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inn on monday

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    inn on monday

    I'm thankful for my health, freedom, family, MWO and all of you..



      inn on monday

      Hello, my friends!!!

      Sorry for such a late check in... The busy season is upon me at the spa and it is going to be tough for me to check in as much, but it is IMPORTANT for me, so I will make every attempt to do so each and every day - if even for a moment!

      I am finally feeling better - FRICKIN' YEAH for my team - YOOOHOO!

      I may not have time to chat with each of you directly each day, but I plan to check in each night before I leave the spa to starve off the "drive home beast", and then have some serious time on Mondays on MYO - that is my day off with Hubby at work and Daughter in school. SO - I just wanted to let you know my status.

      I am going to go right on through the holidays AF, they are just like any other day. I only have one party planned, and I will be bringing my Sparkeling Lemonade. When people ask why I am not drinking, I just plan to say, "because I just don't want to.. that stops the conversation, and it is the truth! I also plan to just not go to all of the invited parties this year. I am so busy with work, plus I just don't feel ready. I am enjoying my early bedtime and early mornings. Again, it is just another day...

      Lastly, my low-carb diet is going famously! I lost 2 pounds last week. Not bad for having two off carb nights.. and no exercise. I am feeling better so I will be hoping on the treadmill as of tomorrow and hope for a good low carb week.

      Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!

      On day 19, almost three weeks!

      I am so glad you are all here and I miss you all!! Sorry I can't be here more right now.. but I'm here in spirit..


      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        inn on monday

        I am more thankful to all of you than I can ever express... that is what I will be quietly thanking in my prayers on thanksgiving day...


        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          inn on monday

          MM, You should be proud of're doing great, and have a wonderful plan for the holidays!


          early bedtime and early mornings....good stuff


            inn on monday

            Hello Inn-Mates,

            Just a quick check INN. Hope you all have a good night. I do like the Thanksgiving Holiday. For me it is the simple holiday and I strive to keep it that way. And, this year I will be particularly thankful for all of you here at MWO and a sober November.

            Each of us has the capacity to be AF but I know it is not always easy. It is about choices, hard choices.


            Day 116 AF


              inn on monday

              Chief;226554 wrote: DG, The rules of The Inn are honesty and respect. I respect your decision to forego being AF until January. I also appreciate your honesty in telling us, you didn't have to do that. I hope you will respect my honesty.
              We will worry about you because we care about you. I know you are struggling right now and I feel for you, but would you go back and read your post? If that's not The Beast writing , there's not a cow in Texas... You are justifying drinking until JANUARY because the holidays are too stressful. You have successfully quit smoking, are going to watch what you eat, and are going to exercise, BUT, you must drink because of the time of year... does that make sense?
              Please think about it and reconsider staying with us at The Inn. I know it's not easy, but you can do it if you put your mind to it..
              Hi Don and everyone. Don I totally appreciate and respect your honesty. You are right - it's just excuses. I will think about what you said.

              Love and hugs to all and happy Tuesday!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                inn on monday

                Hello everyone,
                Iv'e had a good few days and wish you all the same. DG.listen to Don, he is spot
                on with what he said, it certainly made me think.
                Good luck, you can do it.
                Love Paula.xx


                  inn on monday

                  Hi DG, Come on, girl, make it a challenge to yourself! Don't let the holidays be a reason to drink, instead, give yourself a gift. The gift of sobriety. The gift to yourself of feeling good, successful, in control, and proud. Look ahead and see yourself in January, after the holidays are long gone, looking back and saying, " I did it! My first holiday season AF and I feel great! I showed myself and others that it can be done, and now I'm 30+ days AF and it's on to bigger and better things in 2008!"
                  OR, you can "think about what I've said" for the next 30+ days and be unhappy. Unhappy because you are stressed over the holidays and drinking. Unhappy because this waiting until January to quit is really creating stress in itself. Unhappy because you know what you want to do and keep putting it off. Unhappy because you are unhappy. Because The Beast, our buddy 'AL', is in the driver's seat, and you're just riding along, waiting for the wreck to happen. I say it's time to switch drivers. What do you think?
                  DG, here at MWO we all care for eachother, and I know when someone slips we're suppose to support them, pat them on the back and say " poor baby, that's o.k., you can quit next time..." for fear of them going into seclusion and giving up if, god forbid, someone were to really talk to them and tell it like it is. The only problem with this kind of support is I think there are people who abuse it and use this site as kind of a place to come to everytime they decide to drink because they know it will "be o.k.". I think these people aren't really serious yet about wanting to solve their drinking problem, they're just "playing the part". I say all this to you, and I'll probably upset some people for doing so, because I have never felt that you were one on those who were "playing the part". I've always felt you are very real and sincere about this drinking thing and really want to tackle it and beat it.
                  So that's my 2 cents worth. We all care for you and want you to be happy. Whatever you do, you know we'll always be here.
                  Have a good week DG...



                    inn on monday

                    Ah, Chief - You are one of the most caring people I have ever met.

                    I do know what you mean about the "everything will be o.k." approach. I really have to stay away from that. When I first came here that really bothered me. Then when I slipped a few times I found it comforting - too much. I did, have an epiphany, though. I also saw that this was not o.k., for me and won't be allowing myself to get into that arena again. I don't feel right about taking that kind of support, as heart-felt, and truly supportive as it is. I know everyone truly means it when they give the support, but I, for one, can't accept it any longer or I would get into a vicious cycle. I decided that if I was going to do that I would be in MODS. We have all slipped, and all need support, but it is also really important for me that if I truly want to be AF I need AF suppport and hard conversations about being AF - I am speaking for myself only! So, thanks for bringing that up. I have been thinking about it, too... It's a hard truth, but I needed to see it in print..

                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

