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Tuesday 20 Nov at the Inn...

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    Tuesday 20 Nov at the Inn...

    Hello Inn-Mates,
    Thank you all for being here!! A quick post.. another very hot day.. drinking iced water.. it's Tuesday evening here and imagine you all in bed.. soon to be Tuesday morning for you.. day 3af for me..
    Love to all!

    Tuesday 20 Nov at the Inn...

    gday fickle, 36deg c here in melb 99 for those farenheiters. well done cat, day 4 here!! concentrating on positive thoughs is working for me. I have my daughters dancing concert tonight (3 yrs and 4 yrs old) should be fun.

    I feel that a great weight has been lifted from me finally. I have been thinking of all the bad things that have happened to me while drinking, because of drinking. Previously trying af without knowing that it is the way it has to be for me made it harder. now that I feel that it has clicked it shouldnt be a problem.

    thank all

    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


      Tuesday 20 Nov at the Inn...

      Morning Innies!

      Well, the snow has gone and it's just grey and bleuurgh here today. The dogs want to stay in bed rather than go for a walk :H're sounding so focussed and positive...great!

      Fickle....well done on Day gets better and better with each day.

      I've got two social things coming up (today and tomorrow).....both with drinkers but I'm feeling fine about it......sparkling water and lime for me...yum!

      I noticed a stick in the hallway.....half chewed and covered with slime....I think Al is getting so p'd off with how well we're doing that he has resorted to taking out his frustrations on the won't work, Nerd-face, we're the Innies and we're STRONG!!! The stick has now fully recovered, but I've retired it to a Home for Retired Sticks up in the Lake District so it will have a happy, slime-free life from now on.

      Keep focussed everyone......we want to stay centred and calm - and we CAN.

      Suze x
      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


        Tuesday 20 Nov at the Inn...

        al hates positive energy so keep on radiating it! btw have an interview for that job next tues. the recruitment agent emailed the employer my resume and they wanted to see me asap! sounds promising!
        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


          Tuesday 20 Nov at the Inn...

          Good Morn'in Innies -

          Its so great to wake up and read successes - Fickle, Max, Suz, way to lead the charge! Be careful - Day 4-5 were doozies for me. Different with everyone, but stay focused on the positive and pretty soon you'll be amazed at the days whizzin by.

          Good luck with the job interview Max & glad you slayed the beast - you sent him to the room with that slimy stick Suze has been neglecting.

          Limes, lemons and sparkles to you all! Have a wonderful.

          Day 11 - oh yea Attached files [img]/converted_files/369691=2484-attachment.gif[/img]
          "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


            Tuesday 20 Nov at the Inn...

            Good morning innies

            No wonder Al is cheesed off, so much success going around. Day 22 for me and feeling good. Its wet and rainey here so am envious of you guys with either sunshine or snow.

            Have a great AF Tuesday everyone




              Tuesday 20 Nov at the Inn...

              Good Morning INNmates!!

              Max-How wonderful that you've made a breakthrough!! Sometimes it takes that shift in our perception to make all the difference. Keep focused!! We're going to need extra patrols here over the holidays and I know Chief is going to need all the help he can get.

              Enjoy watching your little girls dance tonight and good luck on the interviews. Yep 99 degrees is a whole lot different from 39, keep cool man!!

              Fickle- Great great going on day 3!! You can actually go a liitle wild with that ice water and add some lemon!! Every time I see your kitty I have to giggle, total relaxation!!

              Suze- Hey girl! Sounds like you've got a good plan for the upcoming socila events! Not surprisingly, you show the same care and compassion for your beloved sticks as you do for your fellow INNmates. I'm so glad to hear of the recovery of your little buddy, as I hear that AL's slime can be lethal.

              G2G - Great going on Day 11. But I must clear up a misunderstanding that you have. Suze never, ever neglects her sticks.!

              Our beloved Suze, out of the kindness of her heart goes to the deep dark woods with Sven to collect them and it just takes them hours and hours!! She then goes to her room with Ivan and spends many more hours applying her special AL repellant. She then leaves them outside her door for us to collect as we need them to ward off the beast. So please, don't ever think of our Suze as neglectful.

              Rus- I know what you mean, dreary here also we're supposed to get rain later today. But that's ok, we're supposed to have snow by the weekend. Go figure. Day 22, Yahooooo!!

              Wonder- Hope you're well Honey. I went back and read some of yesterdays post and it sounds as if you've got some sadness/chaos going on in your adopted families. Please let us know what we can do to help.

              July- Thanks for stopping in with your wisdom from the mountain top, its always great to hear your kind and rational words.

              Chief- Looks like you are going to have to call up the troops for the holiday season buddy. Al has been very busy and resourseful as of late. He's even been trying his tricks on Satori of all people but the wise one was too smart for him!!

              Bethany- Not everyone takes meds. Not everyone takes sups. What tools people choose to use to help them remain AF is an entirely personal choice. I think what I learned from last weeks seminar was that long term abstinance is not so much dependent on supps or meds as it is on growth. But whatever your doin' keep going, your doing great!!

              The cable guy made it and this new remote, Holy Cow!! Looks like something from the Starship Enterprise! Big learning curve here. Another adventure in technology!!

              Off to the shower, then to the grocery and then to work. Check back in later.

              Love and Peace
              Rob Attached files [img]/converted_files/369716=3698-attachment.gif[/img] [img]/converted_files/369716=2395-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/369716=2396-attachment.jpg[/img]


                Tuesday 20 Nov at the Inn...

                Sorry for being MIA last night, got no time on the computer - I get frustrated about that, but can't say much when hubby needs it for work related stuff. But tomorrow is my "sanity Wednessday", so will have more time.

                Suze - oh keeper of the sticks - I'm keeping mine under my pillow. Nice and handy, but bit of an owie if you roll over on it!

                Congrats to all of you who are keeping your's handy too, we have quite an offensive line built up here! Go team!

                Well, off to work again. Hopefully the highways will be better today lots of people in the ditch again yesterday - getting mighty tired of this, and only November!!! Think this is what I should be driving to work - But the countdown is on!

                11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - working days left till FREEDOM

                Have a good day, all!
                The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                  Tuesday 20 Nov at the Inn...

                  Morning Innmates!

                  Love the aussies stoking the fire so early - get to wake up to an already hopping thread!

                  Thanks Rob for your kind concern. I woke up this morning (after a really solid night's sleep), feeling somewhat resolved and rested. Thank God.

                  Off to an appointment - more later. luv you guys :h -
                  wonder xx


                    Tuesday 20 Nov at the Inn...

                    Mornin' sunshines!

                    Well, I woke up early, so I have time to catch up a bit before running to get my hair done. Getiing my hair done is quite an ordeal... I have long locks of dark red hair, so it takes a few hours.. my hair boys love me, though!!

                    Getting ready to gear up for the Thanksgiving rush here! We don't have much snow, so the resort may not be as busy - but it usually is just as crazy in town. It is such a magical little resort when it is snow covered and festive. I love it!

                    Hannah - YIPPEE!!! What ever will you do with yoru self.. we must have a part for you.. let's rent out the penthouse and invite Lenny Kravits - Oh, I just think he is lushes - saw him on the music awards Sunday.. mmmmm

                    Rob - STEP AWAY FROM THE REMOTE.. I still swear I zapped my microwave while trying to figure mine out.. my husband says it's not possible, but it happened right at the same time - a conicidence - I THINK NOT!

                    Suze - Bleek here, too - actually frickin' freezing 7 degrees, yup, tha's 7! I DON't want to go out either - I'm with the dogs!

                    Maxman - Sounds like you are definately feeling the shift! I am so proud of you - and the job interview is very exciting. I wish you all the luck in the world!! CONGRATS on day 4! Stay strong through day 5, and you are on your way! Keep close today...

                    Fickle - Can't imagine being that hot.. I'm running around looking fro my slippers. I have Big Tile flooring WHAT WAS I THINKING - looks great, but cold until I heat it up! CONGRATS on DAY 3! Stay close for the next few days, they can be tricky.. post tons!!

                    Rustop - Yes, we seem to be doing pretty well INN here!! CONGRATS on day 22!! Only 8 more to go for the big party - I've picked out my shoes already!

                    Go2Gal - CONGRATS on Day 11! Feels so nice to get to those double digits, huh?! I don't know what it is, but itt just get so much easiet. I'm so glad you are doing so well. You sound really good!

                    Well.. gotta go pack my low-carb days food, get my little one up and head out for the day..

                    Have a wonderful day to all here and all to come!!



                    Day 20 here! I'm in the 2's - yippee!
                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      Tuesday 20 Nov at the Inn...

                      Hey Wonder.. Cross posted.. Have a great day.. Great to see you!!!!!


                      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                        Tuesday 20 Nov at the Inn...

                        First of all, Well Done to all who are adding up the AF days! You are doing great. Stay focused and keep AL at bay... we can all do this.

                        Now, get this...

                        I'm at work yesterday, and I was scheduled to have Wed-Sun off because of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Well, they were looking at our schedule and decided that I didn't need to come in today either, so that means I will have Tues-Sun off! Well, I thought that was great and as I was leaving work, guess who I ran into......The Beast, right up in my face and personal! All of a sudden I COULD HEAR The Beast say, " Aw, come on buddy, you have 6 days off, it's the holidays, you could drink some beer, enjoy yourself, and get back to AF on Monday and no one would ever know!".

                        After I recovered from getting hit right between the eyes, I was flabberghasted! And then I got pissed. I said to The Beast, " You have got to be shittin' me! I've gone 101 days AF and you have the BALLS to show up here and suggest that I take a drink? Are you out of your fu**in' mind? Get the Fu** out of my face, you dirty rotten bastard..."

                        And it was gone as fast as it arrived.

                        Last time I saw him, he was walking away, holding his groin....

                        It's the holiday season, my friends... it's time to pull out the big guns...



                          Tuesday 20 Nov at the Inn...

                          WOW.. Chief.. well, just goes to show - you just can't let your guard down! Shesh! Hopefully he will be licking his BALLS through Thanksgiving so he won't bother me! I have a big grown-up party to go to... uping my Topamax today to be prepared...

                          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                            Tuesday 20 Nov at the Inn...

                            You know, I was reluctant to post my experience with The Beast yesterday because I can just hear The Beast saying to some of you, " See, if The Beast is still messing with Chief, after 100+ days, then how am I suppose to beat him?"
                            You beat him the same way I do. Recognition and termination. No debating.

                            Let's kick it up a notch, guys...



                              Tuesday 20 Nov at the Inn...

                              CHIEF!!! It's never least not in my view. It's a lifelong challenge.
                              And what's that old saying - something about it's easier to stay stopped than to get stopped.
                              A lesson I'm learning all over again. ARGGHH! I really hate that AL and I don't want him in my head or my house!

                              Way to keep your eye on the ball chief!
                              Glad you'll still be on security detail ...............
                              luv wonder XX

