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Sat. - Nov. 17

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    Sat. - Nov. 17

    Hi Everyone: I'm dealing w/a serious case of jet lag. My body is still 5 hours ahead (Irish time). I know it'll regulate itself eventually. I need MWO more than ever. My life is very, very full right now: kids, g-kids, & aged parents who really depend on me. I must really be careful when I feel that stress. What I can do to relieve the stress is:
    -set boundaries - it's OK to say "no" now & then.
    -take time out for myself.
    -banish any kind of thinking that involves drinking as a stress reliever.
    -come here to MWO.
    Love, Mary (day 47)
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Sat. - Nov. 17

    Hi Mary Teacher -

    Sounds like you are really tuned in to yourself - you know what you need. If you are like me, that is sometimes hard to make happen - all the distractions. the worst stress for me is getting pulled in everyone's directions. So hard to stay centered then. But I think we need to gab the rock and stand steady....for ourselves, which is for everyone else also. You are lucky to have people in your life - many are lonely and isolated. but when you are blessed with many peopl, you have everything that comes with them.

    Day 47 - you are an inspiration for people like me on Day 8. Funny how we need to 'count'. I hope I know you when you are posting Day 100 - you are half way there. I'm jealous.

    Have a great weekend and getting settled back in.

    "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


      Sat. - Nov. 17

      Happy Sat ABlanders! early check-in for garlic breath as I'm working a trade-show this weekend....always a difficult time to stay AF for sure yet hanging in there. Had a dinner with the guys last night and although they all drank and I ordered N/A beer it was ok. the smell of wine bothered me a little but since we were eating Asian food it seemed less appealing anyhow. So another big day ahead....supposed to be a 12 hour shift today so my dogs will be barkin' for sure. (feet).
      why do they have to have these trade shows at casinos of all places? icky! smokey and alcohol simply everywhere. welll there you go ....I guess that's appealing to the masses.
      I posted late last night on Friday's thread so it almost feels like I've not logged off since yesterday yet
      Mary you are a superstar to do Ireland AF, and Go2 day 8 means you are over the toughest part of the hurdle and can really do this....well done.
      ok, back to work now.
      Be well everyone!
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Sat. - Nov. 17

        Morning All-

        Hi Mary-yes, be very careful & aware. Remember me at 7moAF when I had my guard down, over confident, and my plate full & I decided to have a drink to relieve the stress. We learn. That's one of the main reasons I decided to quit my job-I knew that eventually it would stress me to the point that I would drink. My sobriety is far more important. Good for you to have a plan.

        Oh poor Deter-I feel for you. Hope the day goes by quickly for you.

        Just finished cleaning up after daughter's little birthday get together. Today I'm taking my daughter & her friend to see The Bee movie.

        Have a great AF day everyone.
        Attached files [img]/converted_files/368607=1217-attachment.gif[/img]
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          Sat. - Nov. 17

          Thanks all. I definitely need the reminder that stress can sometimes lead me into trouble. I know for sure that I must continue AF. It's my only option. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Sat. - Nov. 17

            In times of high stress The Beast is lurking, ready to pounce. It put's the thought into our head that just having a drink will help with the stress. We have to not ignore that Beastly thought, but continue the thought through and picture ourselves after we've had that drink. Picture being hungover (because you will be, we know it won't be just one drink), and picture and remember the guilt, disappointment , anxiety, and feeling of failure because we let ourself down and let The Beast take control.
            When we have these Beastly thoughts and are feeling very anxious, if we can just think it all the way through, not try and ignore it, but face it head on, then our normal, rational, AF-loving REAL self will recognize The Beast and see right through it...

            Does that make sense? I remember having those anxious times when the thought of having a drink came into my mind as a way to cope with the stress. I remember recognizing that it WAS The Beast actually saying those thoughts to me, it wasn't REALLY me, because I didn't want to drink. I was growing to despise drinking, and yet, there I was thinking about taking a drink. I remember recognizing those Beastly thoughts and actually getting MAD at The Beast within me, and having conversations with him, like " WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, HAVE A DRINK?? ARE YOU FU*KING NUTS? THAT'S THE LAST THING I NEED....GET THE FU*CK OUTTA HERE!!..."
            Once I learned to immediately recognize the enemy ( being ANY thought that had me taking a drink), I found remaining AF was easier. It turned into a game. I would hear the Beast say " have a beer" and I would catch myself smiling and saying " nice try, dickhead..." and the thought would vanish.

            I hope this makes sense and will help someone.

            I'm really not insane...just because I talk with an imaginery foe within my own head... I'm really not...

            Day 99


              Sat. - Nov. 17

              Yes Mary-As difficult as it may be facing the daily ups & downs of everyday life, drinking only adds to more stress, turmoil, etc. I found that by being AF my life is much more simpler, happy & content. So what if it's boring at times. Better boring than drama.

              For me personally, I have so much to lose if I drink. I lose the respect of my family. That I can no longer live with. That's what keeps me going. That's what has had me going for so many months. I guess it's almost like a crusade to make up for lost times. I've disappointed my family more times than I can count.

              Good on you Mary. You've got the right frame of mind. Keep that goal & plan & you'll go far! Eventually we get to the point when we realize "enough is enough" and get me off this roller coaster of a life. Get me on stable ground where I can walk on my own two feet.

              Well-off to McDonald's & the movies.....
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Sat. - Nov. 17

                Chief, that makes total sense. what a great technique to help combat those persistent thoughts that continually enter our brains. I'll try it out next time the urge creeps in. Thanks for the advise!


                  Sat. - Nov. 17

                  Chief.. you have found a wonderful way to deal with your BEAST... As long as you don't start talking to him in public ....:nutso: :bonkers: :hitme:
                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    Sat. - Nov. 17

                    Chief: You definitely make sense. I know for sure I'd never have one drink or 2 or 3. Nothing positive would come of it. Thanks for the reminder. Mary
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Sat. - Nov. 17

                      Chief, you crack me up , that was great

                      home briefly then out to a fancy steakhouse with the rest of my work crew. This will be the party-hearty night since the show opens late tomorrow. This will be a huge test....steak and wine are just a siren's song to me.....but fight I will.

                      ok, getting ready to go back out....zooom

                      be well everyone!
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Sat. - Nov. 17

                        Thanks for the tip Chief!
                        Am determined to use that one!!

