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sunday funday at the inn

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    sunday funday at the inn

    good morning innies!

    Had a great day today with the family took the girls on some carnival rides everyone had a great time. another af for max!

    feeling good about myself at the moment, still have a lot of stuff to sort out, but hey who doesnt, now have two interviews on tuesday and it seems that I may have to choose between jobs. also putting the business on the market. Had enough of working all the time, money isnt everything, my family is more important. one week off in 2 3/4 years isnt good enough. looking forward to trying something new. have another art show coming up in the next couple of weeks which should be good

    time for bed for max watch out for me!


    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson

    sunday funday at the inn

    Good Mornin Max-Night for you. Glad to hear that you're feeling so well. Its great to hear that you have choices about employment. I'm sure your interviews will go well. Living a "normal" life for awhile may help take some of the pressure off and let you reconnect with your family.

    Let us know how the show goes. Did they rescheduel the run?


      sunday funday at the inn

      max, glad you and the family enjoyed the christmas outing. sounds like a lot of fun. good luck on the interviews.


        sunday funday at the inn


        I am so happy that you had a wonderful time with your family. You sound great! I am going to be really thinking of you on Tuesday. It will be Tuesday for you before me, so I will look for you on my Tuesday morning to see how it went.

        All the best,

        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          sunday funday at the inn

          Hi Maxman - It sounds like many new things ahead for you. WAy to go!

          "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


            sunday funday at the inn

            You sound Good, Max. I wish you luck on your job interviews. You are isn't everything. Your family is what's important. Your kids will be gone before you know it, Max. You can always make more money.



              sunday funday at the inn

              Max - It's so good to hear you sounding so positive and upbeat. You have come a long way from the unhappy Max of a week or so ago -

              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

