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Fri Nov 23 at The Inn

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    Fri Nov 23 at The Inn

    Well, after all the snow.....we've now got blazing sunshine and blue skies! The dogs are even lying outside doing an impression of sunbathing!

    Hope everyone is doing out for the Weekend Wobble......Al loves to smile sweetly at us on Friday nights. :devil:

    Suze x
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

    Fri Nov 23 at The Inn

    Good Morning INNmates!! I really slept in this am. Must be a turkey hangover!!

    Suze- Sounds like your weather is as crazy as ours. Weds. it was 65 degrees and yesterday it was 30s and rainy!! This morning sunny and cold, had to tell what the afternoon will bring.

    This evening we'll have the official opening of the new indoor lap pool and I will be introducing the lifeguard we hired His name is Lance.

    Maybe we can get Deter to whip us up a little somthing and we can have a pool party!!

    Off to shower, then work.

    Love and Peace
    Attached files [img]/converted_files/370801=2510-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/370801=2527-attachment.jpg[/img]


      Fri Nov 23 at The Inn

      Hi Rob, Suze and everyone to follow

      Looking forward to going for a swim later with Lance!!! Have a great week-end everyone.



        Fri Nov 23 at The Inn

        Where the heck is everybody.. I'm just running out of the spa.. will catch up when I get home....


        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          Fri Nov 23 at The Inn

          Quiet isn't it!! Turkey-ed out?!? Yes, after my Moon-Moan yesterday and two wet, foul, dark days I was rather dreading today....slept badly with loads of pain.... but with this beautiful clear, high blue sky and no wind (here)!..felt absolutely great! Went to a Mind, Body Sprit Festival in a hotel overlooking my favourite beach....stunning in every way.

          Great day!

          Love and hugs...that pool looks lovely....and Lance....42C's?!?
          FMS xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            Fri Nov 23 at The Inn

            Kind of quiet here at The Inn. Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and was able to keep AL at bay. Maybe everyone is out shopping today, enjoying the crowds.



              Fri Nov 23 at The Inn

              Hi guys, just a quick hello - am running back out the door again. Was sooo glad to get home today, must have been a million semi's on the road home, felt like I was in a convoy - not fun. Now the weekend!

              Oh, but if I only had the ENERGY to do that!

              Hope everyone had a great turkey day, and will have a great weekend in AF land.
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                Fri Nov 23 at The Inn

                Good evening INNmates!! Everyone must be down at the pool swimming laps!!

                I got home from work and decided to take a little nap=3 hours later, my sister called and woke me up.

                FMS- Glad you're having a better day today!

                MM-You are really racking up the days now.

                Hannah- Not too many days left on the job!!

                Chief- I think I saw Al creeping around the pool

                Ok, guys everyone have a great night.

                Love and Peace

