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DAILY THREAD-Thurs. Nov 15

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    DAILY THREAD-Thurs. Nov 15

    Morning All!

    Rainy day here. It's starting to get cold which means-brrrrr-winter around the corner.

    My best friend called me yesterday & told me that she had a meeting with my old superiors (I just quit my job) & they just raved about me & wished I had not left-blah blah blah. Remember how torn I was to have left but I knew if I stayed I definately would have started drinking. Well all the old feelings of "making the wrong decision" came up again. But after talking to hubby he screwed my head back on straight. In a nutshell-he said in the past when I stress out & am unhappy I start to drink, am miserable, shut down therfore forcing the family to have no mother-shutting the family down. We looked at the pros & cons of the job & well-even if there "might" have been potential to get another job in the city while working the hell job- I would have to endour all this negativity (who knows how long) & I know I would have started to drink. The job itself was good-the people were awful & screwed in the head. Better broke & sober than drunk & wasting the money on booze anyway~LOL.

    Well-gotta tidy up my downstairs in preparation for the grandparents & my daughter's friend (who's sleeping over) to come over tomorrow for daughter's b-day.

    Have a great AF day everyone!

    p.s. Karma how did your appt go? I very often drank due to social anxiety which I still suffer from. I feel uncomfortable even when I pick up my son from kindergarten & the moms stand around gabbing & there is me-alone-afraid to join in the conversations for fear I'll say something stupid. But in the past-give me a buzz on-& I'll talk to the Pope!
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

    DAILY THREAD-Thurs. Nov 15


    Don't second guess yourself, you made the right decision. Your health is worth more than your job, especially like you say you were just spending the money on alcohol anyways.

    I am on day 5 right abs right now and feel better than I thought I would. I have got some vitamins and herbs coming in the mail which should help. The only thing I don't have then is DPLA, so I will go and get some of that this weekend. I might buy some Magnesium too, I have some in a CAL, Mag, ZINK combination pill but my liver feels overtaxed so I am only taking exactly what I need right now. I am not even taking my B complex, just went out and got some B1 and taking that instead.

    Well have lots to do have company coming over this weekend and everything I own is still in boxes.



      DAILY THREAD-Thurs. Nov 15

      Hi Bethany-

      I was just about to turn my pc off but wanted to say GOD JOB on 5 days! The beginning is always the hardest. My skin would often look like crap because all that poison just poured out of my pores. The Magnesium is good because when YEARS ago I took myself into the hospital to detox (which I was basically left to die alone-no one checked on me-I was given nothing-I should of just stayed home on the couch) upon release the DR. gave me a script for Mag since alcohol does a number on the nerves & muscles-especially the heart.

      When I first started the program in Jan I took all the supps etc. but when I did blood work my vit B6 level was high & Dr. told me to stop the Bcomplex & just do a multi vitamin. But everyone is different.

      Thanks for the kind words.
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        DAILY THREAD-Thurs. Nov 15

        Happy Thursday ABomatics!

        Breez, sorry it's rough but your resolve sounds just stellar
        Bethany, nice to have you and congrads on the AF days! yes by all means get magnesium, B1 and lots of vit-C. you say your liver feels taxed? do you mean you have swelling under the right ribcage? I've had that myself. I'd also be taking lecithin for sure and lots of it (as I still do).

        be well everyone and all to come
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          DAILY THREAD-Thurs. Nov 15


          Ok, I will go and get some Mag so I can take it by itself. What does the lecithin do? I will be making a trip to the heath food store so might as well get everything else I need at the same time. (within reason do to finances)

          I don't know if my liver is swollen or not, but I did have a bad pain under might right rib cage about 3 weeks ago. Plus I seemed to be in a state of ketosis by eating too much protein and not enough carbs. I was just trying to eat enough beef to get over being Anemic.

          I am not even taking my Iron pills or copper pills because I don't want to overwork my liver right now. ( I will start taking them again later)

          Thanks alot for your advice.



            DAILY THREAD-Thurs. Nov 15

            Happy Thursday!

            Breez, Bethany, & Determinator good to hear you are all doing well. I am working on day 9 today and feeling pretty darn good. Determinator, can you tell me more about lecithin? Do you think something is wrong with the liver if it is tender under your right ribcage? I just had bloodwork done before starting naltrexone and the liver stuff was normal...And Bethany what is DPLA?

            I wish you all a great day!


              DAILY THREAD-Thurs. Nov 15


              What you say about detox makes me glad I am skipping detox and rehab and doing this at home! Important to add here I did taper down first instead of just going cold turkey. Going cold turkey may sound like the way to go, but it can be dangerous to quit drinking really fast.

              I am really glad I found this group, it is nice to have people to "talk" to.



                DAILY THREAD-Thurs. Nov 15


                First of all congrats on 9 days, that is awesome!

                DPLA is a combination of D- Phenylalanine and L- Phenylalanine.

                I am going to be taking four Amimo Acids as Amino Therapy.

                DPLA, 5htp, L-glutamine and GABA. I think just taking just these four Aminos might work better than taking them all at once, for me anyways.

                I got this information on Amino Therapy from this site:

                Nutrition : Holistic Approaches : The Addiction Recovery Guide

                You have to scroll down to "Amino Therapy".

                One time I went out and bought a Amino Complex from the health food store when I was trying to quit drinking but it made my feel worse so I quit taking it. This time I am just going to take the four Aminoes I really need and see how that goes.

                I will let y'all know how it works out.



                  DAILY THREAD-Thurs. Nov 15

                  Hi Abbers,

                  It's good to see a daily thread again! Thanks for starting it, Breez. You did the right thing by quitting your job. It's easy for them to say great things about you when you're gone, but it doesn't mean they would have treated you any better if you stayed.

                  Hi Bethany and Pepper, :welcome: ! I haven't talked to either of you before, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.

                  Hey Deter. It's good to see you.

                  I've been reading everyday, but not posting all that much. Things are okay though, having just passed 5 months on Monday. I've got the fall blues though. I just had a couple of hours break from work, so I went grocery shopping and checked in here to say hi. So "HI!" and now bye!

                  Hugs to all,:l

                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    DAILY THREAD-Thurs. Nov 15

                    Good to see everyone

                    Magnesium was reccomended to me when I went for acupunture. I feel better when I take than on days that I don't.

                    I went to the doc and all went well...she gave me script for something to calm me and get me back on track to where the natural supplements were working well for me. She didn't think that anti-depresssants would do me any good with my history of taking them and them not helping. She clearly stated that she has seen them do more damage to people and I was one of them. She was very impressed with my detailed account of anxiety/meds that I was able to hand her when I went in. I always forget things and hate trying to remember stuff on the I had it covered with that document. This way I can use meds when needed...which she felt would be best as I can cycle in and out of anxiety modes. Months have minimal....then have some bad months....this way we can tackle it as needed...rather than long term.

                    Basically, I had a panic attack in Aug while driving. This had happened to me 6-7 years ago and it was 2 years before I would drive on a freeway and my job depended on it. Everytime I antcipated having to drive it would send me off to some level of panic mode and this went on for 2 years! I did try cog. therapy but it was worthless. I was beginning to relive that hell and have been since August. I took 1/2 a dose upon leaving her office and drove on the freeway 95% anxiety free the rest of the afternoon. Just that alone has already started to melt the general anxiety. It was my subconcious working overtime constantly anticipating driving on the freeway and knowing the uncomfortable panic that would ensue. It is hard to explain how it can overtake you unless you have lived it.

                    I am thrilled to see everyone doing well. Bethany 5 days, Pepper 9 days...awesome. Breez you have to go with your gut on the job thing....and it sounds like you have made the right choice. Great job Kathy on 5 months! And D...its always nice to see you...I was listening to my 80's Love Ballads....God some are just so damn bad...but the memories are sweet.



                      DAILY THREAD-Thurs. Nov 15

                      Big Hi to Kath! Hope the blues go away soon. Congrats on 5 months-that's a great accomplishment! You go girlfriend!:yougo:

                      Hi Pepper. Nice to see you here.

                      Hi Deter-hey Det~speaking of livers, do you still have that "squishy" thing going on. I know you went to go see a doc but can't recall what came of it.

                      Well-back to cleaning. This is my temporary "excuse" to take a break.
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        DAILY THREAD-Thurs. Nov 15

                        Kathy, Looking forward to getting to know you all better too.

                        So far I really like it here.

                        I hope your fall blues pass soon.



                          DAILY THREAD-Thurs. Nov 15

                          Hi everyone,
                          Getting all packed and ready to leave for Kentucky on Saturday morning probably around 3 or 4 am as it is a 12 hour drive. It figures gas has to be so outrageous right now too!!! Guess I'll get the car all packed up tomarrow so all I have to do is get up, get dressed, get my cat in her carrier and get out the door and hit the road. I am staying for Thanksgiving through to Christmas and my Mom doesn't have a land line at home so i'll try to post once in a while when we get to the library.
                          I think I'm running on nervous energy..I didn't get one wink of sleep last night and here I am at almost two am on the computer. I better get to bed soon, I am definately tired. I just wanted to say hi and bye quickly before I run off.
                          I hope you all have a happy Holiday season:h ...Talk with you again soon...


                            DAILY THREAD-Thurs. Nov 15


                            I can see how being able to get over your fear of driving would help with all aspects of your life as the constant dread was always there.

                            Good going on facing that fear head on and solving that problem.


