Hi Guys - I'm not around here on Sundays - so early Monday shout out for me.
Don - Well done on triple digits my man! :goodjob:
Feels good - doesn't it!
Went out with some old neighbours for a meal on Saturday evening, and then we all went back to our house afterwards for drinks as usual!
We used to share many a drunken evening with them in the past!
Despite that - it is day 124 for me.
I am still trying to figure out my weird occasionally strong cravings for wine - and I think I know what is going on!
I only ever used to drink beer to excess (my poison of choice) - and wine only occasionally - along with meals etc.
I think the "beast" is trying to say - "go on - wine was never a problem - it was beer that was the problem, a little wine won't hurt you!"
It knows my defenses against drinking beer are fairly solid - So.......
Sneaky little blighter this addiction!!!!
Also - I just realised as I sit here typing this - I have a fridge full of beer right now, bought in for Saturday evening.
That is something that I could NEVER have ignored in the past - and I settled down yesterday evening with my tonic water and lime - I didn't even consider the beer as an option!
Progress indeed!
Take care out there!
And watch out for that devious beastie!