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12th day af

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    12th day af

    hey guys. day 12 AF. i would have had a hard time without the antabuse. ( makes u sick if u drink-u dont have the CHOICE to drink or the worry ull cheat, or the temptation.. its great!) i recommend it to anyone, unless your really addicted to alcohol, u might drink and become violentally ill. i love it!! im so happy. the first weekend was a bit hard, because i had to sit around and watch my bf and his friends drink and have fun. it was hard. but now im hardly thinking of wanting to drink. i m jst going about my everyday life and feeling proud and happier.i feel less depressed as well. i hardly feel sad or depressed. i had a feeling my depression would almost disappear if i stopped drinking for awhile. I am 26, so I dont plan on staying like this permanently NOW, as in this time of my life, but probably a few years down the line. however, it almost feels good enough to contemplate staying like this for longer than a month. my depression has been a real issue for years now. i notice i appreciate things i didnt when i drank often, and am happy just being relaxed at night watching tv and chilling with my bf, rather than thinking either, "what drink should i get" or " i m tryin so hard not to drink tonight, feeling bored and down". thats what would happen on days i didnt drink. the boredom and sadness. i dont know if i can moderate. i might have to say, drinking once a week. if i can. i cant be the girl that drinks two glasses of wine five days a week. it will be on my mind so often about how much, when, where, what, and my mind woul dthink about it to often. i haevent tried the topomax or taken the supplements the way im supposed to. i felt but could have been wrong, that the kudzu took the pleasure out of drinking, and i didnt like that. but i might hve been having a bad day or whatever. who knows. well good luck to everyone, and i would really recommend the antabuse to those of :thanks: you who know u wont cheat and get real violentally ill!

    12th day af

    Way to go on 12 days me145! :goodjob:

    So awesome! Really quite an accomplishment. Looking forward to hearing more.....

    wonder xxx


      12th day af

      WAY TO GO!!! If antibuse is working for you, keep taking it!! Let us know how it continues to work for you and how you are feeling along the way!


        12th day af

        Congrats on day 12 ,13 now ,im on 14 today and feeling strong . Im really very happy about this now.....


          12th day af

          Way to Go fellow Abs! Keep up the good work!
          "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


            12th day af

            day 13. but im pissed cause the scale hasnt gone down. err. i just wanted to lose five pounds. oh well. its sat night and im getting that aching feeling of wanting to go out.. gotta be strong. ( i cant anyway.. antabuse!)

