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The INN for 30 Sat. Nov. 24th

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    The INN for 30 Sat. Nov. 24th

    Good morning INNmates- Just a quick hi before I head out for a meeting of the executive planning committee for the family Christmas Party (shopping with my sisters).

    You all have a great day.

    I'll check back later.

    Love and Peace

    The INN for 30 Sat. Nov. 24th

    Good morning, Rob and everyone to come!

    I actually have to work today. I have three (celebrity-type) women I am putting eyelash extensions on. It is really fun, but I will be working until 7 tonight as it takes 2 hours for each person! Anyway, I love my work, so I don't mind and it keeps me out of trouble on a Saturday night.

    I had a great thanksgiving and day after. I poped in for a bit yesterday, but I spend most the day shopping...

    Well, have to run and get my dh and her little sleep-over friends up and ready to go.

    Check in later.

    Tomorrow, Sunday i hope every one will spend some time in the INN. Feel like we need a big group togetherness day - we've all been so busy getting ready for Thanksgiving, it would be good to spend some time to see how everyione is doing..

    Have a fantastic day!


    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      The INN for 30 Sat. Nov. 24th

      Where is everydobby today??? *wail* :upset:

      We think we've got a bug here and both of us have been having naps and feeling a bit yeeuuch. Now trying to get myself psyched up for the party tonight. Honestly, I can hardly be bothered! I'd much rather stay at home and nurse myself with a cup of tea and some rubbish telly But.....we gotta do what we gotta do. I'm going to seek out other sober folk and hope to leave as soon as is possible without being rude. Sigh.

      Hope everyone has a good Saturday - yes, I agree with MM - we need a big group hug at The Inn tomorrow:H Looking forward to the Shout out!

      Suze x A very not-in-the-mood for :banana: Suze
      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


        The INN for 30 Sat. Nov. 24th

        Suze - I do hope you feel better soon and the party goes/went OK....

        MM - the extentions are extended I hope! (I am sure!)

        Rob - I hope the planning commitee went well too!!

        Me - well, a lovely, amazing, wonderful, deeply moving and enlightening workshop at the Mind Body Spirit Festival....with a lovely lady I have worked with a few times now... ( - Home Page ) Then lunch with my two 'kids' (!) at the beach bar (in the rain but with impressive seas thundering up the beach!) and home to try adn mend (AGAIN) my son's laptop....every time he comes home it is bust....! And I know nothing! Anyone know what this means!?!?! Had me in stitiches anyway!! Wot a larf!!..

        "What is heap corruption? Simply put, heap corruption is the circumstance under which misbehaving code corrupts the data heap. (The data heap is a block of memory that the OS sets aside for an application to hold its data in.) To better understand this corruption, let's first revisit how a multithreaded OS and application work.
        Windows is both cooperative and preemptive. To implement the cooperative part, applications use synchronization objects that the OS provides. To determine the preemptive part, Windows uses a thread scheduler and a complex set of algorithms. When you're working with heap corruption, you must understand both of these concepts."

        Oh yea!?!?!? Of course you must.......! Sorry, wouldn't want to go out to dinner with someone who did understand! (Even if he could fix the pootas!!)

        So, hope you all have a great Saturday evening.....No Beasts Allowed....!!!

        Love FMS xx (My brain hurts!!!)
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          The INN for 30 Sat. Nov. 24th

          gday! Im back, got 3 days under my belt again, feeling good sunday morn here! today will be day 4. Hope youre feeling better suze,
          "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


            The INN for 30 Sat. Nov. 24th

            Max - Hello friend....I am so glad for you....WELL DONE!!!

            Have a good Sunday wont you.....(and send a little spare heat up here pretty please!?! Brrrrrrr!)

            Love FMS xxx
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              The INN for 30 Sat. Nov. 24th

              just got a call from the father in law and we are taking the kids into the city today for the safeway kids christmas party, at the melbourne showgrounds all free day should be fun!
              "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                The INN for 30 Sat. Nov. 24th

                Sounds grand Max....enjoy! Tell all about it! Hope the kids have HUGE grins on all day... (and the big kids too!)
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  The INN for 30 Sat. Nov. 24th

                  Enjoy Max! Have a wonderful time with your family. You sound great!


                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    The INN for 30 Sat. Nov. 24th

                    Evenin' All-Well, back from the meeting, with a few gifts bought, basic menu set for the family Christmas party and decisions made about the gift exchange.

                    Fairly productive day. Very funny day. There's always loads of laughter when I get together with these two sisters in particular. M was shopping all day yesterday and as a result has very sore glutemus maximus and I happen to have very sore knees today as a result of running up and down the steps for Thanksgiving on Thursday. Which resulted in much moaning, groaning and general complaining whenever M and/or I had to bend, sit, climb up or down steps, scoot or perform any movement that put stress on the affected body part/s. This of course delighted K, to no end. A and S who were along for ride also got a good deal of mileage at our expense.

                    M and I were quick to point out that anything bad that had happened today was K's fault. In fact it is our belief that anything that has ever happened ever in the entire world is her fault and we are pretty sure that this whole global warming thing could be laid at her doorstep.

                    Having cleared the air on these important issues, we went to dinner.

                    Seems like everyone is having a good day.

                    Suze- I hope we have lots of folks checking in tomorrow. I hope you feel better soon.

                    MM- I think people have been really busy lately. Eyelash extensions, wow!!

                    Max- Great on 4 days, hope you have a wonderful day with your family.

                    FMS- That computer stuff makes absolutely no sense to me It sounds as if you had a lovely time with your kids.

                    Time to go put my feet up for awhile.

                    Love and Peace


                      The INN for 30 Sat. Nov. 24th

                      Hello to anyone who's still about - not MIA, by the by - just very busy today. Went and got the last of my Chrsitmas shopping done - well, of course, until I remember that stuff I've forgotten - you know how it is.

                      My poor body is aching something terrible today - Finding, can I borrow your hot water bottle? :upset: I really hope that once I am done with work my body will heal itself and I will be able to get up in the morning and not walk with a hunch because my back won't relax enough to stand upright. Again - :upset:

                      Hubby is leaving on a business trip tomorrow, so it will be just me and the 'puter for a week - you'll see a lot more of me then - but meanwhile must run and get supper going. Will have more free time tomorrow, so looking forward to the "group checkin" and seeing everyone then.

                      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                        The INN for 30 Sat. Nov. 24th


                        Hello and I hope all survived Thanksgiving or just another weekend. A wet night on the mountain here with a spitting of ice...I wish it would just snow for real.

                        I hope you all have a relaxing Sunday that begins this new season.


                        Day 121 AF

