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Friday - Nov. 16

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    Friday - Nov. 16

    We're back from our wonderful vacation in Ireland. We were on a tour & really saw all the sights. I stayed AF & am proud of myself. There was plenty of socializing, & I could have used that as an excuse ("I'll get back on the wagon when I get home."), but I knew that it would spoil the whole vacation. Being around normal drinkers for 9 days really showed me that I just don't drink that way. On the way to the airport to return home, the tourguide held a raffle. I held the winning number & won a pint of Jameson. How's that for irony? I hope everyone at MWO is doing well. Mary (42 days AF)
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Friday - Nov. 16

    Hi Mary -

    G2G here - we haven't met...That pint story gave me a 1st cup of coffee chuckle this am. Good for you to make it through the vacation. And, thanks for the insight about being with drinkers and knowing we do it differently - I'll watch for that.

    I am Day 7 and had the first good night sleep . I am loving the word play games, the humor, the support, and the stories, the lifts and gifts given to each other. Are you by chance the Mary that had a post about 'my changes'. I searched for it all night after reading about it, but no luck. if its you, I'd love a clue to finding the treasure.

    Anyway, glad to meet you,
    "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


      Friday - Nov. 16

      Hi everyone

      Welcome back Mary. Glad you enjoyed your vacation and well done on staying AF. You were so strong and continue to be an inspiration to the rest of us. We missed you while you were away.

      Have a great week-end everyone.




        Friday - Nov. 16

        Good Morning Mary, G2G, and Rustop,

        It's good to see you back, Mary. I missed your devotion starting the daily thread. It really languished without you, shameful to state! I'm so happy for you that you had a great AF time.

        Happy to hear that you're finally sleeping G2G. It sure is great when you start sleeping well again. It sounds like you are doing well on your Day 7. Keep up the good work!

        Have a good weekend yourself, Rustop. I hope you are doing well.

        My daughter is coming home for the weekend.:yay: She wants to do her laundry though, so I have to pick her up in rush hour traffic. Ugh! It will be nice to have some time with her.

        Well, on with the day!

        Hugs to all,:l


        Day 157:wow:
        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Friday - Nov. 16

          Welcome back Reteacher and I am so glad you enjoyed Ireland AF. I hope you traded that bottle of Jamie for something more fitting!

          :welcome: back!
          Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


            Friday - Nov. 16


            So happy to see you back! I really missed your daily posts, and thought of you often. And SOoooooooo proud of you for keeping your AF commitment. It's stories like yours that remind me that yes, it can be done, under ANY circumstances. You're just awesome teach!
            luv wonder


              Friday - Nov. 16

              Hi Mary-welcome back! Your story reminded me of when very early in my journey I had left over alcohol from a party & hubby just threw it out. I was heart-broken. Popeye (speak of the devil-hey anyone hear from him) said he had a similar experience & said "throwing them away was like them not living up to their destiny". I know-your situation was different but it just reminded me of it.

              Kath-enjoy Maddy's visit. You seem in much better spirits today.

              Shout out to wonder, Anna, Rus, G2G~Hello, hello

              Today is daughter's 9th b-day. The other day we watched my son's kindergarten Halloween video & happen upon my daughter's kindergrten video. Hubby & I cried & cried. Where does the time go? I think it hit me harder because I was mostly under the influence (always wanting a buzz on) during her early years & it really hurt. It sux having to depend on pictures & videos to remind you of things. Bad enough I only have one functioning brain cell left~LOL.

              Well I'm off washing sheets (she's having her best friend sleep over) & other last minute things. That reminds me-oooh nooo-the dreaded fish tank, gotta clean it.
              I am happy this year I can give her a sober b-day. And it helps me too. Finally I have a yr where I'm not hung over getting things ready or too buzzed to catch up on things. Today I can slowly do last minute things-and that is nice.

              Have an absolutely great AF day everyone!
              Attached files [img]/converted_files/368270=2465-attachment.gif[/img]
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Friday - Nov. 16

                Hi all, day 6 AF and I am NOT going to drink tonight! Fridays can be difficult for me.



                  Friday - Nov. 16

                  hey friends sorry to be in such a to a trade show at a casino (arg)
                  hugs all round,

                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Friday - Nov. 16

                    Deter- here's a:cents -throw it in the slots for me .
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      Friday - Nov. 16

                      G2G: Yes, I'm the Mary who wrote "My Changes." I'm so grateful for them all. If I can find that thread, I'll add something to it so that it comes back to the top. Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Friday - Nov. 16

                        Welcome back Mary! We missed you. Sounds like you had a good trip. Great Job on staying AF, Mary. A lot of people would have let The Beast take charge of that situation and chock it up to "a vacation". I'm so glad you didn't...good job!



                          Friday - Nov. 16

                          Yeah, especially after winning the pint of Jameson that probably would have got me right there, I mean on top of being a vacation.

                          Great Job Mary!



                            Friday - Nov. 16

                            Glad you enjoyed your holiday here, must be something in the air, I am 13 days today af and feeling very good !


                              Friday - Nov. 16

                              Way to go Bethany. Day 3 for me and i'm not going to drink tonight either!

