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Thursday Nov. 15th at the INN

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    Thursday Nov. 15th at the INN

    Good morning INNmates!! Wanted to get the thread started. Off to do some reading

    Thursday Nov. 15th at the INN

    Morning Rob and all -

    Just finished RJ's seminar offering - such good stuff. Thank you Rob - all the seminar speakers have been so inspiring - and each different in their own way, but all with a positive and uplifting message. I love it. I'm going to print them out to save and read again.

    I took a major detour for a few days - duh, where have I been? Started with computer problems and frustration saturday nite (finally all fixed on tues am), drank some on Sunday nite and Monday nite, and then got food poisoning Tues nite thru weds (sick as a DAWG). I feel like I got in a spaceship on Sunday, and it's just landed (where DID I go?)So I am back to day 3 AF. It was such a stupid waste of time - and I really regret doing it. That's all I can really say about it, you know? What else is there to say? Just happy to be back to feeling all present and accounted for.

    Off for some more reading -

    Wonder xx


      Thursday Nov. 15th at the INN

      Hi Fellow Innmates

      Just read Robertas seminar offering and it is inspirational. Have had a busy few days with hospital visits (my cousin who is undergoing chemo stays with me) so I have not had a chance to get much time on the computer. Day 17 AF so feeling good.



        Thursday Nov. 15th at the INN

        Morning Rob, Wonder, Rustop, quick hello, out the door to work.

        Wonder, glad you are jumping right back on top of things. That's important. Sending you good vibes!

        Have a good day all, looking forward to reading RJ's thread when I get home. Attached files [img]/converted_files/367808=2122-attachment.gif[/img]
        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


          Thursday Nov. 15th at the INN

          Hi Everyone.....

          Wonder, you just hop back in here girl....fresh flowers in your room to welcome you back from your spaceship :H

          Rustop...hope your cousin is doing ok :l

          Hannah and Rob, thanks for keeping us all together as usual! Those seminars are great....wonderful idea, and very inspiring.

          I had a very difficult, stressful day yesterday...when I got home I knew that in the past I would have headed straight for the bottle...but instead I had a cup of tea and some licorice! Maybe my switch has switched????

          Suze x
          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


            Thursday Nov. 15th at the INN

            Hey, everybody - again.

            See this car? Still parked in the garage! When I put the dog out, looked pretty scary on the road and sidewalk - sort of like a curling rink, freezing rain already pebbling up. Thought to myself, Oh Oh, not good..... Listened to the radio road reports, and decided, nope, not me today - so am using up one of my remaining holiday days and staying home! Thank God I have a great part time gal who is always eager for a few more hours of work.

            Just read RJ's seminar thread - great! Be sure to check it out! Attached files [img]/converted_files/367823=2122-attachment.gif[/img]
            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


              Thursday Nov. 15th at the INN

              Suze - Good for you! But licorice, not chocolate? Are you feeling okay?:H
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                Thursday Nov. 15th at the INN

                Good morning, my friends!

                Well, I wish I could say it was a wonderfull day for me BUT IT'S NOT! I can't believe it - I have another frickin' BUG! I felt good for, what - 2 days! Anyway, started feeling crappy Monday, then by yesterday it grew into a full blown cold. I feel so beaten... I have been so whipped this past few months, my back, the pluericy - now this - when is it going to stop! AARRGH! I know it is probably that I am working too much, but what am I supposed to do about that. I have my own business and it is only a year old. We are coming up to the BUSIEST time of the year and I am booked clean through the end of the year. I feel like crap today. I was up all night because I couldn't breath without cold pills, which keep me awake - my nose is going to fall off - I FEEL LIKE I AM ON ACID or something, my head is so spaced out, and I have to go to work, and I am booked all day, every day through Saturday. OH DREAD!!

                OK.. thanks for letting me get that out.

                I will go take a shower now - take some more cold medicine, eat something and, oh hell, I don't know.... whaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

                Check in later...


                p.s.. on day 15 yippee...
                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                  Thursday Nov. 15th at the INN

                  :woot: :woot: :woot:
                  Who let the dog out, woof, woof, woof, woof...

                  I saw Doggy.. where is she - calling doggy to the INN!!!
                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    Thursday Nov. 15th at the INN

                    Hey again, just a quick check in with the reminder that there is a chat with Roberta at 8pm CST.

                    Same deal- Go to New Chat, Pop up window, Roam, The room will be Seminar, Passward INN (all caps)

                    I've got a must attend meeting tonight so Chief has graciously offered to open the chat if I'm not back in time.

                    I've gotta run for now, will try to get back later to say hey to everybody


                      Thursday Nov. 15th at the INN

                      Is CST the same as the time on this site?


                        Thursday Nov. 15th at the INN

                        My puter seems to always sort out the times to my times. So, UK posts are marked 1:00 AM and on, etc. Not so for you?



                          Thursday Nov. 15th at the INN

                          MM -

                          I'm sure I speak for all the "Innies" MM - :h take care, ok?
                          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                            Thursday Nov. 15th at the INN

                            Me too. At least since we switched with daily savings time (before that I was an hour off). I think that must mean you are in the same time zone as this site - right? So, if the time on this site is CST then we're good, right? Are you in CST?

                            Oh yeah - hi Dave!!!


                            12many;224592 wrote: My puter seems to always sort out the times to my times. So, UK posts are marked 1:00 AM and on, etc. Not so for you?



                              Thursday Nov. 15th at the INN

                              MM - get better soon....I just hope your cold is like mine wasover the weekend.....B****** awful but very short lived..... 3 days and then just a bit snuffly. Praying for that sort for you anyway!!

                              And everyone else...stay well, get better and, Hannah, I am glad you're staying home today....we're getting frosts in the UK too.... -3 or 4 degrees!!!! Very British!!! I guess you're down minus double figures?!? (Not Cornwall yet....much warmer here.)

                              Um, I'd love to get to Chat but can't get on.....just blank with that little red cross in a little box stopping pictures/or? downloading..... HELP!! And still can't work out what time our time it would be.... any UK guys better equipped with brain cells than me....?!?

                              Back later to all.
                              FMS xx
                              :heart: c: :heart:
                              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

