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Curves info for rob - and anybody else

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    Curves info for rob - and anybody else

    Rob, you had asked me about Curves yesterday at the Inn. I figured I would start a new thread so the information is more visible for any women with a goal to exercise more.

    Curves is a women only health club with a specific, targeted circuit work out. The workout takes about 30 minutes for the circuit, and an additional 10 minutes or so for stretching. For someone like me, the very targeted approach (one specific workout) along with the women only environment - which I think is very fun, at least at the club near me - it's perfect.

    Curves is a very successful franchise that now spans many countries. To find out more about Curves, and to find Curves locations, visit Curves International - Women's Fitness Franchise and Weight Loss Program.

    The club I go to is a "Shining Star Club" which I guess in the world of Curves franchises, means that Curves "corporate" considers this to be a good club. I've sure had a great experience there so far. It's a very upbeat and supportive environment. The owners are very involved, there are trainers there who know the circuit, and can offer advice all the time, and the members are terrific. So much of what makes my own experience terrific for me has to do with the membership and the nature of the owners and employees. So I'm sure each club has it's own "personality."

    While I'm sure the Curves "higher ups" wouldn't necessarily say this, I think Curves caters to a little bit older crowd "on average" than the more typical "gym scene." I'm sure that varies by location, and also by time of day. But I'm sure happy to be working out with the women I am working out with. LOL - I've learned more tips and tricks for dealing with pre-menopause in the last week than I EVER learned from my mother. (I have the benefit of being able to work out when many women my age - 49 - have to be at work)

    Rob, don't hesitate to go check it out. Also, don't hesitate to ask if there is any "try before you buy" program. I was able to get my Mom a 7 day free pass to "try before buying" and I was able to offer 30 days free membership to 3 of my acquaintances based on a holiday promotion. The Curves folks are smart when it comes to understanding the value of networking, and I certainly respect that!!

    Today they had the disco track on while I was working out, and I will admit to thinking of Wonder and her angel when the song "It's Raining Men" came on.

    Hope this helps. I'm sure it's more "blah blah" than you asked for!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    Curves info for rob - and anybody else

    Doggy- Thanks so much. I have checked out their website and it sounds really good. I think its much better to hear from people who have actually used a service to get a less "hyped" view of a facility.

    Their website mentions a nutritional porgram, is this part of the package or is it seperate?

    Thanks again.

    Love and Peace


      Curves info for rob - and anybody else

      Doggy & Rob - I have belonged to my local Curves for almost two years now, and I LUV it. Rob, I am sure you will too! And I am proof positive that it works - NOTHING has ever taken the inches off me like this program has. Even when I was really into exercise when I was younger, I could still not get rid of the "Hip fat" for lack of a better word - but the equipment at Curves is so unique, and so geared to what a woman needs - lets just say it works really well on the love handles.

      Glad you are enjoying it DG, knew you would!
      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


        Curves info for rob - and anybody else

        Hannah, thanks for the encouraging words!!

        rob, the nutritional program is extra. When I first joined Curves, the gal who signed me up suggested that I NOT spend the extra $$ just yet. I'm not sure if this is unique to the club I belong to, or if every Curves does this. part of the "Nothing to Lose" challenge that is going on for the holidays, I was able to give them 3 qualified leads for potential members, and get the Book for free that goes with the nutritional program. This also includes a free trial period to this program on the web site.

        So...I am now in a position to check it out and let you know what I think. I KNOW that low carb is the way to go food wise for me. Therefore, not so sure that I need a separate program. Hope this isn't too confusing!

        Hannah, your thoughts on the nutritional program thing????

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Curves info for rob - and anybody else

          DG - I've never actually looked into that too seriously - even when I first started, I never had much weight to lose, and have only lost about 5 or 6, just that I've tightened up, and my body fat ratio has changed dramatically - but from the exercise and extra calorie burning, not through diet. And of course, not having the calories of the booze.

          The way they do things at my local Curves is that they hold evening "classes" or "meetings" one day a week after the Curves normal hours, and they show videos, follow the program in the book, and do a six week program. Don't know if they pay extra for it or not, however - we don't have the option of buying the book, although I would love to get my hands on it. Have flipped through one once, and looked pretty interesting.

          Let me know how it works out for you. I know there have been some tremendous weight losses by some of the gals who go.
          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


            Curves info for rob - and anybody else

            Oh - and my local Curves is doing the "Nothing to Lose" promotion, but not giving out free books - just a chance to win a T-Shirt (big deal). So I am not into it because of the T-shirt, but am trying to commit to 3 days a week anyhow. It's a bit of a challenge while I am still working, because when I am up at 5:30, and then have a white knuckle drive to work, and work really hard all day (think lifting, carrying) then another white knuckle drive home - sometimes it's all too easy just to go striaight home and stay there. But soon won't be working, so will be much easier.
            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

