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Weds at The Inn

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    Weds at The Inn

    Morning all

    I had computer probs yesterday - couldn't get on here - felt devastated! :H

    My social thing yesterday went fine.....I drank water. Today's will be more of a challenge....more people and wine afficionados. They are nice moderate drinkers, too. I will be fine.....water suits me well

    I tried to post a thread in general discussion yesterday about let me down, so I'll nip over and post it now.


    Suze x
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

    Weds at The Inn

    Wednesday evening for me...

    Know how you feel Suze with the computer thing.. mine has its moments
    Congrats & keep up the good work with the social 'drinking' and keeping it cheerfully AF!! I hope to get better at it!

    Day 4 for me and not much to say as I am so tired, have taken to posting at night because I know by the end of the evening if I'm AF i've managed another whole day successfully and vanquished my fear of being 'fickle'!!

    Much love & gratitude to you all for your kind posts & encouragement.. am so glad to be in such good company.. and Chief, your posts bring to mind a story I heard today:

    A young student was asking a yoga master "why fast?" and the master's answer was "so that I may laugh at hunger!!" Now in a way I am visualising myself taking on that attitude with the ole beast. Just feel that pull it has and feel the power in myself just slappin it aside :H and carrying on!!

    As the days go on I start to crave sugar and I think yeast.. which is perhaps why when it became overwhelming last time a sip of light beer was the instant-fix for that craving. I am now certain I must do a no-carb diet for at least a week to kill whatever that beast is that is demanding sugar!! Years ago when attempting to go AF & complaining of serious cravings somebody laughed at me and said "it's that candida beast! :licked: It's got you and it's not gonna let you go without a fight!!" So maybe there is something in that idea too! I've been waiting to get enough AF days under my belt to join the Atkins diet thread to hopefully head off the beast before the cravings start to get too bad!!

    In the meantime though i'm off early to bed again!! Not drinking does that to me for some reason.. I need sleeeeeeep and lots of it!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!
    Love & strength to all!! :l


      Weds at The Inn

      Suze - that's ruff-re-poota....but brilliant re outings....well done. Lovely to discover it's possible to have fun with water isn't it?!? Good luck later.

      Just checking in to the lobby for a bit of moral (or something!) support...I've got to have a tooth out later on today......blah. I think it's upper right wisdom tooth and as I had upper left out a few years back and survived....but that's not the tooth that hurts so I will be being very sure before he starts (lovely Oirish guy!). Think that might just help me to relax a bit more (!?!?!?) if I know he's in the right place! Then all that salt water washing and bad taste/breath for a few days.............oh bu**er-blah-poo-sod.................. but will be able to eat on my 'favourite' side again after a while! (Trying for some positives here!)

      Some sun down here today TG....yesterday was a bit like 'after the bomb'...awful, dark, sinister, cold, wet......couldn't get going at all and was so tired!! Was it just me?

      And daughter #2 is poorly is her boyfriend - off we went for mono/GF tests.... I so hope she hasn't got that...this is her'gap-year-to-get-diplomas-exams-into Uni-concerts sung-choirs conducted....' Soooooh much planned and needed. And if you go down, your voice does too....not such a problem if you're a pianist....but she's a singer. Poo! Cross everything for her please?

      So lovely to check in and catch up on everyone's news.....maintains a little pocket of sanity in my pea brain! (i.e. very small pocket!)

      Will pop in later.....for some TLC? Pretty please?! Ice pack? Hottie? Cloves?

      Love and hugs to all
      FMS xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        Weds at The Inn

        Hi fellow innies

        Hope all goes well with the dentist FMS and also that your daughter is soon feeling better. It's that time of year with all sorts of bugs. Have been lucky so far but walk nearly every day and I think that boosts the immune system. Am also taking the supplements.

        Well done Fickle on Day 4, you too Suze for sticking to water. This is probably the hardest time of year for everyone.

        Catch you all later.



          Weds at The Inn

          Good morning INNmates!! Just a brief checkin, then off and running.

          Suze- Sorry your computer was acting up yesterday!! Hope the problem is temporary. Don't know what I'd do without my daily MWO "fix". It sounds as if you are managing AF very well at parties, good for you. Do you have portable sticks? Wait, I guess those would be wands huh?

          Fickle- Great going on day 4- Some find that a tricky one. I did like the laughing at hunger story, substitute laughing at the beast. Thanks for the reminder about the carbs/sugar/yeas substitutions for alcohol. That was one of those things that I knew and had forgotten. I'm really bad about skipping meals and when I do get around to eating I tend to grab really high carb stuff. I need to add more quality protien to my diet.

          FMS- We need to get you and your kids to a sunny beach somewhere for a week or two, pump you up with some fresh native fruits and fresh natives!! Waves crashing on the beach, soft warm breezes. Lots and Lots of cabanna boys!! Wow, I just gave myself a little shiver!! Hope the nun's not around.

          Rus- As always glad to know that you're checking in and keeping up with us.

          Well so much for a quick check in but I do need to take off lots to do and I'm working a half day today.

          I will stop back later. I want to talk about repeating those holiday patterns that we had when we were drinking that created stress that we drank away. I'll give you a hint, I was up till 1:30 am cleaning the kitchen and when I finally got to bed couldn't sleep for some time because I was running my to do list in my head.

          See ya later.
          Love and Peace
          Attached files [img]/converted_files/370114=2504-attachment.jpg[/img]


            Weds at The Inn

            Good Morning Inn-groupies - Happy Turkey prep if you are in the US, and happy day to the rest of the world!

            Talk about the Beast - We are getting ready to gather with family and connecting with the ol', "what do you want me to bring for the meal?" "Squash, pumpkin pie?" (its such an easy menu)... Well, this particular host is one who loves to cook in a big way, so doesn't tell you what to bring - he does it all... But this year, he actually had a request, - Could you bring Wine?

            OK, I'll bring the wine.....and the limes & lemons for water.....and the teabags.

            12 Days AF
            "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


              Weds at The Inn

              Go2, He doesn't know you have quit drinking...he thinks you are still a wino!


                Weds at The Inn

                Hey Chief -

                Thanks for all your support and mentoring - you are a candle at this moment in time, buddy. I think I am Still a Wino - love the stuff, the bouquet, the smooth Chardonnays, the Pinots, ah...but RIGHT NOW, at this moment, I love Not enjoying the wine so much more - I love what I am seeing about myself and learning how to cope in other ways.

                G' Day, mates
                "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


                  Weds at The Inn

                  Well, more snow during the night. Wow, looks to be quite a winter. So, so glad I will soon have a choice as to whether or not I want to ?venture out?.

                  May be a lazy day ahead then - will try to get over to Curves today if the road isn?t too bad - lots of times the streets in the city are much worse than the highway - but at least not such high speed driving.

                  Otherwise, may throw a roast in the oven later - yummmmmm.

                  Suze - be sure to take one of your portable sticks along with you when you go to your social event - and good on you for breezing through the last one with all your AF stars intact!

                  Fickle - I thnk the sugar craving thing is pretty common. I am TRYING to stick to a diet with lots of fresh fruits and veggies and lean meats, but those ol? chocolate bars still have me in their clutches - Suze isn?t the only one! I finally bundled up the last of the Halloween mini Coffee Crisps and threw them into the garbage - and not my garbage either - the one outside the Wall Mart on my way in! Didn?t want any midnight cravings making me go get that bag back out of my own garbage (Oh, the confessions you hear on this thread sometimes - Ha!)

                  Finding - Oh! Owwie! Sending you lots of hugs and ibuprophen! Hope the whole experience isn?t too bad. Remember to put that tooth under your pillow for the tooth fairy! And hoping daughter/bf are on the mend?.take care you guys.

                  Hi Rustop! Good to see you! Rob, don?t work too hard. You sound a lot like me, cleaning the kitchen at midnight?.definitely a night owl, and NOT a morning person!

                  Go2 - sending you good vibes to get through the ?wine? experience ?wine free?. How about bringing a good AF wine?

                  Well, off to sort some laundry - will check back later - have a good day, all!
                  The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                    Weds at The Inn

                    hey there well did day 5 no worries, gave my wife a massage, think I am starting to get back into her good books! had a little bit of anxiety though during the day, saw my councellor in the evening all ok, Does anyone have any issues with not eating properly?

                    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                      Weds at The Inn

                      I did Max....took a while. I just ate little and often (didn't seem so daunting!) and as well as possible......(along with the sugar boosts!!)

                      Ouch, ouch,, ouch. The dentist was.....lovely, kind, gentle...everything....but I found it really alarming. But, it's out now (upper wisdom tooth) and just HURTING!!! So, bed in a minute with a bucket (2!) of ibuprofen or parcetamol....

                      Had to 'laugh' - yes - my dentist of of the Emerald Isles (Irish) and with a twinkle in his eye suggested that a bottle or two of wine might take the pain away ...but not to be taken until tomorrow....and look out for the hangover....and being crabby...and...and.... Hmmm, I said, yes, I'm glad I don't go there. Then as I went he gave me the salt-water wash low-down etc and said, No booze today if you can and I assured him I wouldn't.... Then I got home and thought later, I don't
                      mind any more!!! Yea! When I had a root canal filling last April - well, let's just say it was a different reaction!!

                      Keep at this thing - it's good! BTB....(BanThe Beast!!) BTBB - Ban The B***** Beast!!!

                      So hope everyone's day's been good in lots of ways and 'bad' bits have been handled OK...

                      For all of you over The Pond and beavering away ready for Thanksgiving....thinking of you...lots of good wishes coming from me to you...

                      Ouch - can't think straight...I'll pop in tomorrow....thanks for the morale was good to think of you all while I was in the chair....! sorry! But you all helped - you did!

                      Love FMS xxxx
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                        Weds at The Inn

                        Evenin all:

                        Back from work, getting ready for round 2 of chores and prep for tomorrow. I keep telling myself that the more I get done ahead of time the more time I have to actualy spend with family. This year it may actually be true as I'm not working through an alcoholic fog!

                        What I mentioned earlier is that I put so much pressure on myself to get everything right that I stress myself out, in the past, it has led me to drink to relieve the stress. Not so this year. Still pushing myself, but not feeling the need to drink. In part, I think because I come here to blow off steam and distract myself from myself by seeing what you all are up to. My own little sanity break.

                        G2G - Oh my gosh, you're bringing the wine?? How ironic!! I can't imagine someone else cooking the holiday meal. One year my husband and I went out to a resturant buffet for thanksgiving and were informed by our grown children that, that was not to become a standard practice.

                        In truth, my husband and I both enjoy having the family over for big holiday meals even with all the work and chaos.

                        Chief - Keep a close eye on the perimeter tonight, I hear our slimy friend is incognito as of all things a I guess he thinks we're all vegans here.

                        Hannah- Thanks to you and Doggy for the info on Curves. I'll try to get to the local one Friday before work to check it out.

                        Be careful on the snow!! The driving is just wacky here this evening. The day before a holiday and its raining, bad combination. Unless there's a cranberry emergency, I'm staying in!!

                        Max- Yes, eating issues here!! I am a bad eater. I skip meals and then eat junk once I'm famished. However, today while in the grocery, I did grab a protien bar instead of a Snickers, baby steps.

                        I think I need the nutritional equivialant of Chief to whip me into shape because I know how important it is to eat healthy foods, I know what they are. MM has put together wonderful Adkins meal plans. Its just a matter of getting my head out of my butt and putting in the effort to preplan meals have the food on hand and taking the time to eat it.
                        Hmmm. I think I just gave myself a lecture. Now if I will just listen to myself.

                        Max-massages are always good at getting into the wife's good books.

                        Ok, off to get the cornbread dressing started and maybe the pumpkin pies.

                        Check in later
                        Love and Peace


                          Weds at The Inn

                          Max - Congrats on day 5! I?m glad things with your wife are looking better too. Re the eating thing - yes, that?s common. FMS?s advice to eat often in small amounts is good, and also drink lots and lots of water. A common trigger to drinking binges is being too hungry or thirsty.

                          Rob - Can I come for supper? Sounds delish! Of course, in Canada Thanksgiving occurs much earlier, and ours is over, so tomorrow will be just another day here?
                          My roast is cooking away and smells lovely - and hubby just phoned and he is several hours away and won?t be here for supper! Aarrrrrggg! Hate it when that happens. But then #1 and only son just phoned, and asked if I could get tomorrow off because he has someone coming to install a central vac - so will be using one of my precious remaining holiday days - and I asked him over for supper. So still have someone to cook for, yay!

                          Rob, hope you don?t have any cranberry emergencies. I don?t want to go anywhere either - the roads even in the city here are absolutely terrible - this city is notorious for not cleaning the streets - so they are all rutted and icy and really, really scary to drive on - the residents are getting somewhat at arms about this - the city says they have spent their snow removal budget already - HUH? WHAT? This is only November - if the budget is already spent then give your head a shake - obviously the budget isn?t enough!!!!

                          I spent the afternoon looking at various continuing education sites - I plan to take some computer classes once I am done work. Years and years ago I worked in an accounting office, as well as several one girl offices, and think that?s where I am headed again - but need to be able to say I have those computer courses. I can do almost anything you ask me on a computer, but don?t have the diplomas to prove it, and seems employers want that. My hubby has said he doesn?t care if I work, but he is betting I will go stir crazy sitting at home - and I think he is right! But won?t be in quite as much of a hurry as he is thinking!

                          Well, should go peel the spuds. Talk at ya later.
                          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                            Weds at The Inn

                            Finding - For you

                            Hope you mouth feels better soon! Are you icing it? A bag of peas works great. Take care, my friend.
                            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                              Weds at The Inn

                              Hello Inn Guests,

                              Max- eating or not does play up and down w/ blood sugars and moods. A body of literature in both the alcoholic community and athletic community shows how related our fuel and behaviour is. During my first 60 days AF I was very consious to keep on a good schedule of eating. How often is more important at day 5 than what you eat. Don't go too long between meals b/c that can trigger a craving for alcohol.

                              Hannah- I 'm jealous for your snow, send some south and east.

                              Rob- what time is dinner? Sounds amazing.

                              FMS- take care of those chompers.

                              G2G, Chief, WW and other Inn-sters have a good Thanksgiving.


                              Day 118 AF

