleep, however, just been to bed for an hour and crashed straight out because I am truly on my knees and have a busy time that starts any mo' I do have a couple of questions for those of you in the early stages of AF like me, do you have a ringing in your ears? and a really nasty dry yucky tongue? Or have I really done something wacky to my poor pickled body?
            :lI'd really rather be skiing:H


              Sleep quality when AF

              Finding My Self;224134 wrote: .........and a very 'strict' routine at bedtime....
              OOer.......Tell me more FMS - how "strict" exactly


              Sorry - couldn't resist it!

              Love Satori

              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                Sleep quality when AF

                I think it's been a couple weeks AF for me, with 2 glasses of wine in there. haven't been drunk at all.
                Sleeping has been strange for me with really vivid dreams that wake me up in the middle of the night, I also wake up thirsty and have to get up and drink a bunch of water. I am sensitive to noise too, like the cat jumping on the table etc.
                last night I slept well for some reason. didn't wake up groggy and disoriented.
                I guess things get better as time goes on.

                The mood swings anger and frustration are what really bother me right now. hoping this goes away soon.
                You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                  Sleep quality when AF

                  REM never had that 34 days AF. Slipped last night and slept like 12 hours. Gotta start all over again.


                    Sleep quality when AF

                    whenever i get drunk, i wake up and am exhausted the whole day. its not only from the hangover, but a persons sleep quality is very poor when they go to bed drunk. u probably are oging through withdrawel, but when you get past that your sleep will fee rested. if u have trouble, maybe take some sleeping pills over the counter. but be careful not to get hooked on them. never more than two weeks, or u might have some problems getting off of them.


                      Sleep quality when AF

                      I am taking all the supplements and naltrexone and haven't had a restful night since I quit drinking, BUT I have felt better just about every morning than the sleep I got when passed out. Sometimes the supps and the meds make me feel drugged and groggy in the middle of the night when I have to get up to use the restroom. I also have to guzzle water every time I wake up for a potty break Vicious cycle, but I can't help being thirsty. I'm hoping this will pass and I can look forward to the wonderful, restful sleep RJ talks about in her book. On the other hand I've always been a light sleeper (compounded by motherhood) so who knows?!


                        Sleep quality when AF

                        I have found that taking two Calms Forte and one 3mg Melantonin 30-45 minutes before bedtime does the trick. I sleep well and wakeup not groggy and ready to go! Plus, they're all natural with no side affects or chance of addiction.



                          Sleep quality when AF

                          I found the Calms Forte helped the first 30 days. After that sleep came around gradually and at around 90 days it seemed like I was sleeping like before my life w/ alcohol.

                          I do think exercise will help incredibly. It does not need to be strenuous but :45 to:60 min of walking, running or other activity will do the trick. If you start with :15 min a day you can safely add :5 min per day each week. In 6-8 weeks you will have a base of strength to draw from. Take one to two days off per week as rest/recovery.



                            Sleep quality when AF

                            Skid, if that tongue thing keeps up you may want to at least give your doc a phone call and ask. you may just be a tad dehydrated still? definately stumped me on that one.

                            regarding the sleep issue this is how it works for me: after I quit a binge drinking episode I don't sleep worth squat for up to a whole week...then light a light being switched I sleep great. so I'm sleeping great and loving it
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              Sleep quality when AF

                              Thank you all for your input.

