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Thursday, Nov 22..Thanksgiving Day at The Inn

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    Thursday, Nov 22..Thanksgiving Day at The Inn

    To all my American friends...Happy Thanksgiving!

    To all my friends in the rest of this small world... Happy Thursday and feel free today to take a moment and give thanks for everything that is good in your life. No matter what your problems are, there is someone who is going through a harder time.

    There has been alot of hoopla about getting through today AF. Thanksgiving, when we get together with family and friends to enjoy a nice dinner and give thanks, has , for us alcoholics, become the unofficial start of the "binge drinking season". We have used this 6 week period from Thanksgiving through New Years to consume as much alcohol as we can, because, after all (or AL), it is expected.

    And now, even after going through the pain of those first few days AF, or in some cases, weeks, there are those who are still allowing The Beast to plant that seed in our mind. Still, the thought that "I can't possibly go through the holiday season without drinking. It's just too much stress, too much temptation. Everyone else will be doing it..." enters our mind.

    We spend so much time on MWO, this wonderful site we have all found, discussing our struggles...the battle...The Beast and it's cunning and devious ways....and yet, here we are, allowing him to successfully encourage self doubt.

    In my mind, here we are, at the beginning of the holiday season, and we have all been together a long time. We've gone to battle for eachother, we've laughed at eachother, cried with eachother, and now it's showtime. We can talk the talk, but can we walk the walk..

    I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your day with friends and family. I thank you all for helping me beat The Beast.
    I, for one, will be walking today...


    Thursday, Nov 22..Thanksgiving Day at The Inn

    Thanks, Chief!

    I will be enjoying the season with all it's craziness, mad dashing around, crazy work schedule, birthdays!, and parties ALL AF.. This 6 weeks are about getting my butt in shape - that is my gift to myself..

    I can't imaging going through a 6 week hangover - oh, my - just the thought.. I am THANKFUL!

    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      Thursday, Nov 22..Thanksgiving Day at The Inn

      Chief.......Thank you!

      I am cheerful and upbeat this day 4 of being AF! Yep! more crazy thoughts that mods is even possible for me, I want to live my life to the fullest!

      One thing that I am extremely grateful for is finding MWO back at the end of August, finding people like you, Satori and Star amongst many others...finding bootsie, my new bff and soul! I have a lot to be greatful for!

      I am grateful for my wonderful family and friends who have loved me through all of the drinking.......but love to be with me far more when I am sober! Hell! I love me more AF!!

      Wishing everyone a safe, and happy Thanksgiving, whether in the US or not, we can all pause and give thanks for those things thate we are grateful for.

      Love to All,
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        Thursday, Nov 22..Thanksgiving Day at The Inn

        i am afing with you sister. grateful for my katey kate.... day 6 af for mama. slipped on said banana peel last weekend. am grateful for being AF and grateful for my mwo family. knowing that it is possible for me to have a life that is full and rich and sane.. sanity first. and grateful to find freedom in each and every breathe.... unleashing the chains that have bound me. much love and gratitude to all.


          Thursday, Nov 22..Thanksgiving Day at The Inn

          A 'quiet' day at The Inn I am sure!!! Lots of Thaksgiving stuff going on 'over there'!! So, just dropping in to say Hello! I hope it is going really well for everyone and I am thinking of you and sending my thanks to you all for being here and being people I am proud to call my friends.

          THANK YOU!!

          Love and lots of thanksgiving hugs
          FMS xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            Thursday, Nov 22..Thanksgiving Day at The Inn

            Me Too! A quick pop-in to say Happy Thanksgiving to all - hope everyone's having a good day!

            luv, wonder xxooxx


              Thursday, Nov 22..Thanksgiving Day at The Inn

              Special Thanksgiving sticks available at Reception.....they are so cute - decorated with turkey feathers and all......

              Waking up sober and feeling great tomorrow is the best present ever for staying AF today.....that's REALLY worth giving thanks for! Happy Holiday to the Yanks!:H

              Suze xx
              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                Thursday, Nov 22..Thanksgiving Day at The Inn

                Happy Thanksgiving Inn Guests,

                I just saw a turkey run free and a decapitated AL fall behind the kitchen. Sure looked like Chief with an ax headed back inside. That poor AL never had a chance.

                Hope you all have a good holiday in the states and a g'day wherever else you may be.


                Day 119 AF


                  Thursday, Nov 22..Thanksgiving Day at The Inn

                  Hi again Innmates -

                  Hey, Uncle Hall was peeking in the frosty windows saying what a great day for champagne with family and friends all around....can't let your guard down for a second, that bad uncle always has a reason to bring us down. No way today, bad guy, it's day 13 AF, and its been a blast just the way it is.

                  Go 2 Goal
                  "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


                    Thursday, Nov 22..Thanksgiving Day at The Inn

                    OK.. friends.. i'm off for the night.. I plan to stay AF and have a wonderful tme! Hubby feels the same way - yeah! We plan to stay for dinner and head out as quick as we can. He has to work tomorrow and I want to avoid the after dinner party. I asked him if we could skip the second party. It is with some very old dear friends, but the whole group are very happy, heavy drinkers. These are great people, but I am not ready. He was great and said we would go over and visit them this weekend DURING THE DAY... Whew - that one scared me, I must say.

                    So, this year it's GOBBLE without the WOBBLE for me!!!!!!!

                    Namaste to all and enjoy your families!

                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      Thursday, Nov 22..Thanksgiving Day at The Inn

                      LET'S ROAST AL!!!!!!!
                      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                        Thursday, Nov 22..Thanksgiving Day at The Inn

                        Excellent idea! But not eat - perleeeze!?! He'll be the toughest pickled beasty ever known - UGH!
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          Thursday, Nov 22..Thanksgiving Day at The Inn

                          Whew!! What a day!! Busy, busy, busy!! Loads of fun, noise and of course food!! Needless to say I am one tired puppy.

                          I was a little surprised that nobody drank. My husband didn't buy any beer and nobody brought any. It would have been fine either way.

                          Anyway, It sounds as if everyone here has had a great day and is making really good choices about how to handle their holiday challenges. Thanks again Chief for helping us to keep focused.

                          See ya'll in the morning.

                          Love and Peace

