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Nov. 20 - Tues.

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    Nov. 20 - Tues.

    Hi Everyone: I'm starting to get over the jet lag from our trip. I'm also working through some issues that have cropped up here at home. I can't emphasize enough how grateful I feel that I didn't let myself drink through all this stuff. I know I would have pre-MWO. I did think about it a little on Sunday, but I visualized how awful I would have felt afterwards. And the problems still would have been there anyway. Thanksgiving is coming up, & I have always gotten pretty drunk & felt hungover the next day. This Thanksgiving will be different. I will not be drinking. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Nov. 20 - Tues.

    Hi Mary, You are doing a great job. Stay strong and don't drink. No matter what. The holidays are tough but I think The Beast uses that as an excuse in our minds. There are plenty of people who don't drink and they have all the same stresses we do, the same holidays, the same pain in the ass family situations, everything, and they don't drink. So I think sometimes we escalate the stress by allowing The Beast to hang onto the notion that maybe, just maybe, taking a drink is an option. It is not.
    We're proud of you. Have a good day...



      Nov. 20 - Tues.

      Good for you Mary. The more AF experiences you encounter sober-the stronger you become. You realize that not all of life's up's & down's need an alcoholic crutch to deal with them. But a warning of being over-confident: that alcohol monster can bitch slap you when you least expect it. I now look forward to situations (ie. phony-in-law social gatherings) because I do them sober now. They know I have a problem & it gives me pleasure to know that they no longer have power over me.

      Wow-just as I was typing this a big fox ran across my yard. I live in the burbs with some woods & it's not that common to see them. It's sad because my town is over developing & forcing animals out of their habitat.

      Speaking of Nature-whahhhhhh......our Froggie died. It must have been the trauma from getting caught in the filter or the fact that I added more plants & a new "ornamental" home for it. The water was a little chillier than usual. Who knows....I'm sad. I'm a frog killer. That's 2 this year! My son wants to replace it. Go figure. I go out & get a special filter & it goes & "croaks" on me-literally. RIP.

      Today we had our first snow! Yeah. Hubby is working from home because the kids have a half day & we meet with both their teachers this afternoon (parent/teacher conference).

      Well-gotta run. Have to pick up son in awhile-so need to get out of th sweats.

      Have a great AF day everyone!

      in memory of Froggie 11/20/07 Attached files [img]/converted_files/369760=2501-attachment.gif[/img]
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        Nov. 20 - Tues.

        Hi Don-we were posting same time-have a good one!
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          Nov. 20 - Tues.

          Hi All,

          Yes, RIP Froggie. I'm sure you'll get it right soon, Breez! You tried hard. Lovely on the first snow. I'm envious; it's just been cold, damp and dreary here, but no snow! :upset: I hope y0ur conferences go well.

          Congrats on recently passing 100 days Chief. Be Proud!

          I'm glad that you are looking forward to a sober Thanksgiving, Mary. You will be happy and proud for not drinking.

          I'm getting ready for Thanksgiving too. Most of my family are not big drinkers so I'm not too worried. I can always have some AF wine if I want. It feels so much better to be sober. Right now, I'm more worried about my daughter, who is sick at school and also having some love-life problems. I have had a few tearful phone calls in the last few days, and it really tugs at my heart strings. Also, she is travelling by train to see her father for the holiday, and he and his wife have a new baby. Dad is all worried about the baby catching her cold, and they don't have room for her at his place, so she has to stay at her grandfather's. It may not seem to be much to all of you, but that has been the story of her life--always having to accomodate to her father, rather than vice versa. I am so aggravated with him, I could spit. She will have to find her own way with all of this; I sure wish I could help more.

          Anyway, I'm still sober--that's the great thing!

          Hugs to all,:l

          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Nov. 20 - Tues.

            Kathy, It's hard to watch our kids growing when they are young adults. I've had similar problems with my ex. When the kids are young, you can go to battle for them. When they are young adults...not so much. But you are right, she will find her own way with all this. My boys are 27 and 30 now, and they love their mom, but they also know what she's made of...

            Have a good week,



              Nov. 20 - Tues.

              Top-o-the Tuesday ABerooos! whew it's been busy times for sure. I spent all afternoon loading packages to the UPS store and filling out all the labels by hand...I've almost forgotten how to write since I type so much now
              I'll be doing T-giving completely sober and have prepped the house accordingly with only N/A wines and beers. My family drinks but they also know I have a hard time and are willing to support me and drink my wierd wine. It is so nice to have support like that and I know many don't and my heart just goes out to them.
              It will be so nice to just relax a bit...can't wait.
              way to go on the AF days Chief!!!!
              bug hugs to you all and be well
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Nov. 20 - Tues.

                Glad for you Deter-
                it's always nice to have support. Makes it a hell of alot easier.

                Congrats Don-
                that 100 is such a great hurdle to jump over! That's AWESOME!

                Hi Kath-
                Poor Maddy. Poor you-being a "good" parent is so hard. You feel their every pain. Like you said-Maddy will figure things out. She has a sober mom & that is probably the best gift you can give her & an ear to listen when she needs it. Hope she feels better. Attached files [img]/converted_files/369794=2502-attachment.gif[/img] [img]/converted_files/369794=2503-attachment.gif[/img]
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

