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Fri Nov 16 at The Inn

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    Fri Nov 16 at The Inn

    Morning Boys and Girls!

    Wow...we have a really hard frost here's beautiful! I can hardly concentrate, just want to stare out of the window at the sheep and the sunshine and the sparkling white trees and shrubs. I can feel Christmas coming LOL!

    MM...sending big hugs for your is it today?

    Doggy....welcome back (also wrote to you in yesterday's thread) are you doing? Hope your internet isn't playing up

    Everyone have a good day.....remember Al likes to whisper sweet nothings on a Friday about how it's the end of the week, you've worked hard, you 'deserve' a little glass of something. You DON'T deserve a hangover, wrinkly skin, excess weight, headache, guilty miserable tell him to sling his hook!

    Suze x
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

    Fri Nov 16 at The Inn

    Hi Suze

    Great advice regarding AL. He was whispering in my ear last night but luckily I fell asleep on the couch and when I woke up it was time for bed. Maybe my subconscious blocked him out by falling asleep?? Maybe the cd's are working in mysterious ways. Usually if I fall asleep on the couch its after too many glasses of wine and that wasnt the case last night so you never know.

    Hope there are some fun activites at the Inn this week-end. See you all around.j



      Fri Nov 16 at The Inn

      Hi Everyone: I just got back from a wonderful vacation in Ireland. I stayed AF pretty easily. I only had a few instances when I would have liked to have had a drink...pubs, distilllery tour, etc. However, I know in my heart that I could not drink like everyone else on the tour, so I had sodas instead. It was fine. It's good to be back. I'll read a little on the forums to see how everyone is doing. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Fri Nov 16 at The Inn

        Hi everyone! Suze-with-the-coolest-avatar-evah, thank you for the half stick. I will use it with vigor today and in the future.

        Thanks to all for your friendship and support as I deal with these ups and downs. I'm trying hard to look at all the positive progress I am making in terms of overall health rather than dwell on my bruised butt (from falling off wagon repeatedly).

        Hi again rustop! (also said hi in the daily ODAT thread)

        MM I hope you are feeling better today. I wish I could make you some home made Atkins friendly chicken soup and bring it to you. Since I can't do that, I will leave a good recipe for you in the Atkins thread.

        Welcome back Mary! Can't wait to hear more about your trip. Congratulations on keeping it AF!

        HannahB(anana but I don't call you that!), thank you for the new avatar. I'm not skinny like that girl yet, but I'm workin' on it.

        Wonder it was GREAT to see your angel back in action!! (where's the drooling smiley and the groping smiley!)

        Rob thanks for all you do around here.

        Hi to EVERYONE!! I'm up early today - you know the old sleepless routine. I took my Valerian Root too early last night. Anyway, all is well - I have a 7AM leads groups meeting today so I'm gonna go work out before that. Then a couple of errands, then I shall settle into my illegal internet feed and watch Figure Skating - it's Trophee Eric Bombpard (sp) this weekend. Oh to be in France!

        See you around the Inn...

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Fri Nov 16 at The Inn

          Good Morning INNmates!!

          Suze-Brrrr. Sounds like its time to get out the Long Johns!! It does sound beautiful though. Yes Christmas is coming, just walk into any store if you need a reminder.

          Hi Russ- I bet it was good to wake up on the couch without a hangover!! Now that the seminar is wrapped up, there will be a little more time for silliness.

          Mary- Welcome back! We've missed you. Can't wait to read about your travels.

          Doggy- Get back over here girl!! The key is never give up!!

          I've got lots of reading to do before I head off to work today, I've gotten way behind.

          See y'all later

          Love and Peace


            Fri Nov 16 at The Inn

            "Lo all! So nice to log in here in the morning and see all my buddies - sounds like everyone is doing great, Mary - awesome trip - and awesome that you stuck to the sodas -DG - you can call me anything you like, so long as you call me :H - no time to talk to everyone individually, but quick HELLO and off to work I go. Feel like I should be posting stars or something for my remaining work days (think 13 or so, give or take the odd holiday day).

            Looking forward to catching up tonight - have a good day, everybody!
            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


              Fri Nov 16 at The Inn

              Lookie here - what a great morning to see everyone up and checkin' in at the INN!!

              I think I am feeling a bit better - fever broke last night, so I haven't had to take any knarly meds since 6pm last night! THE SPACE SHIP HAS LANDED!!!!!!!!

              Hannah - how do you do those graphics - you MUST tell me! 13 days to vacation - you go girl!

              Rob - Thank you so much again for all your work putting those seminars together. They were truly inpirational! We'llhave to think of our next conference - maybe Chippendale? I actually dated a Chippendale dancer back in the late 80's. His name was SCORPION..purrr!

              DG - Yeah, those sleepless nights.. remember to get some sublingual melatonin. You said the regular didn't work for you, me either. But, the you can get the sublingual 2.5mgs and take two (5mgs) until your sleep pattern returns, then knock back to 2.5mgs. Have fun with the boys in tights WITH BALD BUTTS!

              Mary- So glad to hear from you! I have been wondering how you were on your vacation. Yeah for you for staying AF!!! Can't wait to hear the details....

              Suze - thank you for posting the hangover reminder - that made my skin crawl.. and that's a GOOD THING!!! I HATE HANGOVERS! I'm getting t-shirst made - yeah, that's it...

              Well, I'm off to do a long steam in my shower and hopefully rehydrate myself. Those cold pills are brutal when it comes to that. BUT, I am feeling better and my brain is working - OH, I do have a brain - who needs the Wizard.. pay no attention to the man behind the curtain... OK.. maybe I still have some residual cold medicine lurking.. best sign of...

              Hello to all my friend to come today and make it a good one!!


              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                Fri Nov 16 at The Inn

                Morning all!-

                Good to see everyone - the inn's hopping! You-know-who-with-the-wings is back by
                special request. I won't say 'who' requested him, but let's just say there was a trail of doggy biscuit crumbs when he/she left.....

                Mary - I'm so glad your back! I posted to you on the other thread, but I want to say again how great it is to hear your story of staying AF on your trip. I'm having trouble staying AF in my own living room! blah! looking forward to hearing more......

                MM- excellent that you're feeling at least a little better - being sick - especially when you have to keep up a work schedule - is NO FUN!

                Hannah - Countdown!!!! 13 days left!!! yay!!!!

                Rob - The seminar was phenomenal!!!! All the posts were amazing. And chatting with RJ was really a thrill for me. She's a whippersnapper!

                Rustop - Apparently you have a sober couch. Mine has been struggling :H

                DG - Woof! Awseome to see you......and speaking of skating..... I seem to remember a promise that we would see photos of man pant wedgies..... I hope they surface soon!

                Suze - What a lovely view out the window. It's a bright and sparkly day here too. Hoping to get in a good walk. And yes, Friday night is Al's busiest in my book. I hate that bugger. He's gross and I hate him. I may need some extra sticks -

                Hope everyone has a great day!!

                luv Wonder xx


                  Fri Nov 16 at The Inn

                  Good morning all!
                  Just wanted to say a quick howdy before I get down to work. My best to you all to get through your Friday! This is my second sober Friday, may it be easier than my last! I can't believe how fortunate I have been to run across this site and all you wonderful people. I think there must be angels guiding me!
                  today is day 10AF


                    Fri Nov 16 at The Inn

                    angels? did someone say angels?

                    Way to go Pepper on your 2nd AF Friday!


                      Fri Nov 16 at The Inn

                      If only an angel looking like your avatar would come see me


                        Fri Nov 16 at The Inn

                        well...... he IS available for house calls. He's very, um, generous that way. I'll send him right over


                          Fri Nov 16 at The Inn

                          HI Everyone at the Inn! Its now Friday evening and I m cozy by the woodtove on Day 7 and not at all worried about AL. Actually, I kept wondering who Al was, hadn't seen a post by an "AL" - :duh: ........lest you wonder about didn't take too long.......and I remembered our family's "Uncle Hall" and I came to. When my son was a little toddling thing, we would say he couldn't have that drink because it had alcohol in it. For a couple years, he kept asking if "Uncle Hall" was in stuff - too cute, eh?

                          Well, everyone have a great night and shut the door on my Uncle Hall if he shows up.

                          "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


                            Fri Nov 16 at The Inn

                            ha ha ha ha!!!!! Uncle Hall !!! He's in the cup!! :H :H


                              Fri Nov 16 at The Inn

                              Evening all:

                              MM- Funny you should mention it, I used to date a chipendale too don't know what ever become of old studley. Glad to hear you're on the mend.

                              Sorry, guys just got a phone call from my sister, mini family crisis, back soon. Attached files [img]/converted_files/368479=2466-attachment.jpg[/img]

